Workshop & Training

International Policy Workshop on Urban Poverty and Inclusive Cities

24 Jun 2013 - 25 Jun 2013 Suqian

Over the past two decades, many developing countries have grown substantially, graduating from low-income countries to middle-income countries. Nevertheless, while GDP has increased, the challenge of making growth more inclusive, especially for the vulnerable poor (those under the $2 poverty line) remains. This international workshop brought together more than 120 experts from Asian central and local governments, think tanks, universities, and development partners from 14 countries to discuss issues and challenges related to urban poverty, the role of floating populations and rural–urban linkages for inclusive urban-development strategies. Selected international case studies were presented, and policy challenges, and suggestions for the PRC were discussed.



09:00 – 10:15Opening
Moderator: ZUO Changsheng, Director General, International Poverty Reduction Center in China (IPRCC)


  • ZHENG Wenkai, Deputy Director, China State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development

  • YANG Genping, Deputy Secretary General of Jiangsu Province

  • Hamid Sharif, Country Director, ADB PRC Resident Mission

  • LAN Shaomin, Party Secretary of Suqian Municipal Party Committee

Keynote: Urban Poverty and Livable Cities: New Challenges for Public Policy

  • LU Mai, Secretary General, China Development Research Foundation

  • YU Jiantuo, Division Chief, China Development Research Foundation

10:15 – 10:35 Group Photo /Tea/Coffee
10:35 – 12:05Session I: Issues and Challenges of Urban Poverty
This session will provide an overview of recent urban poverty issues in Asia and South America. It will discuss emerging drivers and dimensions of urban poverty such as spatial dimensions, demographics and targeting issues, income poverty, social poverty, the environments of the poor, migration, livability, and government programs

Moderator: Jörn Brömmelhörster, Coordinator, Regional Knowledge Sharing Initiative (RKSI), ADB

Emerging Trends of Urban Poverty in Asia
WAN Guanghua, Principal Economist, ADB: Income Poverty
Armin Bauer, Principal Economist, ADB: Social Poverty

Urban Poverty in Latin America: Characteristics, Trends and Examples of Key Programs in the Region
Jesús Navarrete, Housing and Urban Development Senior Specialist, InterAmerican Development Bank

Urban Poverty in the PRC
LU Hanwen, Director, Rural Governance and Poverty Reduction Center, Central China Normal University
12:05 – 12:30 Comments and Panel Discussion
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:00Session II: Issues and Examples of Rural-Urban Linkages, Migration and Integration
This session will talk about the linkages and integration of rural-urban poverty and its impact on land, housing, social protection and employment policies

Moderator: Irene Bain, Social Sector Specialist, ADB

Rural-Urban Poverty Linkages in Thailand
Yongyuth Chalamwong, Research Director, Thailand Development Research Institute

Rural-Urban Poverty Linkages and Migration in Viet Nam
Dang Nguyen Anh, Director, Institute of Sociology of the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences

The Challenges on the PRC’s Anti-Poverty Policy System from Rural Floating Population
LIN Wanlong, Professor, China Agriculture University, Beijing

Addressing Rural-Urban Poverty Linkages: The Example of Jiangsu
ZHU Jilu, Director, Office of Rural-Agriculture-Farmer Work of Jiangsu Party Committee
15:00 – 15:40Comments and Panel Discussion
15:40 – 16:00Coffee/Tea
16:00 – 17:00Session III: Strategies to Address Urban Poverty in Asia
This session will provide an overview of key policies and programs that aim to reduce urban poverty and to share country experiences.

Moderator: SUN Yongmei, Professor, Institute of China’s Economic Reform and Development, Renmin University

Bottom-up Community-based Neighborhood Improvements: Cases from Indonesia and the Philippines
Florian Steinberg, Senior Urban Planning Specialist, ADB

Public-Private Partnership in Slum Upgrading and Housing for the Poor
Om Prakash Mathur, Distinguished Professor of Urban Economics at the National Institute of Urban Affairs, Delhi, India

Urban Poverty in Bangladesh: A Country with Enormous Potentials
Salehuddin Ahmed, Managing Editor, the Daily Star, Bangladesh

Addressing Social Needs of the Urban Poor in Japan
Aya ABE, Director, Department of Empirical Social Security Research, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Japan
17:00 – 17:45Comments and Panel Discussion
18:30 – 20:00Reception
09:00 – 12:00Site Visit to Urban Poverty Areas in Suqian, Jiangsu Province
12:00 – 12:30Discussions on Key Observations: What are the Challenges for the Urban Poor?
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:30Session IV: Implications for the PRC
This session will draw participants’ attention on some key policy challenges in making urban living for the poor more inclusive. Such policy issues include – among others, employment, social protection, environment, land title and housing rights, governance and participation, and equitable city planning

Moderator: LIN Wanlong, Professor, China Agriculture University, Beijing

Social Policy in the Process of Urbanization
ZHANG Xiulan, Dean and Professor, School of Social Development and Public Policy, Beijing Normal University
ZHOU Xianghong, Professor, Department of Public Administration of Tongji University

Livable and Inclusive Cities
John Bachmann, City Planner and Director, China Sustainability Center

Governance and Participatory Planning
WEI Houkai, Deputy Director, Institute of Urban and Environment Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Inclusive Development and Fiscal Policy Choice of China
SU Ming, Deputy Director, Research Center of Fiscal Science, Ministry of Finance
15:30 – 16:00Comments and Panel Discussion
16:00 – 16:20Tea/Coffee
16:20 – 17:00Critical Areas for Action in PRC from the Government’s Perspective
Moderator: HE Xiaojun, Deputy Director General, IPRCC

LIU Shouying, Deputy Director, Department for Rural Economic Development, Development Research Centre of China State Council

Armin Bauer, Principal Economist, ADB
ZHANG Gu, Director, Poverty Alleviation and Immigration Bureau of Sichuan Province
17:00 – 17:30Closing Session
Moderator: HE Xiaojun, Deputy Director General, IPRCC

Closing Remarks

  • ZHU Zhihua, Deputy Director, Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of Jiangsu Province

  • Hamid Sharif, Country Director, PRC Resident Mission, ADB

  • ZUO Changsheng, Director General, IPRCC


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