Sharing ADB's Operational Knowledge in Technical and Vocational Education and Training in the PRC with CAREC Member Countries


The People’s Republic of China (PRC)’s national and provincial policy directives identify Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) as a key tool for tackling economic and social development needs. Responding to these needs, ADB has supported and funded TVET programs in the country including those in Guizhou, Ningxia, and Guangxi, and has contributed to transformative TVET reforms for over 20 years.

The TVET sector is less developed in member countries of Central Asian Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) program. Among the challenges faced are a mismatch between TVET curriculum and industry-required skills, absence of a national TVET qualification system, and inadequate human and financial resources.

To address these challenges, ADB, in consultation with the PRC government, launched a Technical Assistance Project in 2019, which focuses on distilling ADB’s operational knowledge and the PRC’s national policy initiatives and innovations in TVET for sharing with CAREC member countries. This is in line with CAREC 2030 Strategy, which includes regional cooperation in education and skills development as an operational priority to promote social and economic development.

The TA project is expected to improve the operational efficiency of TVET programs, strengthen the institutional capacities of key stakeholders in TVET sector, and be a reference for policy reforms in the PRC and other CAREC member countries.

Workshop, Report, and Videos

The TA project draws on ADB’s and the PRC’s lessons and experiences in the TVET sector to share best practices and innovations to CAREC member countries. Through expert consultations, scoping studies, reviews and gender analysis of domestic TVET policies, the project generates and shares knowledge through, among others, TA reports, videos, and workshops.

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