Conference & Forum

ADB-PRC Symposium for Commemorating the 30 Years of Partnership, The PRC’s Economic Transformation: Toward a Sustainable Future

10 Nov 2016 Shanghai, The People's Republic of China

ADB President Takehiko Nakao gave an opening speech on 10 November at the ADB-PRC Symposium for Commemorating 30 Years of Partnership, The PRC’s Economic Transformation: Toward a Sustainable Future, together with senior officials of the Ministry of Finance and Shanghai Municipal Government. The President remarked that ADB is ready to help the PRC’s further transformation and address economic, social, and demographic challenges through ADB’s finance and knowledge work. Over 200 representatives from the government, developing countries, international community, think tanks, and academia participated and discussed the PRC’s past achievements and future outlook.

09:00-09:40Opening Session: 30 Years of the PRC-ADB Partnership
This session will set the scene for the commemorative event to reflect on thepartnership between the PRC and ADB.

Moderator: Ayumi Konishi, Director General, East Asia Department, ADB

Chen Shixin, Director General, Ministry of Finance
Yu Beihua, Deputy Secretary General, Shanghai Municipal People’s Government
Takehiko Nakao, President, ADB
09:40-11:00 Session 1: The PRC’s Economic Development over the Last 30 Years: Review and Outlook
This session will review key development stages, challenges and lessons learned during PRC’s development over the past 30 years. Current economic performance and outlook for the future will be discussed. The Session also covers PRC’s increasingly important role in the international community, together with a review of how the operations of ADB and other multi-lateral financial institutions have evolved and contributed to PRC’s transformation.

Moderator: Amy Leung, Deputy Director General, East Asia Department, ADB

Celebrating 30 Years of ADB-PRC Partnership
Peter McCawley, Former Dean, ADB Institute/Lead author, ADB History Book Project


  • Takehiko Nakao, President of ADB

  • Chen Shixin, Director General, Ministry of Finance

  • Lawrence Lau, Ralph and Claire Landau Professor of Economics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • Zhang Weiying, Professor, Peking University

11:00-11:10 Coffee Break
11:10-12:30 Session 2: The PRC’s Development Challenges Towards a High Income Country: Fiscal and Tax Reform for Inclusive Growth
Fiscal and tax reform are fundamental to transforming PRC’s economy to be more sustainable for the long term, and to achieving inclusive growth and modernization of state and local governance. The discussion will include design of the tax system to: (i) balance revenue assignments with expenditure assignments of the national and sub-national governments to ensure that each level has adequate resources to fulfill their respective responsibilities; (ii) minimize distortions and allow market supply and demand forces to play a decisive role in allocating resources; and (iii) promote inclusiveness and reduce inequality. In addition, the budgeting process and budget implementation and monitoring will be addressed, as part of modernizing the governance structure to ensure efficiency and accountability.

Moderator: Wang Weixing, Director General, Ministry of Finance

The PRC’s Key Fiscal and Tax Reforms
Liu Shangxi, President, Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences
Naoyuki Yoshino, Dean, ADB Institute

Panel Discussion:

  • Jia Kang, Former President, Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences

  • Christine Wong, Professor and Director, Center for Contemporary Chinese Studies, University of Melbourne

  • Ehtisham Ahmad, Visiting Senior Fellow, the London School of Economics and Political Science

  • Juzhong Zhuang, Deputy Chief Economist, Deputy Director General, Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, ADB

14:00-15:20 Session 3: The PRC’s Development Challenges Toward a High Income Country: Path to Ecological Civilization
This session will focus on how to achieve the government’s goal of ” building ecological civilization ” through transforming the inter-relationships among the economy, the environment and society. The discussion will also address PRC’s Climate Change commitments and its transition to a low-carbon economy.

Moderator: Nessim Ahmad, Deputy Director General, ADB

The PRC’s Key Reforms and Initiatives for Achieving Ecological Civilization
Song Xiaozhi, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Environmental Protection, PRC
Li Gao, Deputy Director General, National Development and Reform Commission, PRC

Panel Discussion:

  • Wang Yi, Vice President and Professor, Institute of Science and Development,
    Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • Thomas Heller, Chairman of the Board and Senior Strategic Advisor, Climate Policy Initiative

  • Zhou Dadi, Vice Governor of the Board, China Energy Research Society

  • Zhang Shiqiu, Professor, Peking University

15:20-15:40Coffee Break
15:40-17:00 Session 4: Deepening of the Partnership
This session will focus on how to transform and deepen ADB-PRC partnership to address evolving development challenges facing the PRC as well as Asia and the Pacific region as a whole. The discussion will include how technology and innovation can be promoted as drivers of growth and prosperity. There is also an issue of aging population and decreasing labor force. PRC’s role in the global and regional economy will continue to increase while it seeks to enhance its role in regional cooperation and integration, and South-South cooperation. Future assistance of ADB for public and private sectors as well as for public-private partnerships, knowledge cooperation and other forms of collaboration will be discussed.

Moderator: Ben Bingham, Country Director, ADB PRC Resident Mission


  • Lu Mai, Secretary General, China Development Research Foundation

  • Yvo de Boer, President, Sustainability Challenge Foundation; Former Executive Secretary, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

  • Cheng Zhijun, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Finance

  • Wang Lan, Deputy Director General, Finance Bureau of Shanghai Municipal Government

  • Li Kouqing, Director General, Asia-Pacific Finance and Development Institute

  • Ayumi Konishi, Director General, East Asia Department, ADB

17:00-17:20Closing Remarks

Moderator: Xinning Jia, Deputy Country Director, ADB PRC Resident Mission

Cheng Zhijun, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Finance
Ayumi Konishi, Director General, East Asia Department, ADB

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