
Results Reality Booth Draws Crowds at 57th Annual Meeting with Immersive Project Showcase

The Results Reality Booth at the 2024 ADB Annual Meeting in Tbilisi, Georgia, attracted as many as 325 participants. These included heads of country delegations, representatives of international organizations, journalists, governors, entrepreneurs and observers. Over four days, through an immersive virtual reality experience, the Results Reality Booth showcased ADB’s operations in the region. Projects featured at the booth included: Urban Services Improvement Investment Program,  Road Corridor Investment Program (Georgia), Shaanxi Qinling Biodiversity Conservation and Demonstration project (PRC), Wind Energy Generation Project (Sri Lanka), Inclusive Finance Development Program (the Philippines) and Promoting Research and Innovation Through Modern and Efficient Science and Technology Parks Project

The Results Reality Booth is a collaborative effort of ADB’s Strategy, Policy and Partnerships Department and RKSI. Through virtual reality videos, the booth highlights the successes of ADB projects. 

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