Conference & Forum

East Asia Forum Decarbonizing Asia and the Pacific: Experience from East Asia

20 Apr 2022 - 21 Apr 2022 Online

With the theme, “Decarbonizing Asia and the Pacific: Experience from East Asia,” the East Asia Department (EARD), ADB will be holding the East Asia Forum 2022. This flagship event co-hosted with the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) provides an opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences in critical areas of climate transition among key stakeholders in Asia and the Pacific. Selected experiments from East Asian countries will be highlighted.

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13:00 – 13:50Opening Session

Session Chair
M. Teresa Kho, Director General, East Asia Department, Asian Development Bank

Opening Remarks

  • Ahmed M. Saeed, Vice President (Operations 2) for East Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific, Asian Development Bank

  • Tetsushi Sonobe, Dean, Asian Development Bank Institute

Keynote Speech
Towards a Framework for Financing Climate Transition.
Ma Jun, Chairman, Green Finance Committee of China Society for Finance and Banking/Co-Chair, G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group

Context Setting Presentation
Jonathan Walters, Consultant, Asian Development Bank
13:50 – 14:00 Break
14:00 – 15:30 Plenary Session: Planning and Acting for Effective Decarbonization

Session chair
Sujata Gupta, Director, Sustainable Infrastructure Division, East Asia Department, Asian Development Bank

Long-Term Planning for Decarbonization.
Richard Baron, Executive Director, 2050 Pathways Platform

People’s Republic of China’s Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy.
Li Gao, Director General, Department of Climate Change, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the People’s Republic of China


  • Noelle O’Brien, Director, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management Division, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, Asian Development Bank

  • Arief Wijaya, Program Director, WRI Indonesia (Open Climate Network Indonesia, Climate Policy Options)

  • Suzanna Sumkhuu, Acting CEO, New Recovery Policy Accelerator of Mongolia

  • Ryuzo Sugimoto, Director, International Cooperation and Sustainable Infrastructure Office, Global Environmental Bureau, Ministry of the Environment, Japan

  • Assaad Razzouk, CEO, Gurīn Energy, Singapore

Q&A and Discussion
15:30 – 15:40 Break
15:40 – 17:00 Regional Exchange 1: Financing Decarbonization Efforts

Session Chair
Xiaoqin Fan, Director, Public Management, Financial Sector, and Regional Cooperation Division, East Asia Department, Asian Development Bank

Hong Kong, China’s Experiences in Green Bond Market Development.
Joseph Chan, Undersecretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Defining and Measuring Green Finance: The IT System.
Hui Chen, CEO, Beijing Uni Inclusive Technology Limited Company


  • Michael Zhang, Vice Chairperson, Investment Banking, Deutsche Bank, the People’s Republic of China

  • Iskandar Abdullaev, Deputy Director 2, CAREC Institute

  • Boldoo Magvan, CEO, Mongolia Green Finance Corporation

  • Munlika Sompranon, Director of Policy and Strategy Section, Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency, Ministry of Energy, Thailand

  • Joshua Ling, Climate Change Specialist (Climate Finance), Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management Division, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, Asian Development Bank

  • Anqian Huang, Senior Financial Sector Specialist, Public Management, Financial Sector, and Regional Cooperation Division, East Asia Department, Asian Development Bank

  • Biao Huang, Principal Investment Specialist, Private Sector Financial Institutions Division, Private Sector Operations Department, Asian Development Bank

  • Q&A and Discussion
Regional Exchange 2: Transforming Suffering Cities
13:00 – 13:552.1 Managing Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Session Chair
Jiwan Acharya, Principal Energy Specialist, Energy Division, South Asia Department, Asian Development Bank

Co-benefits of Air Pollution Management and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction- Experiences from the Greater Beijing -Tianjin-Hebei Region Program.
Yun Zhou, Senior Environment Specialist, Sustainable Infrastructure Division, East Asia Department, Asian Development Bank


  • Deepak Sahani, Manager, Corporate Planning, Energy Efficiency Service Limited, India

