Promoting Rural Development and Sustainable Poverty Reduction

East Asia Department’s Thomas Panella introduced ADB’s cooperation with the PRC on rural development, and evolution of ADB’s agriculture development projects. Meanwhile, Strategy, Policy and Partnerships Department’s Smita Nakhooda shared the implementation and progress on SDGs in ADB’s DMCs, and the importance of digitalization and regional cooperation in recovery. The annual forum was attended by over 80 regional participants.

10:00-10:30Opening Ceremony (10 mins each)

  • Ms.SU Guoxia, Director General of the Department of General Affairs, Spokesperson of the Chinese State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development (LGOP): Briefing on the PRC’s poverty alleviation progress and policy measures fighting against COVID-19

  • H.E. Kung Phoak, Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN Secretariat

  • H.E. DENG Xijun, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the PRC to ASEAN

Moderator: Dr. LIU Junwen, International Poverty Reduction Center in China (IPRCC)
10:30-11:30Representatives from the ASEAN countries (6 mins each)

  • Mr. Chreay Pom, Director General of Ministry of Rural Development, Cambodia

  • Mr. Mulyadin Malik, Acting Director of Rural Area Facilities and Infrastructure Development, Ministry of Village, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration, Indonesia

  • Mr. Kham Ouane Khamphoukeo, Acting Director General of Department of Rural Development and Cooperatives, Lao PDR

  • Mrs. Siti Zaharah binti Omar, Deputy Under Secretary of Strategic Planning Division, Ministry of Rural Development, Malaysia

  • Mr. Khant Zaw, Director General of Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation, Department of Rural Development, Myanmar

  • H.E. Noel K. Felongco, Director-General of National Anti-poverty Commission of the Philippines

  • Mr. Richard Tan, Senior Director of Ministry of Social and Family Development, Women Development and International Relations Division, Singapore

  • Dr. Wasana Techavijitsarn, Director of ASEAN Unit, Foreign Affairs Division, Ministry of Interior, Thailand

Moderator: Dr. Sita Sumrit ASEAN Secretariat
11:30-12:15Representatives from International Organizations (5 mins each)

  • Mr. CHEN Dehai, Secretary-General of China-ASEAN Center

  • Dr. TAN Weiping, IPRCC

  • Ms. Beate Trankmann, Resident Representative and Country Director of UNDP, the PRC

  • Dr. Marielza Oliveira, FAO Representative in the PRC

  • Dr. Martin Raiser, World Bank Country Director for the PRC and Mongolia, and Director for the Republic of Korea

  • Dr. QU Sixi, Representative and Country Director of WFP, the PRC

  • Mr. Shamit Chakravarti, Principal Social Sector Specialist, ADB

  • Mr. SUN Yinhong, Officer-in-Charge and Country Program Officer, IFAD, the PRC

  • Ms. Christina Popivanova, Chief of Social Policy and Reform for Children, UNICEF Office for the PRC

Moderator: Dr. TAN Weiping, IPRCC
12:15-12:30Closing Ceremony

  • Dr. TAN Weiping, Deputy Director General, IPRCC

  • H.E. Chivoan SAO, Secretary of state, Ministry of Rural Development, Cambodia

Moderator: Dr. TAN Weiping, IPRCC

Joining Hands & Fighting against COVID-19, Promoting Poverty Alleviation

Southeast Asia Department’s Shamit Chakravarti on 29 July shared ADB’s social protection program in the Philippines, emphasizing the fundamentals of good social protection system would remain the same whether in normal or pandemic time. Speakers from regional countries provided updates on their poverty alleviation developments, discussed measures to control the pandemic and to restore and enhance people’s well-being. Over 80 participants attended the forum.

