How Trade via Rail in Central Asia Can Mitigate the Energy and Climate Crises

Much of Central Asia’s trade is moving by rail. Photo: ADB

Trade via rail in Central Asia has proven highly effective in recent years. It needs further support to take it to the next level.

In a world where 90% of global trade is moved by sea, the landlocked economies of Central Asia almost exclusively rely on rail and road transport for trade. Much of the long-distance cargo moves via existing rail networks, which have substantial potential to facilitate trade in the region and beyond, including between European, Middle Eastern and South/East Asian markets. Rail transport is also cheaper, safer, and less prone to border delays.

However, trade via rail faces structural obstacles. For example, the differences in railway gauges between the former Soviet states, the People’s Republic of China and Europe, Pakistan and India present a fundamental challenge. As a result, tracks are interrupted and need the transfer of freight at border crossing points – a time-consuming and labor-intensive task.

Long-distance trade in and across Central Asia was unappealing for years due to a lack of effective trade agreements and changing national trade laws that increased costs and unpredictability of rail transport, as well as weak service coordination, and cumbersome border crossings.

Despite these challenges, the number of express container trains traversing Central Asia has skyrocketed from 17 in 2011 to over 15,000 in 2021. This has been achieved on the back of political will, regional cooperation, and rail reform. Rail transport within the region has also thrived, facilitating trade flows between the People’s Republic of China and Central Asia while contributing to dialogue and transboundary cooperation.

This impressive growth can be attributed to simplified processes, including single window and single stops, reduced border inspections, improved platform companies, and competitive pricing. Central Asian governments have actively implemented ambitious reforms over the last years to facilitate trade. Uzbekistan’s Yallama border crossing is an example of this trend.

Most recently, rail transport benefitted from the COVID-19 pandemic as border closures and movement restrictions forced truck drivers to stay home. For example, Turkmenistan closed its border to foreign trucks, while Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan required foreign truck drivers to present negative COVID-19 test results and vaccination certificates. Mongolia faced such a severe supply chain disruption via road that food was temporarily unavailable, leading to increased prices.


Rail transport is cheaper, safer, and less prone to border delays.

As a result, truck operating costs surged, forcing some carriers to exit the industry, leading to a substantial drop in road transport capacity for both international and domestic shipments. Unsurprisingly, a significant percentage of cargo shipments quickly shifted from road to rail.

It became simpler to clear customs for one train driver operating a 40 container unit-train than 40 truck drivers operating 40 separate trucks. Rising fuel and energy prices, which impact the cost of road transport a lot more than rail where single trains move dozens of containers also explained the soaring rail business.

Moving forward, to maintain this shift, it is important that governments provide quality infrastructure for onward distribution, particularly to remote areas. Initiatives like Uzbekistan’s, which has actively supported an expansion of its road carriers’ truck fleets, are a good example of policy support for both rail and road to play to their own strengths.

The environment also matters in this shift. As it uses less energy per ton of goods moved, transport via rail is more climate-friendly. This is an important consideration for European Union (EU) members that are aligning their operations with the EU taxonomy and supply chain legislation, mandating greener and more sustainable ways of doing business.

Such measures can also be a blueprint for more sustainable short distance trade within the region. It will be up to the governments of Central Asia to create the right enabling environment to heave their transport and trade network into a more sustainable future. Subsidies to kickstart greener transport or pilot projects for alternative fuel options can go a long way to inspire change and ultimately policies, making the sector internationally more competitive.

The upward trend of rail transport will most likely continue over the coming decades as demand grows, fuel costs rise, and reducing the carbon footprint becomes a more important consideration for suppliers and end-consumers.

Future policy and regulatory challenges include fostering a commercial orientation for Central Asian railways, putting them on a solid footing for financial sustainability, improving the reliability and speed of service and filling in the missing links to enhance the performance of the rail network in supporting trade.

The recently announced China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Railway, which will facilitate trade between the People’s Republic of China, Central Asia, Europe, Turkey, and the Middle East, will be an important addition to regional stability and cooperation on a global level. Importantly, peace and cooperation are natural effects of trade.

For land-locked countries or regions, rail transport infrastructure is the basis to stabilize economies and foster transboundary dialogue and cooperation.

Zulfia Khamitovna Karimova

Zulfia Khamitovna Karimova

Principal Regional Cooperation Specialist, ADB

This blog is reproduced from Asian Development Blog.

