Seminar & Lecture Series

ADB-PRC Seminar Series Financial Sector Progress, Challenges, and Future Directions in the PRC

3-4.15 pm Beijing Time, 2 Aug 2021 Zoom

Professor Yiping Huang, a renowned economist from Peking University, will present the results of a recent study on the PRC’s financial sector development. The study endeavored to address the role of the PRC’s financial market in supporting the “China Miracle” over the past few decades but also the challenges it developed. Professor Huang will discuss the need to (i) continue the financial sector reform to free up the market development potentials from decades of financial repression and improve the financial market conditions and overall economic development, (ii) improve supervisory and regulatory regimes to ensure financial stabilities, (iii) promote financial innovations and development such as in digital finance and green finance, and (iv) achieve a balance among market innovation, regulation, and market stability.

How to Join

Online via Zoom. Meeting ID: 998 2787 4860; Password: g9U80wSb

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