Conference & Forum

CAREC Think Tanks Development Forum Recalibrating Growth Dynamics for Inclusive and Sustainable Economies

15 Sep 2022 - 16 Sep 2022 Hybrid

The Sixth Annual CAREC Think Tank Development Forum (CTTDF) will be organized in a hybrid format (physical and online) in Baku, Azerbaijan, on September 15-16, 2022, under the theme “Recalibrating Growth Dynamics for Inclusive and Sustainable Economies. The Forum is organized in partnership with ADB-PRC Regional Knowledge Sharing Initiative (RKSI), Economic and Scientific Research Institute (ESRI) of the Ministry of Economy of Azerbaijan, Center for Economic and Social Development (CESD), Azerbaijan, and supported by the ADB.

The CTTDF is annually organized under the auspices of the CAREC Think Tank Network (CTTN). Every year the Forum brings together leading practitioners from think tanks, multilateral development partners, governments, and the private sector from the CAREC region to brainstorm regional challenges and provide diverse perspectives and innovative solutions to address these challenges through dialogue, experience sharing, and knowledge collaboration.

In its sixth year, the CTTDF’s main discussions will be around the growth, inclusivity and sustainability in the region. The leading regional think tanks and experts will present and deliberate upon, among others, (i) the outcomes of the CTTN regional research project on “COVID-induced inequalities: education, health, digital access, and women’s workforce participation.” (ii) the state of progress on UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the region; (iii) climate change and green energy in the CAREC region; and (iv) geopolitical uncertainties, COVID-19, and the impact on growth and inclusivity. Lead presentations by well-known institutions and renowned experts on each topic will be complemented by country case studies by leading CAREC think tank representatives. The Forum will be live-streamed on the Zoom platform, and the CI offers free online participation in the Forum for institutions from the CAREC region and beyond.

Established in 2017, the CAREC Think Tank Network (CTTN) is a network of leading think tanks from the member countries of the CAREC Program. Consistent with the CAREC 2030 objectives to promote policy dialogue among members and development partners and deliver and disseminate quality knowledge services for regional economic cooperation, the (CTTN) brings together leading regional think tanks to promote regional cooperation and integration (RCI) through shared ideas, information, and joint research. To this end, the CTTN administers a research grants program (RGP) to encourage member think tanks to undertake research on pressing regional issues and organize an annual CAREC think tank development forum (CTTDF) to serve as a platform for the exchange of ideas and knowledge.

Click the link to join. 

Meeting ID: 843 0963 3286
Passcode: 227456


13:00 – 13:40Session I: Opening Ceremony

Welcome Remarks
Syed Shakeel Shah, Director, CAREC Institute

Opening Remarks
Shixin Chen, Vice President, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Manila, Philippines

Keynote Address
Samed Bashirli, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Economy, Azerbaijan

Group photo
13:40 – 14:45Session II: Context Setting

Moderator: Norbert Funke, Director, CCAMTAC, IMF

An overview of CAREC Economies and how much recalibration is needed for inclusive and sustainable growth
Lead Speaker: Albert F. Park, Chief Economist & Director General, ADB, Manila, Philippines

Open Discussion
Discussant I: Hans Holzhacker, Chief Economist, CAREC Institute
Discussant II: Kamalbek Karymshakov, Vice Rector/Associate Professor, Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, Bishkek, the Kyrgyz Republic
14:45 – 15:00Coffee Break
15:00 – 16:30 Session III: CTTN Regional Research Report

Moderator: Marzia Mongiorgi-Lorenzo, Principal Economist, East Asia Department, ADB

Access to Health, Education, Digital technologies, and Women’s Participation in the Workforce: Case Studies from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan.