10:00-10:30Opening Ceremony (10 mins each)

  • Ms.SU Guoxia, Director General of the Department of General Affairs, Spokesperson of the Chinese State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development (LGOP): Briefing on the PRC’s poverty alleviation progress and policy measures fighting against COVID-19

  • H.E. Kung Phoak, Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN Secretariat

  • H.E. DENG Xijun, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the PRC to ASEAN

Moderator: Dr. LIU Junwen, International Poverty Reduction Center in China (IPRCC)
10:30-11:30Representatives from the ASEAN countries (6 mins each)

  • Mr. Chreay Pom, Director General of Ministry of Rural Development, Cambodia

  • Mr. Mulyadin Malik, Acting Director of Rural Area Facilities and Infrastructure Development, Ministry of Village, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration, Indonesia

  • Mr. Kham Ouane Khamphoukeo, Acting Director General of Department of Rural Development and Cooperatives, Lao PDR

  • Mrs. Siti Zaharah binti Omar, Deputy Under Secretary of Strategic Planning Division, Ministry of Rural Development, Malaysia

  • Mr. Khant Zaw, Director General of Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation, Department of Rural Development, Myanmar

  • H.E. Noel K. Felongco, Director-General of National Anti-poverty Commission of the Philippines

  • Mr. Richard Tan, Senior Director of Ministry of Social and Family Development, Women Development and International Relations Division, Singapore

  • Dr. Wasana Techavijitsarn, Director of ASEAN Unit, Foreign Affairs Division, Ministry of Interior, Thailand

Moderator: Dr. Sita Sumrit ASEAN Secretariat
11:30-12:15Representatives from International Organizations (5 mins each)

  • Mr. CHEN Dehai, Secretary-General of China-ASEAN Center

  • Dr. TAN Weiping, IPRCC

  • Ms. Beate Trankmann, Resident Representative and Country Director of UNDP, the PRC

  • Dr. Marielza Oliveira, FAO Representative in the PRC

  • Dr. Martin Raiser, World Bank Country Director for the PRC and Mongolia, and Director for the Republic of Korea

  • Dr. QU Sixi, Representative and Country Director of WFP, the PRC

  • Mr. Shamit Chakravarti, Principal Social Sector Specialist, ADB

  • Mr. SUN Yinhong, Officer-in-Charge and Country Program Officer, IFAD, the PRC

  • Ms. Christina Popivanova, Chief of Social Policy and Reform for Children, UNICEF Office for the PRC

Moderator: Dr. TAN Weiping, IPRCC
12:15-12:30Closing Ceremony

  • Dr. TAN Weiping, Deputy Director General, IPRCC

  • H.E. Chivoan SAO, Secretary of state, Ministry of Rural Development, Cambodia

Moderator: Dr. TAN Weiping, IPRCC

ASEAN-China Cooperation on Poverty Reduction towards SDGs

The ASEAN-China Forum on Social Development and Poverty Reduction has been held for 12 consecutive years. The Forum aims to provide a sound platform for the PRC and ASEAN members to exchange views on common concerns, explore ways to narrow development gaps, and share best practices to achieve harmonious development based on mutual benefits and win-win spirit. Moreover, field visits are arranged for participants to better understand these best practices and inspire their own undertakings. The objectives of this year’s forum include: to share best practices of the PRC and ASEAN member countries on rural revitalization and poverty reduction, linkages between rural and urban poverty and innovation for poverty reduction; to discuss ways of enhancing poverty reduction partnerships to realize the sustainable development goals in the region.


Arrival of participants to the PRC-Japan-the Republic of Korea (ROK) Workshop

Workshop on the PRC-Japan-ROK Rural Vitalization Experiences: Implications for ASEAN Countries

Arrival of participants to the 13th ASEAN-China Forum

09:00-10:30Opening Ceremony

Mr. FANG Chunming, Vice Chairman, the People’s Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the PRC

Welcome Remarks:

  • H.E. Mr. CHEN Zhigang, Vice Minister, the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development of the PRC (LGOP)

  • H.E. Dr. OUK Rabun, Minister of Rural Development, Cambodia

  • H.E. Mr. CHEN Wu, Chairman, the People’s Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the PRC

