Conference & Forum

1st ADB-Asian Think Tank Forum Innovation and Inclusion for a Prosperous Asia

30 Oct 2013 - 31 Oct 2013 Beijing, The People's Republic of China

“Innovation and Inclusion for a Prosperous Asia” was the theme of the 1st ADB–Asian Think Tank Development Forum held on 30–31 October 2013 at the Tangla Hotel in Beijing. The forum was organized by ADB in partnership with the Beijing office of the Asia–Pacific Finance and Development Center (AFDC), a think tank of the PRC Ministry of Finance. The forum gathered 130 participants, comprising mostly representatives of 47 think tanks from 26 countries in Asia and the Pacific. The discussions covered latest global and regional policy developments and country-specific experiences and policy issues on innovation and inclusion. The forum was organized into four sessions. The opening session was followed by a presentation and discussion on Asia’s Challenges and Opportunities in Scaling Up Innovation, followed by a session on Inclusive Growth in Asia: Retrospect and Prospects. Both these sessions included regional overviews and country perspectives. The fourth session was on Asian Think Tank Networking. Capping the forum was a visit to Beijing’s Forbidden City, giving the participants an opportunity for informal networking.

Session 1: Opening and Welcome
09:00-09:05Welcome remarks
Head, Asia-Pacific Finance and Development Center (AFDC)
09:05-09:10Opening remarks
Bindu Lohani, ADB Vice President for Knowledge Management
09:10-09:20Keynote address
Vice Minister, Ministry of Finance, the PRC
09:20-09:40 Photo session and coffee break
Session 2: Asia’s Challenges and Opportunities in Scaling up Innovation
Part One: Regional overview
09:40-10:00 Structural Transformation in Asia
Jesus Felipe, Advisor, ADB
10:00-10:20 Asia’s Challenges and Opportunities in Scaling Up Innovation
Prof. Poh Kam Wong, Director, NUS Entrepreneurship Centre and Professor,
NUS Business School
10:20-10:40 Discussant 1 – Korea Capital Market Institute
Discussant 2 – Center for Strategic Studies, New Zealand
Discussant 3 – Yuqing Xing, Asian Development Bank Institute
Part Two: Country perspectives
11:00-11:15Country presentation: Japan (Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry)
11:15-11:30Country presentation: Korea (Korea Development Institute)
11:30-11:45 Country presentation: Singapore
Prof. Poh Kam Wong, Director, NUS Entrepreneurship Centre and Professor, NUS Business School
11:45-12:00Open discussions
12.00-13:30Lunch break
Session 4: Inclusive Growth in Asia: Retrospect and Prospect
Part 1: Regional overview
Timothy Besley, Professor of Economics and Political Science, London School of Economics
Juzhong Zhuang, Deputy Chief Economist, ADB
09:40-10:00Discussant 1 – Policy Research Institute of Japan
Discussant 2 – East Asian Bureau of Economic Research of Australia
Discussant 3 – The PRC
10.20-10.30 Coffee break
Part Two: Country perspectives
10:30-10:45Country presentation: The PRC
10.45-11.00Country presentation: India (NIPFP)
11:00-11:15Country presentation: Pakistan (PIDE)
11:15-11:30Country presentation: Philippines (PIDS)
11:30-11:45Country presentation: Bangladesh (BIDS)
11:45-12:00Country presentation: Indonesia (CER)
12:00-12:30 Open discussions and conclusion
12:30-14:00Lunch break
14:00-17:30 Cultural event: Visit to Forbidden City
Hosted by AFDC

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