Conference & Forum

Asia Pacific Forum on Low Carbon Development Building Partnerships for Low Carbon Technology Promotion

18 Oct 2016 - 20 Oct 2016 Changsha, The People's Republic of China

ADB through its Climate Technology Finance Center (CTFC) has been working with Hunan Province, the PRC initially to provide assistance in mainstreaming climate technologies into their provincial development and investment plans. Since then, CTFC has expanded its involvement in Hunan to the setting up of a low carbon technology venture capital fund, establishing an accelerator program to mentor early stage clean technology start-up entrepreneurs, and helping create a low carbon technology network and market platform.

On 22 September 2015, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cooperation to promote climate technology development and deployment was signed by ADB and the Hunan Development and Reform Commission (Hunan DRC) in Changsha, Hunan, the PRC. As part of the MoU, both sides agreed to work together to host an international forum on low carbon technology at Changsha, Hunan in 2016 with the aim of promoting international cooperation on low carbon technology.

2016 marks the 30th year for ADB and the PRC cooperation and a series of events will be held to celebrate this 30-year partnership in working towards reducing poverty through inclusive economic growth and sustainable development. This summit is one of the activities to commemorate this important milestone.

Time Program
8:30 ~ 9:00Registration

Brief meeting with senior officials of the Hunan Government (by invitation only)
9:00 ~ 10:10Opening Session and Keynote Address

Opening Remarks:

  • Governor, Government of Hunan Province

  • Mr. Bambang Susantono, Vice President, Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development, ADB

Keynote Address:

  • Mr. Yong Zhang, Vice Chairman, National Development and Reform Commission, the PRC

  • Mr. Xu Hongcai, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Finance, the PRC

  • Barbara Woodward, Her Majesty’s Ambassador, Dame, DCMG OBE, United Kingdom

  • Mr. Ayumi Konishi, Director General, East Asia Regional Department, ADB

10:10 ~ 10:50Special Presentations:

  • Changsha Declaration – Asia-Pacific Low Carbon Technology Promotion Initiatives

  • Pilot Hunan Clean Technology Venture Capital: Eco-Artisan Work Fund

  • Hunan International Low Carbon Technology Trading Center

Signing Ceremonies between:

  • Greenovator Incubator and Google Idvert

  • Ping’An Environmental Protection Co. Ltd and Yurim Tech Co., Ltd (Korea)

Launching of the Collection of 50 Emerging Climate Technologies

Presentation of ADB-TusPark Cleantech Competition Winners
10:50 ~ 11:20Coffee & Tea Break
11:20 ~ 11:50Parallel Exhibition on Low Carbon Technologies: Guided Tour for Senior Officials
Museum of Changsha City
12:00 ~ 14:00Lunch
14:00 ~ 15:30Session 1: Strategies and Plans for Implementing Paris Agreement and the Demand for Low Carbon Technology
The session will provide an overview of the strategies and plans of governments in implementing the Paris Agreement; and the demands for low carbon technology development and transfer, including challenges faced and possible solutions.

Session Chair: Mr. Robert Guild, Director, Transport and Communications Division, East Asia Department, ADB


  • Ms. Wanna Tanunchaiwatana, Manager, Technology, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat

  • Ms. Miao Hong, Energy Program Lead, World Resources Institute

  • Mr. Yongping Zhai, Technical Advisor (Energy), Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, ADB

  • Representative, National Development and Reform Commission, the PRC

  • Mr. Shi Zhengrong, Professor, University of New South Wales, Australia; and Founder, Suntech Power

15:30 ~ 16:00Coffee & Tea Break
16:00 ~ 17:30Session 2: National Initiatives in Promoting Low Carbon Technology Development and Investments
The session will focus on best practices, challenges, and enabling environment at the national level that help promote development, deployment, and investments in low carbon technologies as well as prospects for their future demand.

