Conference & Forum

Asia Pacific Forum on Low Carbon Development Transitioning Towards Sustainable Low-Carbon City Development

29 Nov 2017 - 30 Nov 2017 Changsha, The People's Republic of China

The Asia-Pacific Forum on Low Carbon Technology will showcase global, regional, and country success stories in promoting the development of low carbon technologies. It seeks to spur greater levels of investments in low-carbon technology as well as stimulate both south-south and north-south knowledge sharing. Among the topics to be discussed are recent advanced global low-carbon technologies, lessons for promoting low carbon technology transfer, and investments to support low-carbon city development.

  • Government of Hunan Province
  • National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation, the PRC
08:30 – 09:00Registration

Brief meeting with senior officials of the Hunan Government (by invitation only)
09:00 – 11:00Opening Plenary

Part 1: Welcome Remarks (40 mins)

  • Mr. Guangrong Yang, Deputy Governor, Hunan Province, the PRC

  • Mr. Ayumi Konishi, Special Senior Advisor to the President, ADB

  • Mr. Gao Li, Director General, Department of Climate Change, National Development and Reform Commission, the PRC

  • Mr. Ning Wang, Deputy Director-General, Public-Private Partnership Center, Ministry of Finance, the PRC

Part 2: Special Presentations (40mins)

  • Cooperation Achievements: (5 mins) Signing Ceremony for Phase 2 of Low Carbon City Cooperation between Hunan Development and Reform Commission and Institute for Sustainable Communities; Signing Ceremony between Ping’An Bank and Hunan Innovative Low Carbon Center (Participants attending the ceremony include leaders and experts from Hunan Provincial People’s Government, National Development and Reform Commission and ADB)

  • Introduction of “Along the Xiang River” by Hunan Green Volunteer Program and speech by representative (10 mins)

  • Official launch of the New Energy Leaders Program and the awarding ceremony (25mins)

Part 3: Opening Remarks (40mins)

  • Dr. Longping Yuan, Academician and the father of Hybrid Rice

  • Mr. Jie Feng, Vice-President, Ping’an Bank, the PRC

  • Mr. Wolfram Erhardt, Director, Beijing Office, KfW, Germany

  • Ms. Sandra Retzer, Head of Cluster, Sustainable Urbanization, Transportation and Energy, GIZ the PRC

11:00 – 11:15Morning Coffee Break
11:05 – 11:35Exhibition of Low-Carbon Technologies
Guided tour for participants
Vice Governor of Hunan Province accompanies the major guests to attend the exhibition
Venue: At Hotel 3A/3 Floors the Terrace
11:45 – 12:50Lunch Sponsored by KfW
13:00 – 14:00Session 1: Policies and Strategies for Promoting LCTs for Low Carbon City Development
The session aims to gather insights on effective national policies and strategies that promote low-carbon technology adoption and investment in cities, and support low-carbon city development path. It will focus on introducing successful policies and strategies in different countries and examples of countries encouraging and accelerating the development of LCCs.

Session Chair:
Mr. Xuedu Lu, Lead Climate Change Specialist, ADB


  • Mr. Guofeng Mao, Senior Advisor, RiskTec Projektledning (Sweden)

  • Ms. Enkhee Sainbuyan, Green Development Officer, Environment Agency of Ulaanbaatar City

  • Mr. Thawatchai Saengkhamsuk, Director of Strategy Office, Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization

  • Mr. Jianhua Liao, Vice Mayor of Changsha, the PRC

  • Mr. Shu Zhu, Regional Director for East Asia, ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability

14:00 – 15:10Session 2: Low-Carbon Technologies for Cities: A Global Perspective
This session aims to set the scene for the Forum, taking into consideration recent global developments and future trend of lowcarbon technologies. It will explore its international impact and highlight the importance of international collaboration in empowering cities to adapt low carbon technologies.