  • H.E. Mr. Noel K. Felongco, Secretary/Lead Convenor of the National Anti poverty Commission of the Philippines

  • H.E. Mr. Thongphat Vongmany, Vice Minister of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Lao PDR

  • H.E. Mr. Kung Phoak, Deputy Secretary General of ASEAN

  • Ms. JIANG Qin, Minister Counselor, Mission of the PRC to ASEAN

10:00-10:30Group photo and tea/coffee break
10:30-12:00Session 1: ASEAN-the PRC Cooperation on Poverty Reduction: Review and Outlook

Mr. Miguel Musngi, Senior Officer, Poverty Eradication and Gender Division, ASEAN Secretariat

The PRC’s Targeted Poverty Reduction
Mr. Wu Min, Deputy Director General of General Affairs Department, the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development of the PRC (LGOP)

Regional Cooperation for Poverty Reduction
Mr. Devanand Ramiah, Deputy Resident Representative , UNDP the PRC

The PRC-ASEAN poverty reduction cooperation: The village level Pilot Project of East Asia Poverty Reduction Cooperation in Lao PDR
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Laos

The value of the PRC’s new poverty alleviation practices to ASEAN countries
Prof. Dr. LI Xiaoyun, Honorable Dean of China Institute for South South Cooperation in Agriculture (CISSCA)

14:00-17:30Session 2: Towards the SDGs: Poverty Reduction Practices of the PRC and ASEAN Countries

Dr. TAN Weiping, Deputy Director General, International Poverty Reduction Center in China (IPRCC)

Country presentation of Cambodia
Mr. Chreay Pom, Director General of Technical Affairs, Ministry of Rural Development, Cambodia

Country presentation of Indonesia
Mrs. Harlina Sulistyorini, Director General, Directorate General Of Rural Area Development, Ministry of Village, Development Disadvantaged Region and Transmigration, Indonesia

Country presentation of Malaysia
Mr. Mazwan bin Abdul Manan, Ministry of Rural Development, Malaysia

Country presentation of Myanmar
Mr. Thein Lwin, Deputy Director General, Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation, Myanmar


15:50-16:10 Coffee Break
16:10-18:00 Session 2: Towards the SDGs: Poverty Reduction Practices of the PRC and ASEAN Countries (continued)

Dr. TAN Weiping, Deputy Director General, International Poverty Reduction Center in China (IPRCC)

Country presentation of the Philippines
Mr. Elias C. Labro, Jr., Head Executive Assistant/ Chief of Staff, National Anti-Poverty Commission, the Philippines National Anti-Poverty Commission, the Philippines

Country presentation of Singapore
Mr. Shin Yong Wong, Senior Assistant Director, Customer and International Relations Division, Ministry of Social and Family Development, Singapore

Country presentation of Thailand
Ms. Pattaraporn Isarangkura Na Ayuthaya, Plan and Policy Analyst, Ministry of Interior, Thailand

The PRC ’s targeted poverty alleviation practices
Mr. ZHU Youkui, Deputy Director General, Poverty Alleviation Office of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

18:30-20:00 Welcome Dinner by the Hosts
09:00 – 10:20 Session 3 – Accelerate ASEAN to Achieve the SDGs: Vision and Action

Mr. Hsiao Chink Tang, Head, ADB-PRC Regional Knowledge Sharing Initiative

How the Belt and Road Investments help ASEAN countries achieve the SDGs
Dr. Zhang Chun, Professor, Institute of International Relations, Yunnan University

The PRC-ASEAN Cooperation on Poverty Reduction: Role and Practices of Social Organization
Mr. Wang Xingzui, Executive Vice Chair, China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation

South-South Knowledge Exchange to Foster Regional Poverty Reduction
Mr. Sun Yinhong, Country Program Officer, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) the PRC Office

10:20 – 11:00 Experience Sharing of Selected Cases from the Global Best Practices for Poverty Reduction