  • Vaqar Zakaria, Managing Director, Hagler Bailly Pakistan

  • Faela Sufa, Director, Institution of Transportation and Development Policy, Indonesia

  • Yixin Yao, Senior Research Fellow, Asian Development Bank Institute

  • Shannon Cowlin, Principal Energy Specialist, Sustainable Infrastructure Division, East Asia Department, Asian Development Bank

Q&A and Discussion
13:55 – 14:502.2 Developing Carbon-Neutral Cities

Session Chair
Asif Cheema, Director, Urban and Social Sectors Division, East Asia Department, Asian Development Bank

Developing Low-Carbon and Carbon-Neutral Cities in the People’s Republic of China and Mongolia.

  • Stefan Rau, Senior Urban Development Specialist, Urban and Social Sectors Division, East Asia Department, Asian Development Bank

  • Arnaud Heckmann, Principal Urban Development Specialist, Urban and Social Sectors Division, East Asia Department, Asian Development Bank


  • Yang Xiu, Associate Senior Researcher and Research Director, Institute of Climate Change and Sustainable Development, Tsinghua University

  • Dražen Kučan, Sector Lead/Senior Urban and Energy Efficiency Specialist, Division Mitigation Adaptation, Green Climate Fund

  • Yong Ye, Country Director, Pakistan Resident Mission, Central and West Asia Department, Asian Development Bank

Q&A and Discussion
14:50 – 15:00 Break
Regional Exchange 3: Toward Low-Carbon Rural Development
15:00 – 15:55 3.1 Low-Carbon Rangeland and Livestock Management

Session Chair
Pavit Ramachandran, Country Director, Mongolia Resident Mission, East Asia Department, Asian Development Bank

Carbon Sequestration Through Sustainable Rangeland and Livestock Management.

  • Arnaud Heckmann, Principal Urban Development Specialist, Urban and Social Sectors Division, East Asia Department, Asian Development Bank

  • Jan Hinrichs, Senior Natural Resources Economist, Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Division, East Asia Department, Asian Development Bank


  • Enkh-Amgalan Tseelei, Member of the Steering Committee and Advisor to Executive Team, Mongolian National Federation of Pasture User Groups of Herders

  • Dil B. Rahut, Vice Chair of Research, Senior Research Fellow/Economist, Asian Development Bank Institute

  • Michiko Katagami, Principal Natural Resources and Agriculture Specialist, Rural Development and Food Security (Agriculture) Thematic Group, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, Asian Development Bank

  • Hans Siewert Woldring, Senior Evaluation Specialist, Sector and Project Division, Independent Evaluation Department, Asian Development Bank

Q&A and Discussion
15:55 – 16:503.2 Achieving Carbon Neutrality through Bio-Based Value Chains

Session Chair
Yolanda Fernandez Lommen, Country Director, People’s Republic of China Resident Mission, East Asia Department, Asian Development Bank

Asian Development Bank’s Support to Low-Carbon Rural Development.
Thomas Panella, Director, Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Division, East Asia Department, Asian Development Bank


  • Miao Zheng, Deputy Director, Department of Farmland Enhancement, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the People’s Republic of China

  • Yiching Song, Professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • Wei Liu, Senior Sustainability Scientist, Luohan Academy of the Alibaba Group

  • Srinivasan Ancha, Principal Climate Change Specialist, Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Division, Southeast Asia Department, Asian Development Bank

Q&A and Discussion
16:50 – 17:30 Closing Session: Deepening Partnerships

Session Chair
Akiko Terada-Hagiwara
Principal Economist, Office of the Director General, East Asia Department, Asian Development Bank


  • Peter Morgan, Senior Consulting Economist and Advisor to the Dean, Asian Development Bank Institute

  • Dongxiang Li, Lead Regional Cooperation Specialist, Regional Cooperation and Operations Coordination Division, South Asia Department, Asian Development Bank

  • Safdar Parvez, Advisor, East Asia Department, Asian Development Bank

Closing Remarks
M. Teresa Kho, Director General, East Asia Department, Asian Development Bank

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