Session Chair: Mr. Wang Jun, Director General, Center for International Statistics and Information, National Bureau of Statistics China


  • Mr. Wu Yuanbin, Director General, Department of S&T for Social Development, Ministry of Science and Technology, the PRC

  • Mr. Rupert Ainley, Head of China Climate Change and Energy Network, British Embassy

  • Mr. Xianbing Liu, Senior Policy Researcher, Kansai Research Centre, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)

  • Mr. H.K. Sikri, Additional General Manager (Climate Change), Ministry of Power, India

  • Mr. Steve Winkates, Director of Program Management, East Asia Region, U.S. Trade and Development Agency

  • Ms. Hongzhi Liu, Deputy Director General, Department of Science, Technology and Standards, Ministry of Environmental Protection, the PRC

18:30 ~ 19:30Welcome Banquet
Hosted by the Government of Hunan
20:00 ~ 21:00Welcome Concert
Hosted by the Government of Hunan
08:30 ~ 9:00Registration
09:00 ~ 10:30Session 3: International Initiatives in Promoting Low Carbon Technology Development and Investments
The session will focus on the initiatives launched by multinational organizations in promoting low carbon technology development and transfer, and the best practices, challenges, and experience.

Session Chair: Ms. Wanna Tanunchaiwatana, Manager, Technology, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat


  • Mr. Jukka Uosukainen, Director, Climate Technology Centre and Network

  • Mr. Hongbing Chen, Director of WIPO Office in the PRC, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

  • Mr. Sudhir Sharma, Programme Officer, Regional Office for Asia Pacific, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

  • Mr. Stefan Henningsson, Senior Advisor, Climate Innovations, WWF

  • Ms. Yuan Ying, Head of the Climate and Energy Unit, Greenpeace East Asia

  • Representative of an International Organization

10:30 ~ 11:00Coffee & Tea Break
The remaining Day Two Agenda will feature 2 Parallel Track Sessions:

Track A will focus on the elements for creating an enabling environment for low carbon technology development and promotion (Target audience: government officials, financial academic experts).

Track B will feature experiences in developing and deploying low carbon technologies (Target audience: business and investment managers, financial and academic experts).
11:00 ~ 12:30Track A. Session 1: Role of Financial Institutions in Low Carbon Technology Development and Promotion
This session will showcase experiences of financial institutions in supporting low carbon technology investment, including initiatives, plans, financial instruments applied, and key issues and factors for decision making in investment.

Session Chair: Mr. Wang Ning, Deputy Director General, Public-Private Partnerships Center, Ministry of Finance, the PRC


  • Ms. Masako Ogawa, Senior Environment Specialist, Global Environment Facility (GEF)

  • Mr. Rob Fowler, Head of Certification, Climate Bonds Initiative

  • Mr. Heung Woo Lee, Senior Director, Korea Technology Finance Corporation

  • Ms. Chen Yaqin, Deputy Director of Market Development, China Industrial Bank

  • Mr. Anthony Lam, Managing Director, Asia Climate Partners (ACP)

  • Ms. Judy Li, Green Finance Leader, Climate Change and Sustainability Services, Ernst & Young

  • Mr. Wen Gang, Director of Research and Development, China Clean Development Mechanism Fund (CCDMF)

11:00 ~ 12:30Track B. Session 2: Introduction of Climate Technology Startups and Assessment of Potential for Investment
This session will introduce the top climate technology startups from the joint ADBTusPark Cleantech Competition and the Hunan Cleantech Competition. After a brief presentation by each startup, a panel of investors and technology experts will offer feedback on the potential opportunity for investments for each.

Session Chair: Mr. Xavier Chen, President, Beijing Energy Club


  • Ms. Jing Xiao, Director, TusStar Incubator Research Center

  • Mr. Nan Chen, Chief Investment Officer of Central China, Shenzhen Capital Group Co., Ltd.

  • Mr. Walter Ge, Director, Institute for Environment and Development (IED)

  • Mr. Haisheng Wang, Cleantech Investment Specialist

  • Mr. Xiaochen Zhang, Founding partner, New Development Ventures

  • Mr. Daniel Hersson, Consultant, ADB

Climate Technology Startups:

  • BluePHA

  • Carbon Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

  • EQuota Energy Technology (China) Co., Ltd.