Mr. Bai Chengyu, Director, China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges, MOFCOM, the PRC (CICETE)

Promoting Farmers’ Agriculture-related Skills through Participatory Teaching in the “Farmers’ Field School”: A Case Study of Rong’an County, Guangxi
Dr. Dong Le, Poverty Reduction and Innovation Officer, FAO Representation in the PRC

Online Information Sharing for Healthy Poverty Alleviation: A Case Study of the “Internet + Healthy Poverty Alleviation” Model in Hanzhong
Ms. Zhao Wenjie, Director of Health Committee of Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province

“Internet + Poverty Reduction”: An effective approach for targeted poverty alleviation through ICTs
Mr. Ni Limin, Director of Alibaba Poverty Relief Fund, Alibaba Group

The Inspiration from Bona Villa for the Villagers’ Inner Impetus, to Build the New Poverty Alleviation Modle about Rural Tourism – Taking “A Hillside of Mamahua” in Nanyu Village, Hebei Province for Example
Ms. Su Luyi, Project Director of Bona Villa, China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 – 12:00 Closing Ceremony

Mr. Fang Chunming, Vice Chairman, the People’s Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the PRC

Closing Remarks:
Ms. Zhang Guangping, Deputy Director General,International Poverty
H.E. Mr. Kung Phoak, Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN

12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
14:00 – 18:20 Field visit to TianYeMuGe Beef Cattle Industry Demonstration Zone
18:30 – 20:00 Dinner

Field Visits: The 13th ASEAN-China Forum on Social Development and Poverty Reduction

08:30-09:30 From Nanning to Xinjiang Town of Yongning District
09:30-11:30Visit the fructus evodiae poverty alleviation farm and the standardized edible mushroom plantation in Xinjiang town
11:30-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:00 Head to Changtang town of Qingxiu district
14:00-15:30 Visit the golden camellia demonstration town of Tiantang village
15:30-15:50 Head to Liuwei town
15:50-17:30Visit the Siyemuge Beef cattle industry demonstration area in Liuwei
17:30-18:30Return to the Liyuan Resort in Nanning for dinner

Departure of all participants

Enhancing Poverty Reduction Partnerships for an ASEAN-China Community With a Shared Future

In Asia and the Pacific, 330 million people still live on less than $1.90 a day, and 1.2 billion still live on less than $3.10 a day. What can we do to eradicate poverty? The 12th ASEAN-China Forum on Social Development and Poverty Reduction was held in Manila, Philippines from 27-29 June 2018. It was jointly hosted by the National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC) of the Philippines and the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development of China; co-organized by the International Poverty Reduction Center in China, the Secretariat of the NAPC of the Philippines, supported by ASEAN Secretariat, the ADB-PRC Regional Knowledge Sharing Initiative, and UNDP. Under the theme of “Enhancing Poverty Reduction Partnerships for an ASEAN-China Community with a Shared Future”, the forum invited representatives from ASEAN member states and the PRC to share their successful experiences, discuss the challenges they face in poverty reduction at grass-root, national, and regional levels, and further explore how to push forward the partnership in poverty reduction.

The ASEAN-China Forum on Social Development and Poverty Reduction has been successfully held for 11 sessions since 2007. With focus on poverty alleviation and development, the forum is designed to provide a sound platform for the PRC and ASEAN members to exchange views on common concerns, explore ways to narrow development gaps and share the best practices with the aim to achieve harmonious development based on mutual benefit and win-win spirit.  


