Workshop & Training

Regional Workshop on Large Scale Wind Power Integration

23 Sep 2013 - 26 Sep 2013 Beijing, The People's Republic of China

The rapid increase in global wind-power uptake has resulted in a sharp decline in costs, further reinforcing demand. This virtuous cycle, supported by increased environmental concern, is taking place at a time when many Asian countries are increasing renewables in their energy mix. Training focused on lessons learnt from countries that have already increased their share of wind energy as part of their primary supply. About 90 government officials and experts from 10 developing member countries participated in the workshop, which concluded with a site visit to a major wind farm in Zhangbei County, Zhangjiakou Municipality, Hebei Province. The training covered wind-energy technologies, pricing schemes, and regulatory issues, as well as energy-security concerns, and grid integration.

8:15–9:00 Registration of Participant
9:00–10:00Opening Remarks and Keynote Address by Representatives from the Government of the People’s Republic of China, the State Grid Corporation of China, and the Asian Development Bank

  • Mr. Shi Lishan, Deputy Director General, Department of New and Renewable Energy NDRC, National Energy Administration, NDRC

  • Mr. Li Junfeng, Director General, National Center for Climate Change, NDRC

  • Mr. Ayumi Konishi, Director General, East Asia Department, Asian Development Bank

  • Mr. Shen Jiang, Director General, Science and Technology Department, State Grid Corporation of China

10:00–10:30 Introduction to the Grid Integration of Wind Power Workshop
Mr. Pradeep Perera, Principal Energy Specialist, Asian Development Bank
Introduction to the Workshop
Key Messages from Beijing Workshop

Goals of the workshop
Wind power myths debunked (Nature of wind energy, issues related to integration, bring everyone to think about what are the real issues)
10:30-10:45 Coffee/Tea Break
10:45–12:15Session 1: Strategic and Policy Issues Affecting Scale up of Wind Power Development
Session Chair: Mr. Ashok Bhargava, Director, Energy Division, Asian Development Bank


  • Mr. Wang Weisheng, National Wind Research and Testing Center

  • Mr. Sanjay Garg, General Manager, Ministry of Power in India

  • Mr. Geoff James, Senior Scientist, CISIRO Australia

  • Mr. Pramod Jain, Senior Consultant, USA

Panel Discussion with the participation of several key experts from Asian countries including the PRC on Strategic and Policy Issues Confronting Wind Power Integration
Each participant will provide a brief introduction on the status of wind power integration in their country and the key issues they are facing at present (10 minutes each)
The panelist discusses how these issues are expected to be resolved and the strategic approach of the government and the industry to overcome them
12:15-1:00 Lunch
1:00–3:00Session 2: Issues and Challenges in Having Significant Share (over 10%) of Electricity Generation from Wind Power
Session Chair: Mr. Aiming Zhou, Senior Energy Specialist, Asian Development Bank

Long-term System-Wide Analysis of Maximum Amount of Wind Energy in a Grid
Mr. Nick Miller, GE Energy Management

  • Analyzing the ability of an electrical network to absorb variable sources of energy (wind energy)

  • Tools and methodologies used to determine the amount of RE penetration in the grid?

  • What does it take to increase the amount of variable source on the grid?

  • Economics of increasing variable generation

  • Managing variable generation with hydro, gas plants

Chinese Experiences and Challenges of Integrating Large-Scale Wind Power to Power System
Dr. Bai Jianhua, Deputy Chief Economist, State Grid Energy Research Institute

  • Current state of wind power development in the PRC (Capacity Distribution)

  • Key issues on wind power absorption

  • Long-term planning of wind power development

  • Solutions for wind power absorption (relationship between wind power curtailment and installed capacity, wind power transmission planning
    based on UHV, etc.)

3:00–3:30 Coffee/Tea Break
3:30–5:00Grid Code for Integrating Wind Power to Grid
Session Chair: Mr. Zhang Lei, Energy Specialist, Asian Development Bank

Grid Code Requirements and Best Practices
Mr. Nick Miller, GE Energy Management

  • Different components of grid code: LVRT, voltage & frequency characteristics, harmonics, exchange of data between SCADA and dispatch
    center, others

  • Review of the Danish grid code and how it provides balancing generation capacity for wind integration

  • Customizing grid code to a country’s grid capabilities and realities

  • The different types of wind generators and their electrical characteristics

  • Measuring compliance with grid code

Chinese Experiences in the Development of Grid Code and Guidelines for Wind Power Interconnection
Dr. Chi Yongning, China Electric Power Research Institute

  • Chinese technical standards for wind power grid integration
    Active power control and reactive power control
    Low voltage fault ride through capability
    Voltage and frequency requirements

  • Shortcomings of PRC’s existing grid code and proposed improvements

5:00-7:00 Dinner
8:15–9:00 Registration of Participants
9:00–10:30Session 4: Interconnection Studies for Integrating Wind Power Plants
Session Chair: Mr. Pradeep Perera, Principal Energy Specialist, Asian Development

Technical Studies for Impact of Wind Plant on the Grid
Mr. Nick Miller, GE Energy Management

  • Methodologies for determining impacts on the reliability, safety, (transient, voltage, and frequency) stability, and thermal loading capacity of the power system

  • Best practices for modeling power flow, analyzing stability, and short circuit

  • Approaches to determine the grid improvements and upgrades triggered by the proposed wind farms, and develop cost estimates

Chinese Experiences on Wind Interconnection Studies. Different Types of Interconnection Studies, Based on Size of Wind Farm
Dr. Zhu Lingzhi, Chief Engineer, State Grid Electric Power Research Institute

  • Data requirements for performing interconnection study

  • Processes and tools employed for studies

  • Shortcomings of PRC’s interconnection studies and proposed improvements

10:30–10:45Coffee/Tea break
10:45–12:45Session 5: Emerging Technologies and Approaches to Wind Power Integration and Mainstreaming
Session Chair: Mr. Pramod Jain, Senior Consultant, United States of America

Future of Integration of Variable Sources of Generation (integration wind, pV, and storage) demonstration projects
Mr. Yao Hongchun, Chief Engineer China Electric Power Research Institute

Advances in Wind Power Control Technologies: Reactive Power and Voltage Control
Dr. Chen Ning, Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering

Wind Power Forecasting Technologies
Dr. Cao Xiao, China Electric Power Research Institute
2:00–3:30Session 6: Issues and Challenges of Wind Power Dispatching
Session Chair: Mr. Geoff James, CISIRO, Australia

Wind Energy Dispatching Methodology
Mr. Nick Miller, GE Energy Management

  • Wind farm as capacity source or energy source

  • Policies for scheduling wind energy

  • Policies for curtailing wind energy

  • Comparison of different methods

  • Software and other tools, processes for scheduling wind energy

  • Role of wind energy forecasting

Chinese Experiences on Wind Power Dispatching
Dr. Fan Gaofeng, Chief Engineer, National Dispatch Center, State Grid Corporation of China

  • Methodologies and tools used for dispatching wind

  • Energy storage technologies

  • Intelligent DSM technologies using smart grid technologies

  • Prediction of consumer demand and wind power output

3:30–3:45 Coffee/Tea break
3:45–4:45Panel Discussion followed by Q&A session on the Technical Issues of Wind Power Integration
Session Chair, Mr. Pramod Jain, Senior Consultant, USA and the panel members consists of Mr. Nick Miller, Mr. Geoff James, Dr. Chi Yongning, Dr. Zhu Lingzhi and Dr. Fan Gaofeng

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