Episode 1. Matching TVET with Market Demand

This “TVET in the PRC” video series shares key recommendations from the PRC’s TVET development experiences and lessons with other CAREC countries. Composed of four episodes, the series presents project findings based on the TA consultant’s report.

Episode 1 emphasizes how other CAREC countries can benefit from adopting an employment-oriented policy that matches TVET curriculum with market demand. In the PRC, the shift from a subject to competency-based curriculum combined with a modern apprenticeship system has allowed TVET schools to train and produce graduates, who meet the requirements of the industry.

Episode 2.  Integrating Industry with TVET Education

Other CAREC countries should strive to ensure deep industry integration in TVET programs. This can happen via school-enterprise cooperation that involves active guidance of industries and participation of enterprises in vocational schools’ operations. TVET group and enterprise-led TVET school group are two of the school-enterprise cooperation approaches that have been successful in the PRC.

Episode 3. Dual Qualifications and ICT Training

Techers with dual (professional and teacher) qualifications are key to ensuring quality TVET programs. For CAREC countries, a national qualification standard and certification system can be established for TVET normal education. In addition, the development and adoption of information and communication technologies, such as, broadband internet, open online courses, multimedia classrooms, and virtual and augmented realities are key to improving the quality of both teachers and students.

Episode 4. Support from International Organizations and Bilateral Cooperation with the PRC

The PRC’s TVET development has benefited greatly from the support of international organizations including ADB and World Bank. In the same vein, other CAREC countries’ TVET programs can benefit from the assistance of international organizations, while leveraging bilateral TVET cooperation programs with the PRC in emerging and advanced areas, such as, e-commerce, and electric vehicles.

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