Time Program
09:00 – 10:00Opening Ceremony

Ms. Angela Garchitorena and Mr. Mario Urrutia III, National Anti-Poverty Commission of the Philippines


  • Mr. Stephen Groff, Vice-President for East Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific, ADB

  • Mr. SUN Yi, Charge D’Affaires, Embassy of the PRC in the Philippines

  • H.E. Dr. AKP Mochtan, Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN

  • H.E. Mr. Hla Kyaw, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation, Myanmar

  • H.E. Mr. Sao Chivoan, Secretary of State, Ministry of Rural Development, Cambodia

  • H.E. Mr. CHEN Zhigang, Vice Minister of the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development of the PRC

  • Honorable Ms. Liza L. Maza, Secretary and Lead Convenor of the National Anti-Poverty Commission of the Philippines

  • Honorable Mr. Alan Peter Cayetano, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines (TBC)

10:00- 10:30Group Photo and Coffee Break
10:30 -12:00Plenary Panel: What’s Next on Working for Poverty Reduction in the PRC-ASEAN Cooperation

Ms. Benilda B. Tayag>, Professorial Lecturer, College of Social Work and Community Development, University of the Philippines

Agricultural Development and Transformation-Led Growth and Poverty Reduction in the PRC – Key experiences and lessons to share with ASEAN Countries
Prof. Dr. LI Xiaoyun, Dean of China Institute for South-South Cooperation in Agriculture (CISSCA)

International Experiences on Poverty Reduction
Mr. Nicholas Rosellini, UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative for the PRC
Mr. Stephen Groff, Vice-President for East Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific, ADB

Philippine Experiences on Poverty Reduction
Ms. Corazon Jimenez-Tan, Undersecretary, the National Anti-Poverty Commission of the Philippines
12:00 – 14:00Lunch
14:00 – 15:30Session 1:The PRC and ASEAN: Rural Rejuvenation and Poverty Reduction
In this session, representatives from the PRC and ASEAN countries will discuss the relationship between rural rejuvenation and poverty reduction, sharing their practical experience, methods and case studies in implementing the strategy of rural rejuvenation and rural poverty reduction.

Prof. Dr. LI Xiaoyun, Dean of China Institute for South-South Cooperation in Agriculture (CISSCA)

Policy Design and Implementation of Industrial Poverty Alleviation in the PRC
Dr. Tan Weiping, Acting Director General, International Poverty Reduction Center in China

Cambodian Experiences on Rural Development and Poverty Reduction
Ms. Somony Him, Chief of Planning and Statistics Office, Ministry of Rural Development, Cambodia

Mr. Bouahom Bounthong, Director General, National Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development Institute, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Lao PDR

Rural Rejuvenation and Poverty Reduction in Myanmar
Mr. Khant Zaw, Director General, Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation, Myanmar

Free Discussion
15:30 – 16:00Coffee Break
16:00 – 17:30Session 2 – Rural-Urban Poverty Linkages and Innovation for Poverty Reduction
In this session, representatives from the PRC and ASEAN countries will discuss the opportunities various forms of urbanization bring for the rural and urban poor. They will highlight innovative and 3 scaled approaches for a more inclusive, sustainable and harmonious rural-urban relationship that benefits the poor and the low income people in Asia.

Dr. Armin Bauer, International Poverty Reduction and Development Expert

Mr. Wu Qingsong, Deputy Director-General, Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of the People’s Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of the PRC

Rural-Urban Poverty Linkages and Innovation for Poverty Reduction in Malaysia
Ms. Nazlinda Zamani, Principle Assistant Secretary, Strategic Planning Division, Ministry of Rural Development, Malaysia

Singapore’s Approach to Social Security and Uplifting LowIncome and Vulnerable Families
Mr. Richard Tan Kok Tong, Senior Director, Customer & International Relations Division, Ministry of Social Family Development, Singapore

Rural Development Strategies in Vietnam and Poverty Reduction Outcomes
Mr. Nguyen Van Nghiem, Senior Expert, Department of Cooperatives and Rural development, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Viet Nam

Free Discussion
18:00 – 22:00Welcome Dinner
Hosted by the National Anti-Poverty Commission of the Philippines
Time Program
09:00 – 10:15Session 3: Rethinking Trade Liberalization for Rural Development
In this session, representatives from the PRC and ASEAN countries will discuss the relationship between trade liberalization and rural development from the viewpoint of the basic sectors in local agricultural economies, and explore the innovative and flexible trade mechanisms that benefit small farmers through technology transfers, integrating the rural poor in global value chains and agricultural exports. Civil society representatives will share on the ground reflections on trade impacts, while academic experts, from the Philippines and the PRC will serve as trigger discussants on various trade and industrial issues