Supply Chain Connectivity and Resilient Border Operations in the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Region

The roundtable will discuss challenges in supply chain connectivity and border operations, and outline prospects, medium- to long- term strategy, and trade policy directions to enhance cross-border movement of people and goods, mitigate risks of supply chain disruptions, and promote sustainable economic recovery. 

Register via Zoom


14:00 – 14:05Opening
Moderator: Lv Yali, Founder, Tingtian Fruit Company
14:05 – 14:20Welcome Remarks
Lei Xiaoyun, Director General, Intellectual Property Utilization Promotion Department, China National Intellectual Property Administration
Zhu Lian, Deputy Director General, Department of E-Commerce, Ministry of Commerce, the PRC
M. Teresa Kho, Director General, East Asia Department, ADB
14:20 – 14:30E-Commerce Supports Rural Revitalization
Li Xiaolin, President, China E-commerce Rural Revitalization Alliance
14:30 – 14:40Value Chain Development via Internet Plus Agriculture
Jan Hinrichs, Senior Natural Resources Economist, ADB
14:40 – 14:50Development of Brands with Agro-Product Geographical Indications: Hanyuan Peppercorn Drives Rural Growth
Zheng Chaobin, Head, Hanyuan County, Sichuan
14:50 – 15:05Green Consumption and Low Carbon Lifestyle
Yuan Nuofan, President, Hema Fresh Research Institute
15:05 –15:20Data Intelligence Reshapes Infrastructure for Rural E-Commerce
Shen Bin, Founder and CEO, CNHNB.COM
15:20 –15:35Pre-Made Meals Sector Promotes Agriculture Industry Integration
Peng Nanfeng, Pre-Made Meals Industry Alliance
15:35 –15:50Live Streaming E-Commerce for Agricultural Materials
Liu Hongchao, Agricultural Materials Department, Kuaishou
15:50 –16:05Regional Agro Products Model Innovation
Kong Bo, Founder, Minong Renjia Agro Technology Company
16:05 –16:45Roundtable Dialogue: Digital Development Models for Agribusiness
Moderator: Lv Yali, Founder, Tingtian Fruit Company

Representative of Shandong Cao County E-commerce Office
Chen Qiankun, General Manager, Jiangsu Hairy Crab Aquaculture Industry Trading Platform
Li Jianhui, Deputy Head, Chengbu Miao Autonomous County, Shaoyang City, Hunan Province
Chen Yongqing, Assistant Chairman, Zhejiang Deyue Food Technology Co., Ltd.

Forum on Developing Sustainable Economic Zones in the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Region

The forum will discuss a new generation of economic zones, best practices experience from the region and beyond, and mechanisms to attract investments while promoting economic, social, and environmental sustainability. The forum will highlight emerging special economic zones’ approaches and international cooperation to address global and regional challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and supply chain disruptions.

Register via Zoom


14:00 – 14:05Opening
Moderator: Lv Yali, Founder, Tingtian Fruit Company
14:05 – 14:20Welcome Remarks
Lei Xiaoyun, Director General, Intellectual Property Utilization Promotion Department, China National Intellectual Property Administration
Zhu Lian, Deputy Director General, Department of E-Commerce, Ministry of Commerce, the PRC
M. Teresa Kho, Director General, East Asia Department, ADB
14:20 – 14:30E-Commerce Supports Rural Revitalization
Li Xiaolin, President, China E-commerce Rural Revitalization Alliance
14:30 – 14:40Value Chain Development via Internet Plus Agriculture
Jan Hinrichs, Senior Natural Resources Economist, ADB
14:40 – 14:50Development of Brands with Agro-Product Geographical Indications: Hanyuan Peppercorn Drives Rural Growth
Zheng Chaobin, Head, Hanyuan County, Sichuan
14:50 – 15:05Green Consumption and Low Carbon Lifestyle
Yuan Nuofan, President, Hema Fresh Research Institute
15:05 –15:20Data Intelligence Reshapes Infrastructure for Rural E-Commerce
Shen Bin, Founder and CEO, CNHNB.COM
15:20 –15:35Pre-Made Meals Sector Promotes Agriculture Industry Integration
Peng Nanfeng, Pre-Made Meals Industry Alliance
15:35 –15:50Live Streaming E-Commerce for Agricultural Materials
Liu Hongchao, Agricultural Materials Department, Kuaishou
15:50 –16:05Regional Agro Products Model Innovation
Kong Bo, Founder, Minong Renjia Agro Technology Company
16:05 –16:45Roundtable Dialogue: Digital Development Models for Agribusiness
Moderator: Lv Yali, Founder, Tingtian Fruit Company

Representative of Shandong Cao County E-commerce Office
Chen Qiankun, General Manager, Jiangsu Hairy Crab Aquaculture Industry Trading Platform
Li Jianhui, Deputy Head, Chengbu Miao Autonomous County, Shaoyang City, Hunan Province
Chen Yongqing, Assistant Chairman, Zhejiang Deyue Food Technology Co., Ltd.

