Workshop & Training

International Workshop on Establishment of Carbon Market: Learning From International Experience, Planning for the Future

11 Sep 2014 Tianjin, The People's Republic of China

This emissions trading workshop was jointly organized by ADB and the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) of the PRC. The forum aimed to: (i) update and share knowledge and expertise on developments with the emissions trading scheme (ETS); (ii) discuss possible approaches to building a national system based on the practical experiences and lessons from pilot schemes in the PRC and other countries; and (iii) discuss the feasibility of linking systems between ADB’s developing member countries (DMCs).  

More than 90 representatives from the PRC and DMCs attended the workshop. Policy makers and personnel from the seven pilot ETS in the PRC, the European Union, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Thailand, and Viet Nam, as well as representatives of the World Bank and other international organizations shared their experiences in policy and regulatory development, and methodologies and guidance for establishing or planning to establish a national ETS.

Session I. Welcome Address
Moderator:Jiang Zhaoli, Director, NDRC
9:00-9:15Welcome Remarks by Su Wei, Director General, NDRC
9:15-9:25Remarks from World Economic Forum
9:25-9:35Opening remarks by representative of ADB
Session II. National and international ETS development
Moderator:Li Ting, Executive Director of SLCA
9:35-9:55Updates of ETS operations and future development in the PRC
Wang Shu, Deputy Director, Climate Change Department, NDRC
9:55-10:15Updates of PMR
Huang Dafei, Team Leader, World Bank PMR Program
10:15-10:35Experience on ETS development and recommendations
Lingshui Mo, ADB
10:35-10:50Tea break
10:50-11:50Development of Thailand Voluntary Emission Trading Scheme (Thailand V-ETS)
Carbon Business Office

Experience on ETS development and Recommendations
Vicky Pollard, Environment & Climate Counsellor, EU Delegation, Beijing
11:50-12:00Group Photo
Session III. Panel discussion on future national ETS development
Moderator: Tang Renhu, GM, Sino Carbon Innovation & Investment Co., Ltd.
14:00-15:10Panel 1. Roadmap of national ETS development
Xuedu LU, ADB

Discussants: Representative of 3 pilots and 3 other DMCs
15:10-15:30Tea break
15:30-16:40Panel 2. International Perspectives on Next Steps in the PRC’s ETS Development
Josh Margolis, Environmental Defense Fund

Discussants: Representative of 4 pilots and 2 other DMCs
Session IV. Summary
Moderator:Zhang Jianyu, Director of China Program
16:40-16:50Dan J. Dudek, Vice President, EDF
16:50-17:00Jiang Zhaoli, Director, Department of Climate Change, NDRC
17:00End of Session

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