Workshop & Training

International GMS Urban Strategy Development Workshop

14 Nov 2013 - 15 Nov 2013 Kunming, The People's Republic of China

The Second Meeting of the Urban Development Task Force held in Kunming City from 14–15 November 2013 was undertaken with the objective of further strengthening regional cooperation in the urban development sector and stimulating integration and competitiveness of GMS corridor towns and border areas. A productive exchange of views and insights took place on two main agenda: i) urban development in the context of the role of cities and urban connectivity in promoting GMS sustainability, functional integration and competitiveness; and ii) country perspectives on existing urban development plans and strategies including implications of the respective country strategies in relation to regional cooperation and integration. The meeting also discussed and confirmed the GMS Regional Investment Framework (RIF) pipeline of projects for urban development as well as the proposed medium- term agenda of the Task Force.

0900-0925Opening Session
Opening and Introductory Remarks by Chair and Co-Chair
Welcome Remarks by Governor, Yunnan Province, the PRC
Brief Statement by Hamid Sharif, Country Director, ADB PRC Resident Mission
0925-0930Group Photo
0930-0945 Coffee Break
0945-1030 Session 1: Urban Development in the Greater Mekong Subregion
The Role of Cities and Urban Connectivity in Promoting GMS Sustainability, Functional Integration and Competitiveness
Presentation by Prof. Douglas Webster, ADB Consultant
1030 -1700 Session 2: Country Perspectives on Urban Development
Presentations by member country representatives (30 minutes each and 10 minutes of discussions) in promoting GMS connectivity, integration and competitiveness of corridor towns )

Country presentation of 15-20 slides will be guided by the following essential contents:

  • What are your general observations about the national urban systems and development strategies as presented by Mr. Douglas in the Urban Development in the GMS? What are the implications of these strategies in the national efforts of your country to promote connectivity, integration and competitiveness of corridor towns

  • Have urbanization trends been adequately described and assessed for your country? Please provide additional information that needs to be taken into account in the assessment of the urbanization trends

  • Does the presentation of the national urban system of your country adequately describe the economic role and importance of the urban centers covered? Please provide additional information on the national urban system, if possible

  • As a way forward, identify key development strategies that should be adopted to trigger the development of the corridor towns. Please also indicate what type of urban sector investments that would further promote connectivity, integration and competitiveness of the corridor towns and cross border areas

  • What strategic measures can be implemented to strengthen regional cooperation and functional integration among GMS corridor towns?

1030-1110Cambodia’s Perspectives on Urban Systems and Development Strategies
Presentation by the Cambodia Lead Urban TF Member highlighting the key elements based on the Guide Questions
1110-1150The PRC’s Perspectives on Urban Systems and Development Strategies
Presentation by the PRC GMS National Coordinator highlighting the key elements based on the Guide Questions
1150-1300Lunch Break
1300Session 3: Continuation of Country Presentations
1300-1340Lao PDR’s Perspectives on Urban Systems and Development Strategies
Presentation by the Lao PDR GMS National Coordinator highlighting the key elements based on the Guide Questions
1340-1420Myanmar’s Perspectives on Urban Systems and Development Strategies
Presentation by the Myanmar GMS National Coordinator highlighting the key elements based on the Guide Questions
1420-1500Thailand’s Perspectives on Urban Systems and Development Strategies
Presentation by the Thailand Lead GMS Urban TF member highlighting the key elements based on the Guide Questions
1500-1540Viet Nam’s Perspectives on Urban Systems and Development Strategies
Presentation by the Viet Nam Lead GMS Urban TF member highlighting the key elements based on the Guide Questions
1540-1600 Coffee/ Tea Break
1600-1700Session 4. Plenary Discussions on GMS Sustainability, Functional Integration, and Connectivity

Mr. Webster will give a synthesis of the country perspectives and initiate discussions on common strategies in urban development with emphasis on the development of corridor towns and border areas. Participants will be encouraged to share views.

The co-chair will facilitate the plenary discussions.
0900-0920Session 5: Synthesis of the Day I Session

Presentation by SEUW, ADB of the highlights of discussions and agreements during Day 1
0920-1020Session 6: Discussions and Confirmation of the GMS Regional Investment Framework (RIF) for Urban Development Sector

Presentation by ADB on GMS RIF for Urban Development Sector

The co-chair will facilitate discussions and seek confirmation on the GMS RIF.
1020-1035Coffee, Tea Break
1035-1125Session 7: Discussion on Proposed CDTA on Strengthening Urban Planning in the GMS Corridor Towns Development Project and PPTA on Cross-Border Economic Zones Development

Proposed Capacity Development Technical Assistance on Strengthening Urban Planning in the GMS Corridor Towns Development
Proposed Project Preparatory Technical Assistance on Cross-Border Economic Zones Development

The Co-Chair will facilitate discussions and seek consensus on the draft MOU
1125-1225 Session 8: Confirmation of the GMS Urban Development Task Force TOR and Discussion of the Agenda on the 2014 Activities

Presentation by ADB on the TOR and indicative 2014 Work Plan/Agenda of the GMS Urban TF

The Co-Chair will facilitate discussion and seek agreements on the agenda.
1230-1240Closing Session
The co-chair will summarize the agreements
The chair will give the concluding remark

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