Session Chair:
Mr. Yongping Zhai, Chief of Energy Sector Group, ADB

Keynote Speech: Global Energy Efficiency Indicators of Building and Transportation Sector
Mr. Cyril Cassisa, Project Manager, Global Energy Forecast Team, Enerdata, France


  • Ms. Mara Marthe Kleiner, Senior Associate, Agora Energiewende, Germany

  • Ms. Xianli Zhu, Senior Economist, Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency, Denmark

  • Mr. Angelo Amorelli, Global Head of Research, BP, United Kingdom

  • Mr. Naoki Sakai, Secretary General of Asia Solar Energy Forum and Advisor to Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO)

  • Mr. Ji Peng, Chief Executive Officer, Broad Group, the PRC

15:10 – 15:25Afternoon coffee break
15:25 – 16:25New Energy Leaders Program: Scaling Tomorrow’s Clean Energy Entrepreneurs
This session will feature seven leading young clean energy entrepreneurs and innovators that are shaping the future of the clean energy sector in Asia. They will discuss the practical challenges facing clean energy entrepreneurs in Asia, and to help key stakeholders better understand how they can support clean energy entrepreneurship & innovation in Asia.

Session Chair:

  • Ms. Jia Yu, Director, Department of International Development Cooperation, Center for New Structural Economics, Peking University

  • Mr. Angelo Amorelli, Global Head of Research, BP, United Kingdom

New Energy Leaders
16:25 – 17:35Session 3: Experience and Practice in Building Low Carbon Cities
This session will share the experience and lessons of selected cities in building LCCs through enhancing investment in LCTs, and discuss how to scale up LCT investment in city planning and development. Representatives of selected LCCs will be invited to share successful cases.

Session Chair:
Mr. Robert Guild, Director, East Asia Transport and Communications Division, ADB


  • Mr. Hongwei Yang, Secretary General, Alliance of Peaking Pioneer Cities, the PRC

  • Mr. Ho Hiang Kwee, Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

  • Mr. Yuji Kato, Deputy Director, International Environmental Strategies Division, City of Kitakyushu, Japan

  • Mr. Gregor Heilmann, Project manager, ProPotsdam GmbH, Germany

  • Mr. Shulong Peng, Deputy Secretary General of Xiangtan Municipal People’s Government, the PRC

18:30 – 20:00Welcome Banquet
Hosted by Hunan Provincial People’s Government
08:30 – 09:00Registration
There will be two track round-tables on Day 2. The Grand Ballroom will be divided into two conference rooms. One can accommodate about 300 people and the other 150 people
09:00 – 10:30Session 4: Roadshow of Promising LCTs for Cities
This session serves as a showcase of available solutions which may have the potential to be further deployed in the Asia-Pacific, and aims to share the most recent deployment of low carbon technologies in urban systems, discuss how low carbon technologies can be adopted by cities and linked to Hunan province, and foster dialogue and collaboration between the PRC and foreign technology providers to gain better understandings of opportunities and challenges in each other’s markets.

Session Chair:
Dr. Xavier Chen, President, Beijing Energy Club, the PRC

Keynote Speech: Overview of Core Low-Carbon Technology for Low Carbon Cities
Mr. Yongping Zhai, Chief of Energy Sector Group, ADB


  • Mr. Jingtao Xia, President, Zhejiang Loopmaster Energy, the PRC

  • Mr. Ling Cao, Chief Executive Officer, Chongqing AGS, the PRC

  • Mr. Jonas Törnblom, Founder, Envito AB, Sweden

  • Mr. Alex Koszo, Founder and Managing Director, Vecor; Hong Kong, China

  • Mr. Juntao Cui, Vice President, Equota Energy Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., the PRC

  • Mr. Aniruddha Sharma, Co-Founder& CEO, Carbon Clean Solutions, United Kingdom

10:30 – 10:50Morning Coffee Break
10:50 – 12:00Session 4 (continued): Roadshow of Promising LCTs for Cities