Speaker I: Emin Mammadov, Senior Researcher/Economist, Center for Economic and Social Development (CESD), Azerbaijan

Speaker II: Gulnaz Alibekova, Deputy Director, Institute of Economics, Kazakhstan

Speaker III: Abid Qaiyum Suleri, Executive Director, Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI), Pakistan

Speaker IV: Peter Malvicini, Ph.D., DSc, UNESCO Chair, Anticipatory Governance & Sustainable Policymaking Center for Policy Research and Outreach Westminster International University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Participants’ feedback and open discussion
16:30 – 17:30Lunch Break
17:30 – 18:50Session IV: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Moderator: Khalid Umar, Chief, Strategy and Planning, CAREC Institute, Urumqi

State of Progress on UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the CAREC Region
Lead Speaker: Elena Danilova-Cross, Programme Specialist on Poverty and Inequality, UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub, Turkey

Kyrgyz Republic Case Study
Altaaf Hasham, Management Program Liaison Officer, Agha Khan Development Network (AKDN), Kyrgyz Republic

Tajikistan Case Study
Rustam Babajanov, Deputy Director, Analytical Center “NAVO”, Tajikistan

Turkmenistan Case Study
Charymuhammet Shallyev, Head of Management Department, Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management, Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan

Participants’ feedback and open discussion
18:50 –19:15Coffee Break
19:15 – 20:45Session V: Climate Change and Green Energy

Moderator: Ilham Humbatov, Senior Research Fellow, ESRI

Climate Vulnerabilities and the Case for Green Energy in the CAREC Region
Lead Speaker: Farhad Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary, Associate Professor; School of Global Studies, Tokai University/ TOKAI Research Institute for Environment and Sustainability (TRIES), Japan (Online)

Climate Disaster in Pakistan – a brief overview
Bilal Hayee, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the Republic of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan Case Study
Kamran Huseynov, Deputy Director, Azerbaijan Renewable Energy Agency, Baku, Azerbaijan

PRC Case Study
Zhang Minwen, Deputy Director General, International Economics and Finance Institute (IEFI), Beijing, PRC (Online)

Kazakhstan Case Study
Lidiya Parkhomchik, Chief Expert, Eurasian Studies Program, Institute of the World Economics and Politics (IWEP), Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan

Participants’ feedback and open discussion
20:45 – 21:00First Day Recap
13:00 – 14:20Session VI: Geopolitical Uncertainties, COVID-19, and the Impact on Growth and Inclusivity

Moderator: Kanako Mabuchi, Head, UN Resident Coordinator’s Office, Baku, Azerbaijan

Geopolitical Uncertainties, COVID-19, and the Impact on Growth and Inclusivity
Lead Speaker: Hamza Ali Malik, Director, Macroeconomic Policy and Financing for Development Division, UNESCAP, Bangkok, Thailand

Mongolia Case Study
Tuvshintugs Batdelger, Director, Economic Research Institute, Mongolia

Georgia Case Study
Giorgi Khishtovani, Research Director, PMC Research Center, Georgia

Pakistan Case Study
Zeeshan Salahuddin, Director for Regional Connectivity, Tabadlab, Pakistan

Participants’ feedback and open discussion
14:20 – 14:40Coffee Break
Session VII: Building Alliances for Regional Prosperity

Moderator: Sarah Geraldine Michael, Country Manager, World Bank Group, Azerbaijan
14:40- 16:10Building Alliances for Shared Prosperity
Lead Speaker
Debapriya Bhattacharya, Distinguished Fellow at the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh

Discussant I: Dolores Borisovna Tyulebekova, Director, the World Economy Research Center, Economic Research Institute (ERI), Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan

Discussant II: Eldor Tulyakov, Executive Director, Development Strategy Center (DSC), Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Discussant III: Natig Madatov, Leading Research Fellow at Economic Scientific Research Institute (ESRI), Baku, Azerbaijan

Discussant IV: Tuvshintugs Batdelger, Director, Economic Research Institute, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Participants’ feedback and open discussion
16:10 – 16:40CTTN Progress Report
Batsaikhan Zagdragchaa, Senior Strategic Planning Specialist, CAREC Institute, Urumqi, the PRC

Participants’ feedback and open discussion
16:40 – 16:50Wrap up and vote of thanks
16:50 – 18:00Lunch Break
18:00 – 21:00Networking and Cultural Tour

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