  • Libralato

  • Pionvasion

12:30 ~ 14:00Lunch
14:00 ~ 15:30Track A. Session 3: Building a Low Carbon Technology Network in Asia-Pacific
This session will highlight the experiences and challenges of establishing national designated entities (NDEs), as well as the role NDEs and technology centre partners of the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) have in facilitating an enabling environment and stimulating greater investments for low carbon technologies in the region.

Session Chair: Mr. Sudhir Sharma, Programme Officer, Regional Office for Asia Pacific, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)


  • Mr. Jukka Uosukainen, Director, Climate Technology Centre and Network

  • CTCN NDE country representatives

  • CTCN Consortium Partner and Network Members

14:00 ~ 15:30Track B. Session 4: Introduction of Emerging Low Carbon Technologies and Assessment of Potential for Investment
This session will introduce selected entrepreneurs from the collection of 50 Emerging Climate Technologies. After a brief presentation by each startup, a panel of investors and technology experts will offer feedback on the potential opportunity for investments for each.

Session Chair: Mr. Xavier Chen, President, Beijing Energy Club


  • Ms. Jing Xiao, Director, TusStar Incubator Research Center

  • Mr. Nan Chen, Chief Investment Officer of Central China, Shenzhen Capital Group Co., Ltd.

  • Mr. Walter Ge, Director, Institute for Environment and Development (IED)

  • Mr. Haisheng Wang, Cleantech Investment Specialist

  • Mr. Xiaochen Zhang, Founding partner, New Development Ventures

  • Mr. Daniel Hersson, Consultant, ADB

Climate Technology Entrepreneurs
15:30 ~ 16:00Coffee & Tea Break
16:00 ~ 17:30Track A. Session 5: Role of a Low Carbon Technology Platform in Climate Technology Transfer
This session will discuss functions and value-addition of low carbon technology platforms including the experiences and challenges of existing programs.

Session Chair: Mr. Wang Can, Professor and Chair, Department of Environmental Planning and Management, Tsinghua University


  • Mr. Sasank Goli, Chief Executive Officer, IPEx Cleantech Asia

  • Mr. Rong Xu, Chief Executive Officer, Umore Group

  • Mr. Xavier Chen, President, Beijing Energy Club

  • Mr. Carl Geng, Managing Director, China Cleantech Accelerator

  • Mr. Lin Qiu, Executive Director, International Low-Carbon Clean Technology Collaboration and Communication Platform (ICTP) (To be confirmed)

  • Mr. Fan Zhang, Senior Advisor, Hunan International Low Carbon Technology Exchange Center

16:00 ~ 17:30Track B. Session 6: Experience of Low Carbon Technology Development and Industrialization by Business Sectors
This session will discuss the challenges, lessons learned and future directions of business entities (private and public) as they pursue low carbon technology development and deployment.


  • Mr. Wen Hui, CEO, Tus Holdings Clean Energy Group

  • Mr. Jun Tang, Director of Power Industry, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.

  • Mr. Robert Huang, Director, New Market and Program Development, GE Power

  • Mr. Huang Bo, Vice President, Broad Homes Industrial International Construction Co., Ltd.

  • Mr. Xiao Jiangping, President, Hunan Hualing Energy Saving and Environmental Protection Co., Ltd.

17:30 ~ 18:00Concluding Session: Future Directions for Cooperation in Low Carbon Technology Investment

Session Chair: Mr. Xuedu Lu, Advisor, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, ADB

Closing Remarks:

  • Mr. Jianxin Zheng, Director General, Hunan Department of Finance A-P Summit on LCT

  • Mr. Yongping Zhai, Technical Advisor (Energy), Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, ADB

  • Mr. Zhenhong Zhou, Deputy Director General, Development and Reform Commission of Hunan Province

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