Session Chair:
Dr. Xavier Chen, President, Beijing Energy Club, the PRC


  • Mr. Will Zhang, Overseas Division, Wasion Group, the PRC

  • Mr. Changyun Li, President, Sick Maihak China, the PRC

  • Mr. Ruslan Rakymbay, General Director, Primus Power Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan

  • Mr. Daniel Zhu, Founding Partner, Venergy, the PRC/Finland

  • Ms. Georgia Yexley, International Communications Manager, Mobike, the PRC

08:45 – 10:15Track Session 1: Promoting Low Carbon Pilot Projects and Near Zero Carbon Emissions
To promote low-carbon development, since 2010, the PRC has launched various low-carbon pilot projects in multiple batches in provinces, cities, industrial parks, residential communities and scenic spots. Through these efforts, different modes of innovation have been explored and technologies tailored to local conditions have been developed, accumulating not only samples and parameters but also experiences and lessons learned for achieving the PRC’s overall peaking target. In 2018, the PRC plans to carry out the pilot near-zero carbon emission zone demonstration project to explore the possibility and technical basis of “near-zero emission”. The purpose of this track session is to study how various types of technological innovation and progress can play a key role in low-carbon pilot projects under the guidance of the national mechanism and better support the PRC’s overall target of GHG reduction in the future.

Session Chair:
Ms. Xiu Yang, Principal, Policy and Regulation Department, National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC)


  • Mr. Gao Li, Director General, Department of Climate Change, National Development and Reform Commission, the PRC

  • Mr. Derong Zhou, Deputy Director General, Development and Reform Commission of Zhenjiang Municipal People’s Government

  • Mr. Mingao Zhang, Deputy Director of Suzhou Industrial Park Management Committee

  • Mr. Robert Guild, Director, East Asia Transport and Communications Division, ADB

  • Mr. Lei Zhu, Vice President, ENN Group

10:15 – 10:30Morning Coffee Break
10:30 – 12:00Track Session 1 (continued): Promoting Low Carbon Pilot Projects and Near-Zero Carbon Emissions Projects


  • Mr. Yiwen Yang, Mayor, Loudi Municipal People’s Government

  • Mr. Jianbo He, Executive Vice Mayor of Zhuzhou Municipal People’s Government

  • Mr. Zhanqiang Guo, Deputy Secretary General, China Association of Circular Economy

  • Dr. Qiang Feng, China Datang Corporation Science and Technology Research Institute

  • Mr. Steven Zeng, China Country Director, Institute for Sustainable Communities

12:00 – 13:20Lunch
13:30 – 14:50Session 5: Innovative Financing Instruments for LCT Investment
This session will introduce the successful cases of innovative financing instruments in supporting low carbon technology investment, and the challenges to its wide application.

Session Chair:
Ms. Yao Wang, Director of International Institute of Green Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics, and Deputy Secretary-General, PRC Green Finance Committee


  • Ms. Helen He, China Climate Finance Lead / Banking Specialist, International Finance Corporation

  • Mr. Andreas Honcamp, Principal Project Manager, Sector Division Urban Development and Mobility East Asia, KFW Germany

  • Ms. Yihong Wang, Senior Investment Officer, ADB PRC Resident Mission

  • Ms. Xiumei Duan, Head of BTH I&G Green Financing Platform, Deputy Manager, Legal Affairs Center, China National Investment & Guaranty Corporation, the PRC

  • Mr. Zhongwei Tao, General Manager, Finance Department for Energy and Mineral Resource (Shanghai), Ping’An Bank, the PRC

  • Ms. Qi Lu, Strategy and Research Partner, Tsing Capital, the PRC

14:50 – 15:10Afternoon Coffee Break
15:10 – 16:20Session 6: The Role of Business in Scaling Urban Low-Carbon Technologies
This session will explore how large companies are partnering with cities and other stakeholders to scale development and deployment of urban low-carbon technologies. Presenters from leading large companies will showcase practical examples, and share their learnings and experiences. This will be followed by a discussion about how cities and business can work more closely together, and develop new and more collaborative types of partnerships.