Mr. Paul Quintos, Associate Professorial Lecturer, Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Productivity Gap, International Trade and Structural Change

  • Ms. Wang Xin, Assistant Professor, Institute of New Structural Economics, Peking University

  • Dr. Rene Ofreneo, Professor Emeritus, School of Labor and Industrial Relations, University of the Philippines

  • Dr. Chito Medina, Former National Coordinator, Magsasaka at Siyentipiko para sa Pag-unlad ng Agrikultura (Farmer-Scientist Partnership for Development)

Free Discussion
10:15 – 10:30Coffee Break
10:30 – 12:00 Session 4: Enhancing Poverty Reduction Partnerships for a Community of Shared Future for ASEAN and the PRC
In this session, representatives from the PRC and ASEAN countries will discuss new innovations for partnerships to address poverty in Asia. Especially new forms of cooperation with the private sector, local government, NGOs, and at a regional level will be highlighted in its effect to contribute to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Mr. Robert Schoellhammer, Advisor, East Asia Department, ADB

  • Mr. LI Xin, Counselor, Mission of the PRC to ASEAN

  • Dr. Armin Bauer, International Poverty Reduction and Development Expert

Involvement of Community Development Department in International Cooperation

  • Mr. Pallop Tanjariyaporn, Chief of International Relations Unit, Community Development Department, Ministry of Interior, Thailand

  • Mr. Miguel Musngi, Senior Officer, Poverty Eradication and Gender Division, ASEAN Secretariat

  • Ms. ZHANG Weiyu, Research Assistant, Institute for One BeltOne Road Studies, Tsinghua University, China Free Discussion

12:00 – 12:30Closing Ceremony

Mr. Li Xin, Counselor, Mission of the PRC to ASEAN


  • Dr. TAN Weiping, Acting Director-General of International Poverty Reduction Center in China (IPRCC)

  • Honorable Ms. Liza L. Maza, Secretary and Lead Convenor, National Anti-Poverty Commission of the Philippines

12:30 – 02:00Lunch

Innovation and Practices on Poverty Reduction

In Asia and the Pacific, 330 million people still live on less than $1.90 a day, and 1.2 billion still live on less than $3.10 a day. What can we do to eradicate poverty? The 11th ASEAN-PRC Forum on Social Development and Poverty Reduction will be held in Siem Reap, Cambodia from 25-27 July 2017 to discuss innovations in reducing poverty. In previous forums, the lack of access to sound credit and financial services has been identified by the participants from ASEAN and the PRC as a major cause for poverty and a major obstacle to development.

The forum aims to provide a sound platform for the PRC and ASEAN members to exchange views on common concerns, explore ways to narrow development gaps, and share best practices to achieve harmonious development based on mutual benefits and win-win spirit. This year’s forum is jointly hosted by the Ministry of Rural Development of Cambodia and the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development of the PRC; co-organized by the International Poverty Reduction Center of China and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region’s Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation; and supported by ASEAN Secretariat, UNDP and ADB-PRC Regional Knowledge Sharing Initiative.

09:00 – 10:00Opening Ceremony

TAN Weiping, Deputy Director General of International Poverty Reduction Center in China


  • Rodora Babaran, Director of Human Development Directorate, ASEAN Secretariat

  • H. E. HUANG Shiyong, Vice Chairman, the People’s Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of the PRC

  • H.E. Thongvanh VILAYHEUANG, Vice Chair, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Lao PDR

  • H.E. HONG Tianyun, Vice Minister, the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development of China

  • H.E. Ouk Rabun, Minister of Rural Development, Cambodia

10:00 – 10:30Group Photo and Coffee Break
10:30 – 12:00Session I: Theoretical Innovation and Practice of Poverty Reduction in the PRC and ASEAN

