Workshop & Training

International Policy Workshop on Rural-Urban Poverty Linkages

2 Sep 2014 - 4 Sep 2014 Hangzhou, The People's Republic of China

While potentially contributing to poverty reduction, urbanization is not solving the problems of inclusive growth and persistent poverty in Asia. It is estimated that in 2015 about 48% of Asia’s population live in urban areas, and one-third of them—in a trend that is increasing—live in slums or unfavorable living conditions. Cities, often mega-cities, in many parts of Asia are increasingly becoming unlivable, especially for the poor. The workshop brought together 90 government officials, experts, and NGOs from 14 countries to discuss concepts and cases of urban-poverty reduction from selected Asian, European and South American countries. The workshop concluded with four site visits in Zhejiang Province to showcase and discuss the PRC’s experience.


International Poverty Reduction Center in China (IPRCC)

Country Notes:
Moderator: HUANG Zuhui, China Academy for Rural Development (CARD), Zhejiang University

  • OU Qingping, Vice Minister, China State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development (LGOP)

  • Edgar CUA, Senior Adviser, East Asia Department, ADB
  • Welcome Remarks
  • ZHANG Wenbiao, Deputy Secretary-General of Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, Director General of Zhejiang Provincial Office of Agricultural Affairs

09:30-10:00Keynote: Visualizing urban-rural poverty linkages
Rural-Urban Poverty Linkages in Urban Villages, Villages Near the Cities, and Small City Corridors
Edward Leman, CEO of CHREOD, Toronto, Canada Slides Draft Paper
10:00-10:30Tea/Coffee, group photo
10:45-12:30Session I: Poverty in urban villages in megacities
This session will provide an overview of poverty dynamics in urban villages
Moderator: Ms. ZHOU Xianghong, Professor at the School of Economics and Management, Tongji University

Poverty reduction through participatory neighborhood upgrading and urban social protection in Indonesia
Judy BAKER, World BankPaper1Paper2

Diversity, informality and opportunities for the poor in villages in megacities: Examples from Delhi and Mumbai
Banashree Banerjee, Urban Management Consultant, New Delhi; Associate Staff Member of the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS) in Rotterdam, The Netherlands SlidesAnnotated outline

Poverty reduction among the migrants in the PRC’s urban villages
Prof. Dr. LI Xiaoyun, China Agricultural University, Beijing

Comments from the floor and panel discussion: Policy recommendations for addressing poverty in urban villages, and the implications for rural poverty
12:30-14:00Lunch, Haoyue Hall, 1st Floor
14:00-17:15Session II: Rural-urban poverty dimensions in peri-urban areas (villages close to cities)

This session will talk about linkages of rural-urban poverty on the fringe of smaller and larger cities. It will particularly address issues of employment and social services delivery for the poor, as well as implications on changing gender relations.

Moderator: Judy BAKER (Practice Leader for Urban Development, the World Bank)

Differences in poverty around the large and smaller cities in Asia: An overview
YAP Kioe Sheng, former ESCAP, Bangkok; and Cardiff University, Wales Slides Draft Paper

Gender perspective on work and livelihood in peri-urban areas of large metropolitan cities in India
Dr. Sucharita SEN, Jawarhal Nehru University, New Delhi, India Slides Draft Paper

Urban-rural poverty linkages in Zheijiang
SHAO Feng, Deputy Director General of Poverty Alleviation Office, Zhejiang Province Slides, CN Draft Paper
16:00-17:30Comments from the floor and panel discussion: Policy recommendations for addressing rural-urban poverty linkages on the city borders
17:30-19:00Dinner, Haoyue Hall, 1st Floor
08:30-10:45Session III: Poverty reduction through decentralized settlement patterns
This session will discuss the benefits of small town and corridor development for the poor.
Moderator: Joern Brommelhoster, Principal Economist and Coordinator of the Regional Knowledge Sharing Initiative (RKSI), ADB

People centered inclusive development: bringing jobs and services to the people and not vice-versa: Experience from Europe
Peter NIENTIED, IHUDS, Rotterdam, the Netherlands Slides Draft Paper Rural-urban linkages in the Netherlands

Rural-urban poverty linkages in small town development in the Mekong region
Ramola Naik SINGRU, Senior Urban Development Specialist, Consultant

Equalizing services for the poor between rural and urban areas in the PRC
SU Ming, Research Center of Fiscal Science, Ministry of Finance Slides Draft Paper

Village and small town development through the provision of urban services (PURA) in India: a new approach to help the rural poor
Prof. Dr. N. SRIDHARAN, Director of the School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada, India Slides Draft Paper

Comments from the floor and panel discussion: Policy recommendations for addressing rural poverty reduction through small town development and connectivity
10:45-11:10Coffee Break
11:10-12:40Session IV: Implications
Moderator: Arnaud HECKMANN, Urban Development Specialist, ADB East Asia Department

The PRC’s urbanization and industrialization strategy: Results from the March 2014 Urban China study
GONG Sen, Deputy Director for Research Department, China State Council Development Research Center

Strengthening regional centers to address rural-urban poverty: Experiences from German development finance
Ulrike LASSMANN, country director of KfW – German Development Bank in the PRC

Implications for development assistance in Asia and recommendations for the PRC’s 13th Five-Year Plan
Paul PROCEE, World Bank

Comments from the floor and panel discussion
12:40-12:50Conclusion and Closing Remarks

  • HE Xiaojun, Deputy Director General, IPRCC

  • ZUO Changsheng, Director General, IPRCC

  • Armin BAUER, (Principal Economist, ADB)

12:50 – 14:00Lunch3, Haoyue Hall, 1st Floor
14:00 – 15:30Travel to Keqiao District, Shaoxing City
15:30 – 16:30Site Visit 1: Tangdi Village, Lizhu Township (Horticulture based village in peri-urban areas)
16:30 – 17:00Travel to and check-in at Shaoxing Mirror Lake Hotel
17:00 – 18:00Dinner, 1st Floor Restaurant, Shaoxing Mirror Lake Hotel
18:30 – 20:30Cultural visit to Shaoxing Old Town
08:30 – 09:30Site Visit 2: Yinjiaban Village, Fuquan Township (Urban Village)
09:30 – 10:30Site Visit 3: Dongzhou Community, Huashe Sub-district (Rural village transformation to urban community)
10:30 – 11:30Site Visit 4: Qianqing Township (small town)
11:30 – 12:30Lunch
12:30 – 14:00Return travel

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