Session Chair:
Mr. Sasank Goli, Principal Consultant and Director, Ecogy Cleantech


  • Mr. Zheng Zhou, Operation Manager/Senior Consultant Representative, Cities Center of Competence Asia, Siemens

  • Mr. Wei Chen, Deputy Manager, CECEP Building Energy Conservation Co., the PRC

  • Mr. Xiaozhou Zhou, Party Secretary and General Manager of Changsha, BYD the PRC

  • Mr. Yueping Xiao, General Manager, Business Division, Shanghai Landleaf Architecture Technology Co., the PRC

  • Mr. Angelo Amorelli, Global Head of Research, BP, United Kingdom

  • Mr. Joseph Van Der Erst, Chair, Energy Working Group, EU Chamber of Commerce

13:30 – 16:00Track Session 2: Urban Forestry Development Experience Sharing
This session will discuss how to, under the framework of ecological development, effectively enhance the sustainable regional forestry development and wetland conservation and restoration, realize the ecological functions of forests and wetlands, facilitate low-carbon city development and promote low-carbon forestry technology and products through technological innovation of forestry carbon sequestration and carbon accounting technologies and methods. Representatives of forestry research institutions and enterprises will share experience in: (1) low-carbon forestry technology innovation and applications; (2) carbon sink forest: planning and design, monitoring and accounting methods and carbon trade.

Session Chair:
Changzhu Li, President of Hunan Academy of Forestry

Part I Expert Report (130 minutes)

  • The PRC’s Forest Carbon Sink and Its Role in Meeting the Climate Change Challenge – Zhuxiong Wang, Former Director General, Department of Afforestation and Greening,the State Forestry Administration

  • Forest Carbon Sink: Afforestation Technology, Monitoring, Accounting and Project Management – Xuhui Ouyang, Party Secretary of Hunan Forest Inventory and Planning Institute

  • Forest Carbon Trade and Ecological Development – Jinliang Li, Executive President, Chinese Institute Of Green Carbon

  • New Concept of Urban Forestry and Forest Management – Alfred Pitterle, Professor, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria

  • Conservation and Restoration Technologies for Wetland and Its Carbon Sink Function – Canming Zhang,Director, ASEM Water Resources Research and Development Center

  • Forestry Biomass Engineering Low-carbon Technologies and Prospects – Changzhu Li, President of Hunan Academy of Forestry

Part II Carbon Neutrality Ceremony (10 minutes)

  • Chinese Institute Of GreenCarbon announces the carbon footprint and carbon neutrality plan

  • Awarding Ceremony

  • Donation Ceremony

Part III Signing Ceremony of Hunan’s First Batch of Forest Carbon Sink Projects (10 minutes)

  • Carbon Administration Office of Hunan Provincial Department of Forestry introduces Hunan’s first batch of forest carbon sink projects and the purchase order

  • Signing Ceremony

16:30 – 17:30Closing Plenary

Session Chair:
Mr. Xuedu Lu, Lead Climate Change Specialist, ADB

Part 1: Introduction (5 mins)

Part 2: Closing Keynote (20 mins)

  • Mr. Abdul Matheen Mohamed, Minister of State for Environment and Energy, Maldives

  • Mr. Shunxi Peng, Deputy Director General, the Forestry Department of Hunan Province

Part 3: Closing Remarks (35 mins)

  • Leader of the Hunan Department of Finance (PRC)

  • Mr. Zhenhong Zhou, Deputy Director General, Development and Reform Commission of Hunan Province (PRC)

  • Mr. Yongping Zhai, Chief of Energy Sector Group, ADB

Raffle drawing
17:30End of Forum

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