Episode 1. The Unique Jiangsu Yancheng Wetlands Ecosystem

The video series “Deep Dive into the Wetlands” documents the Jiangsu Yancheng Wetlands Protection Project, reflecting ADB’s commitment to promote biodiversity and nature conservation in the PRC and the region.

The Jiangsu Yancheng Wetlands are a unique ecosystem providing home to rich biodiversity and endangered species, and supporting livelihoods of local communities. Threatened by urbanization and pollution, the Yancheng Wetlands, natural reserves, and forest farms became the focus of the GEF-funded protection project implemented by ADB from 2012 to 2019.

Episode 2. Turning a Degrading Wetland to a UNESCO Heritage Natural Site

Zhiming Niu, Project Officer of the Jiangsu Yancheng Wetlands Protection Project, provides an overview of the project and its positive environmental, social, and economic impacts, including a landmark recognition of Yancheng being listed as a UNESCO heritage natural site in 2019.

Episode 3. Enriching Biodiversity and Building the Community

Hao Chen, Deputy Director of the Jiangsu Yancheng Rare Birds National Nature Reserve, and representative from the Project Management Office of the of the Jiangsu Yancheng Wetlands Protection Project, shares how the project measures not only generated a high-quality habitat for migratory birds at Yancheng and enriched its biodiversity, but also enhanced the knowledge and capacity of the local community.

Episode 4. The Yancheng Wetlands Across Four Seasons

A tour of the Yancheng Rare Birds National Nature Reserve shows the captivating scenery of the wetlands, serving as home to diverse migratory birds and animals across the four seasons.

Episode 5. Rehabilitating a Home for the Birds

Through photography, a local birdwatcher documents the transformation of the Yancheng Wetlands and improvement of the bird habitat, drawing in more and varied species of birds over the years. 

Episode 6. Inspiring an Intertidal Zone Art Village

The improvement of the ecological environment of the Yancheng Wetlands inspired the establishment of a village that integrates Chinese calligraphy and the beauty of the red-crowned cranes, which take sanctuary in the transformed Yancheng Rare Birds National Nature Reserve.

Episode 7. Rehabilitating the Yancheng Forest Farms

Jinting Zhai, Director of Yancheng Forest Farm Project Office, shares how the Yancheng Forest Farm has grown and expanded over the years through the ecological management interventions and measures from the wetlands protection project.

Episode 8. Experiencing the Nature Reserves in 360-degree View

The people behind the Jiangsu Yancheng Wetlands Protection Project share first-hand stories and captivating sceneries from the wetlands, natural reserves, and forests through the lens of virtual reality.

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