Call for Presentation Abstract

Asian Development Bank (ADB), and the Ecology and Environment Department of Hunan are pleased to announce a Call for Presentation Abstract for the 2023 Asia-Pacific Forum on Green and Low-carbon Development (APFGLCD).
ADB will co-host the 2023 APFGLCD with Ecology and Environment Department, Hunan Government on October 20-21, 2023, in Changsha, Hunan Province, PRC. This year’s event will feature ADB East Asia Department’s flagship East Asia Forum (EAF). APFGLCD together with this year’s EAF (hereafter the Forum) are a flagship platform for sharing green development and low-carbon knowledge in the region with high-level participants from public, private, international organizations, academia, and non-governmental organizations, and think tanks. The event discusses strategies, innovations, and opportunities for sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific.
The 2023 Forum’s theme is “Transition and Innovation: Sharing New Opportunities, Promoting New Development.” It will include plenary sessions and parallel sessions on policy, finance and technology related with green and low carbon.
The Forum will feature sessions with two plenary sessions and three thematic tracks (policy, finance, and technology). Each track will include four 90-minute sessions, each with a series of short presentations followed by discussion.
To solicit a wide range of input for the Forum, the organizers are issuing this open Call for Presentation Abstract across the Asia and Pacific region and globally. This year, each track has pre-selected session topics, and this should result in a more targeted set of abstracts. The Forum is seeking abstracts that describe best practices that identify and develop solutions for green and low carbon development, highlight creative and innovative solutions to climate change challenges either in mitigation and adaption, and achieve tangible outcomes that can be scaled up in the Asia and Pacific region.
We welcome presenters from governments, project implementers, financial institutions, universities, and the whole range of organizations working on green, low carbon development issues. All presentations should fall within one of the following tracks and session topics:
Policy and Regulation
- Climate change policies, including nationally determined contribution, just transition, green recovery.
- Carbon neutrality strategies: Perspectives on the future trajectory of climate change.
- Public and private partnership: Policies and regulations for green and low carbon development.
- Pathways and approaches: Pilots and practices from industrial parks.
- Investment and financing for green and low carbon development.
- Carbon pricing and emission trade mechanisms in Asia and the Pacific.
- Innovative financing mechanisms for climate change from country experiences.
- Innovative financing mechanisms for climate change from international financial institutions experiences.
- Emerging mitigation technologies development and deployment, including energy storage, hydrogen and others.
- Emerging adaptation technologies development and deployment, including nature-based solutions
- Digitalization for green and low carbon development.
Those interested in presenting should submit a brief description of their proposed topic by clicking on this form. Submissions should be no longer than 150 words and should provide all the information requested. The deadline for submissions is Friday, September 8, 2023, 17:00 Beijing time (+8 GMT). Please keep in mind the following:
- The proposed topic should be related to an organization’s or an individual’s recent or current work in climate change and must focus on concrete outcomes and achievements.
- The proposed topic must be aligned with one of the session topics listed above.
- Presenters from the top 20 proposals will be funded by economy airfare and accommodation. Other presenters are responsible for their own airfare and accommodation.
- There are limited presentation slots, and the selection is expected to be highly competitive. Preference will be given to topics that meet the above criteria and also address the critical issue of how initiatives and activities can be scaled up across the Asia and Pacific region.
More details on these activities and events will follow over the coming weeks, and the planned schedule is available at the Program-at-a-Glance.
- Ecology and Environment Department of Hunan, CHEN Yi
- Asian Development Bank, LIU Siyang