Rodora Babaran, Director of Human Development Directorate, ASEAN Secretariat

Targeted Poverty Reduction in the PRC
Su Guoxia, Director General, General Affairs Department, the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development of China
Poverty Reduction in Asia: Impressive Accomplishment or Incomplete Achievement
Wan Guanghua, Principal Economist, Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, ADB
Enhancing the Social Safety Net: Singapore’s Approach to Uplift Low-Income Families
Zhi Ling Florrine, Manager, 2 ComCare and Social Support Division, Ministry of Social and Family Development, Singapore
Malaysia’s Rural Development Agency Experience: FELCRA Berhad
Jahare Bin Abu Bakar, Group General Manager, Government and Industry Relations, Ministry of Rural and Regional Development, Malaysia

12:00 – 13:30Lunch Buffet (Grand Sokhalay Restaurant, Ground Floor)
14:00 – 17:30Session II: Methods of Anti-Poverty Cooperation between the PRC and ASEAN

Niny Khor, Coordinator, Regional Knowledge Sharing Initiative, ADB

JIANG Jiabai, Director General, Provincial Poverty Alleviation Office of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of the PRC

Case Poverty Reduction in Cambodia:
Ma Sovanna, Director, Department of Planning and Public Relations, Ministry of Rural Development, Cambodia

ASEAN-China Free Trade Zone and Poverty Reduction Cooperation:
Prof. YU Miaojie, Changjiang Scholar, Vice Dean of the National School of Development, Peking University

Chit THAVISAY, Director General of Planning and International Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Lao PDR

Renewable Energy and Sustainable Social Development:
LI Fengling, President of Beijing Smart China Energy Internet Research Institute

Methods of Anti-Poverty Cooperation between ASEAN and the PRC: The PRC-aided Pilot Project of Poverty Reduction Cooperation in Myanmar:
NYO NYO WIN, Deputy Director General, Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation of Myanmar

The PRC-ASEAN Cultural Cooperation:
ZHOU Yan, President, ZhongShi Asia (Beijing) International Cultural Media, Co., LTD

18:00 – 20:00Formal Dinner (The Green Restaurant, Ground Floor)
09:00 – 11:00Session III: Achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Outlook for the the PRC-ASEAN Cooperation for Poverty Reduction

Nick Keith Beresford, Country Director of UNDP Cambodia Office

Abdul Rahman bin Haji Apong, Assistant Director, Community Development Department, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, Brunei
Ferdinand B. Hombrebueno, Director of Basic Sector Coordinating and Advocacy Services, National Anti-Poverty Commission of the Philippines

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the PRC-ASEAN Cooperation for Poverty Reduction
Zhang Chun, Director of Institute for Foreign Policy Studies, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies

Introduction to the Global Poverty Reduction and Inclusive Growth Portal
Jiao Meng, International Cooperation Director, China Internet Information Center

UNIDO in achieving SDGs
Sok Narin, UNIDO Country Representative, Cambodia

NGO’s Role in Promoting the Achievement of SDGs
Chun Yat Phua, Head of Planning and Organisation Development, Centre for Collaborative Practice, AMKFSC Community Services, Singapore

Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals: Thailand’s Perspective
Bhumisuk Khananurak, Plan and Policy Analyst, Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board, Thailand

11:00 – 11:20Coffee Break
11:20 – 12:00Closing Ceremony

Prof. YU Miaojie, Changjiang Scholar, Vice Dean of the National School of Development, Peking University


  • TAN Weiping, Deputy Director General of International Poverty Reduction Center in China

  • H.E. Sao Chivoan, Secretary of State, Ministry of Rural Development, Cambodia

12:00 – 13:30Lunch Buffet (Grand Sokhalay Restaurant, Ground Floor)
AfternoonFree Time
18:00 – 20:00Dinner Buffet (The Green Restaurant, Ground Floor)

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