Wage Differential Between Rural Migrant and Urban Workers in the People’s Republic of China

Handbook on High-Speed Rail and Quality of Life

Not Business As Usual: Mega-Trends and the Need for New City Building Approaches in the People’s Republic of China

ADB Urban Strategy and Operations

Arnaud Heckmann, Principal Urban Development Specialist, ADB Resident Mission in Mongolia  introduces two urban development projects in the ger areas in Ulaanbaatar. The projects showcase innovative approaches and unique financing mechanisms that underpin ADB strategic vision in urban planning.

Options for Urban Mining and Integration With a Potential Green Circular Economy in the People’s Republic of China

Making Urban Asia’s Air Cleaner

Ecological Civilization in the People’s Republic of China: Values, Action and Future Needs

Conceptual Design of the Intelligent Transport Systems Project: Case in Gui’an New District

Process and Prospects for Lasting Blue Skies in the People’s Republic of China

Redefining Chinese City System from Spatial and Functional Aspects

Tsinghua University Beijing City Lab’s Professor Ying Long shared his research in defining cities in the PRC based on spatial and functional dimensions instead of administrative areas, and found that many cities are actually shrinking.

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