
Episode 08: From Resident to Host

Duration: 00:35 26 Nov 2024

Discover the charm of Dianzhen VillageYangmin Zhou, a local resident, shares his incredible journey. Thanks to the Qinling national botanical garden, he transformed his life by opening a cozy homestay. With stunning views and a warm welcome, his business is thriving.


嗨!大家好!我是殿镇村的Zhou Yamin
Hello, everyone! I am Yangmin Zhou ,
a resident of Dianzhen Village.

Previously, I engaged in various temporary jobs,
earning just enough for subsistence.

However, the inception of the Botanical Garden
presented an opportunity.
I established a quaint home hotel,
complete with five guest rooms.
This is entertainment area, that’s kitchen.

My annual income increased to around CNY 200,000 to 300,000.
I think there will be more and more guests visiting the garden,
which will lead my business become better and better.

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