Conference & Forum

2017 Regional Knowledge Sharing Forum: Exploring Avenues of Cooperation for Cross-Border Trade Logistics and Facilitation

16 Aug 2017 - 17 Aug 2017 Tashkent, Uzbekistan

The CAREC Forum on Regional Knowledge Sharing will be held 16-17 Aug 2017 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The workshop aims to share practical experience and knowledge obtained from technical assistance projects with CAREC stakeholders, to explore and solve challenges in regional trade facilitation, and to jointly explore new opportunities for regional trade facilitation. Topics to be discussed include the development of non-governmental standards, new business formats, new models of supply chain management on cross-border e-commerce, and ways to measure and monitor trade corridor performance.

The CAREC Program is a partnership of 11 countries (Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, the People’s Republic of China, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan), supported by 6 multilateral institutions, working together to promote development through cooperation, leading to accelerated growth and poverty reduction.

  • CAREC Federation of Carrier and Forwarder Associations
  • CAREC Institute
0830 – 0900Registration
0900 – 0920Welcome Remarks
Mr. Yuebin Zhang, Principal Regional Cooperation Specialist, East Asia Department, ADB
0920 – 0950Welcome Remarks
Mr. Yergali Dosmagambet, Deputy Director 2, CAREC Institute
0950 – 1010Welcome Remarks
Mr. Akram Mukhidov, Chairman of Business Logistics Development Association, LLC (ADBL)
1010 – 1030Coffee/ Tea Break
1030 – 1130SESSION 1: Interpretation and Research on CAREC Non-Governmental Organization Standards
Introduce objectives and principles of developing non-governmental organization group standards by the CFCFA for international regions; interpret the first batch of ten standards of the CFCFA; introduce second batch of CFCFA standards, which are intended to be developed and researched by the CFCFA cooperating with the Central Asia Customs Committee (CCC)

Mr. Yuebin Zhang, Principal Regional Cooperation Specialist, East Asia Department, Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Capt. Lin Zhong, Chairman, CFCFA
1130 – 1200Open Discussion
1330 – 1420SESSION 2: Cross-Border E-commerce and Logistics in CAREC
Introduce basic knowledge of cross-border e-commerce and its relationship with standardization; describe the PRC’s main policies of cross-border e-commerce and their effects on trade logistics facilitation in CAREC; analyze market situations and demands of cross-border e-commerce in Central Asia; explore logistics modes of cross-border e-commerce in Central Asia; considering CPMM and nature of the CFCFA, provide suggestions on what a role the CFCFA shall assume in CAREC’s cross-border e-commerce and standardization construction, and what related logistics enterprises and industry associations shall act in such process.

Mr. Yergali Dosmagambet, Deputy Director 2, CAREC Institute

Professor Ge Ju, Logistics Engineering Institute Machinery and
Traffic College Xinjiang Agriculture University
1420 – 1505Open Discussion
1505 – 1525Coffee/ Tea Break
1525 – 1615SESSION 3: CAREC Cross-Border Supply Chain Planning and Thinking under the Background of The Belt and Road
Under the background of The Belt and Road, with the promotion of the PRC’s FTA construction, normalization operation of China Railway Express and Sino-Central-Asia railway express, manufacturing enterprises, how do cross-border business enterprise and other related parties carry out the supply chain planning and standardization to further promote trade logistics facilitation in CAREC; synthesizing CPMM project and organizational nature of the CFCFA, provide suggestions on what roles the CFCFA shall assume in CAREC Cross-border supply chain planning and standardization construction.

Mr. Yuebin Zhang, Principal Regional Cooperation Specialist, East Asia Department, ADB

Mr. Xiaobing Jiang, Chief consultant of Chongqing Jingyixing Supply Chain Management Co., LTD
1615 – 1700Open Discussion
0830 – 1020SESSION 4:Best Practices & New Knowledge Sharing in CAREC Countries
11 CFCFA association members, on behalf their countries, present best practices and new knowledge in trade logistics facilitation. Each country has 15 minutes

Capt. Lin Zhong, Chairman of CFCFA
Mr. Temirbek Shabdanaliev, Vice Chairman of CFCFA

11 country representatives
1020 – 1040Coffee/ Tea Break
1040 – 1130Continue Session 2
1130 – 1200Open Discussion
1200 – 1330Lunch Break
1330 – 1345SESSION 5: Sharing on Enterprise Developing Experience
CFCFA enterprises introduce their developing experience and business requirements, express their business requirement and interest appeals in trade and logistics facilitation.

Capt. Lin Zhong, Chairman of CFCFA
Mr. Qamar, Vice Chairman of Pakistan International Freight Forwarder Association (PIFFA)

3 enterprise members representatives
Kashgar Gold Leader International Logistics Center Co., Ltd (CFCFA
enterprises member)
1345 – 1400Shenzhen Hyun Young International Transportation CO., LTD (CFCFA enterprises member)
1415 – 1445Open Discussion
1445 – 1505Coffee/ Tea Break
1505 – 1550SESSION 6: Corridor Performance and Measurement Monitoring: CFCFA Experience
CPMM partners present and discuss their experiences in data collection and analyses of CPMM data; Highlight case studies and share their experiences.

Mr. Yergali Dosmagambet, Deputy Director 2, CAREC Institute

Select CPMM partner associations
1550 – 1620Open Discussion
1620 – 1700Closing Remarks
Mr. Yergali Dosmagambet, Deputy Director 2, CAREC Institute
Mr. Yuebin Zhang, Principal Regional Cooperation Specialist, East Asia Department, ADB
Capt. Lin Zhong, Chairman, CFCFA

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