
Episode 10: From Mountain to Modern: A Village Transformed

Duration: 01:02 26 Nov 2024

Life has changed for the better in Dianzhen Village. Huang Minqun shares how his life has improved since the botanical garden was built nearby. The village has gone from inconvenient mountain living to a modern community with easy access to water, electricity, and transportation. Thanks to the garden’s development, villagers now enjoy a higher quality of life.


大家好,我叫Huang Minqun,来自殿镇十队,一个村边。
Hi! I’m Huang Minqun,
a resident of Dianzhen Village.

It’s very inconvenient while I lived on the hillside of the Qinling Mountains.

We moved to the village since the Garden established.

Electricity, water, roads are all reachable.

We heartfully thanks to the development brought by the Garden.

Otherwise, we can’t move to the plains.生活也没法像现在这样便利。
life can’t be so convenient like now.

Back when I was living in the mountains,
I need to go to the bottom of the mountains to fetch water.
Now we have tap water,
which is cleaner, and easy to get.

Previously, I’m most afraid of rainy days,
Because the roads get muddy,
I need to wear rain boots.

Now we have asphalt and cement roads,
our shoes are still clean even during rainy days.


And every household has vehicle to commute,
it’s so easy to go out of the village.

We express our sincere gratitude once more
to the development brought by the Garden.

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