
Episode 2. Exploring Opportunities for Bangladesh-PRC Cooperation

Duration: 01:29 15 Nov 2024

Mohammad Emdad Ullah Mian, the Member (Secretary) of the Physical Infrastructure Division at the Planning Commission of Bangladesh, discusses the potential for further cooperation and collaboration between Bangladesh and the PRC, particularly in the areas of multimodal transportation and the development of a “Smart Bangladesh”.


I think it is kind of an eye-opening session for me, and the way I am thinking is, so many we can actually cooperate and coordinate with each other.

We particularly had meeting with the National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Finance, it’s kind of my counterpart ministry here.

We come to a consensus that we will be further cooperate and collaborate, we can change our ideas, learn and share, in particular the planning issues.

I am actually looking after the physical infrastructure division, so based on this first-hand experience, what I am thinking, we should have an idea which is more relevant to the multimodal transportation system, meaning rail, road, air, and also the river.

We don’t have that standard model, if we can get some ideas and experience from the PRC, that will really help a lot.

And we came here with ADB people, if we can connect ADB, as well as the cooperation with the PRC, then it will be a synergic way, we can actually get all these stuffs.

And also, the PRC and Bangladesh now have good potentials to go for South-South cooperation.

So that cooperation may enhance these projects, and getting some of the ideas and experience what we have learnt here.

If you can introduce those in Bangladesh, and then that will help us a lot.

And interestingly, our honorable Prime Minister now give us a vision that we should have a smart Bangladesh, meaning smart people, smart government, smart society and so on.

If we need to really go with the smart Bangladesh, then we need to follow some of the things which the PRC has already established and developed there.

In particular, we do paperless ideas.

What I saw that just when I go to shop, you don’t need to carry cash, right?

So it can use the mobile phone.

If you can introduce this smart thing, that will help us a lot in various ways, and develop our societies in manner.

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