
ADB’s Response to Mitigate COVID-19 Impacts in Mongolia

Duration: 3:57 14 May 2021

From the earliest stages of COVID-19, ADB provided immediate support for Mongolia to improve preparedness and response, prevent domestic violence, manage food insecurity risk, and protect livelihoods of wheat farmers.

This included a COVID-19 Rapid Response Program loan of $100 million to help the government mitigate severe health and economic impacts, deliver medical equipment and supplies, and improve infection control and testing capacities. ADB also approved a $30 million health sector project to improve the capacity and hygiene of hospitals and committed $26.4 million for cash transfers to needy households affected by the pandemic.

ADB’s COVID-19 work in Mongolia continued in 2021 with another $100 million loan to strengthen the country’s health security, and $73 million to expand cash grants for children in Mongolia. ADB is working closely with the Government and key development partners to urgently support the access and deployment of COVID-19 vaccines in Mongolia.

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