Managing Risks in Public-Private Partnerships

6th PRC-ADB Knowledge Sharing Platform: Deepening Public-Private Partnerships

Douglas Sutherland, OECD, discusses risks that governments should be aware of when entering into public-private partnerships, and ways to reduce them.

Public-Private Partnerships in Bangladesh

6th PRC-ADB Knowledge Sharing Platform: Deepening Public-Private Partnerships

Syed Uddin, Prime Minister’s Office, Bangladesh, introduces the development path and institutional reforms of public private partnership programs in Bangladesh.

Public-Private Partnerships in Pakistan

6th PRC-ADB Knowledge Sharing Platform: Deepening Public-Private Partnerships

Mujtaba Shahneel, Sindh Provincial Government, Pakistan, shares PPP programs in Pakistan covering wind power, hydropower, and road construction projects.

Public-Private Partnerships in Urbanization in the People’s Republic of China

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