Developing the Services Sector for Economic Diversification in CAREC Countries

E-Commerce in CAREC Countries: Laws and Policies

Developing the Trans-Caspian Transport Corridor to Increase Trade Opportunities

The Trans-Caspian transport corridor links the rail systems and seaports between Asia and Europe. Photo credit: ADB.

Harmonization of transportation and customs policies will boost the corridor’s potential as an alternative trade route between Asia and Europe.


Each year, the PRC—the biggest trading entity of the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) 1 framework—ships about 10 million containers of cargo over sea and more than 400,000 containers over the New Eurasia Land Bridge—a rail link that connects it with Kazakhstan, Mongolia, the Russian Federation, and Belarus. On average, trade between the PRC and Europe averages at over €1 billion daily.

The Trans-Caspian CAREC Corridor 2 network offers an alternative route to move goods between Asia and Europe. It is expected to reduce travel time for cargo shipments to 2 weeks from a month by rail, and to 2 weeks from 45 days by sea—with potential to revitalize local economies. However, lack of harmonization and coordination of transportation and customs policies along the corridor countries dampen this opportunity unless these challenges are addressed.

Linking Transport Corridors

CAREC’s transport corridors link the region’s key economic hubs to each other and connect landlocked countries to other Eurasian and global markets. The Trans-Caspian CAREC Corridor 2 is a wide-ranging multi-modal corridor that links PRC’s Lianyungang seaport in the east and the Georgian Black Sea ports in the west—passing the Caspian Sea.

Corridor 2 is a complex corridor with various road, rail, and water crossings. It also links partially with the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route, Western Europe–Western China International Transit Corridor, and Lapis Lazuli route.

From the PRC–Kazakhstan and PRC–Kyrgyz Republic borders, the sub-corridors move through the Uzbek Fergana valley, Kazakh steppe, Turkmen steppe, and end up in the Aktau, Kuryk, and Turkmenbashi ports at the Caspian Sea.

After crossing the Caspian Sea, all sub-corridors converge in Azerbaijan and continue to Georgia using either the 836-kilometer (km) Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway or a road network. After which, cargo can go further to Europe either from Georgian or Turkish ports.

CAREC Corridor 2 countries have strong rail sectors with large rail networks—about 3,000 kilometers in Azerbaijan, over 2,000 km in Georgia, 21,000 km in Kazakhstan, over 5,000 km in Turkmenistan, and nearly 7,000 km in Uzbekistan—and most of them are expanding these networks extensively. The rail network is complemented with the countries’ over 365,000 km of roads.

Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan, which border the Caspian Sea, as well as Uzbekistan play a big role in the corridor. They are rich in mineral fuels, and revenues from mineral fuels allowed them to invest substantially in port, road, and rail infrastructure. Among those investments are the three new Caspian ports in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan that opened in 2018.

Azerbaijan’s Baku International Sea Trade Port (Alat Terminal) has a capacity of 15 million tons per year of bulk cargo freight and 100,000 twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) containers. Construction of the port’s Phases 2 and 3 is ongoing.

The Kuryk port in Kazakhstan took in all the rail–ferry operations. The government also introduced public-private partnership models, revised the railway law, and implemented an automated system for customs data.

Meanwhile, the Turkmenbashi International Seaport increased its cargo handling capacity to about 26 million tons a year from about 18 million tons (excluding oil products). A 564-km toll road connecting Ashgabat to the Turkmenbashi seaport was also completed in 2018.

Trade and Transit Potential

While infrastructure investment around the Caspian area shows a strong dynamic in 2018–2021, the share of intra-CAREC trade (except for the PRC) in the region’s trade with the outside world remains quite modest. It averaged only 6.8% in 2003–2019. In contrast, the PRC’s share increased to 23.2% in 2019 from 7.6% in 2003.

In 2019, CAREC countries traded $87 billion within the region. The PRC alone exported $47 billion to the other CAREC countries, while they in turn exported $29 billion worth to the PRC—$19 billion of which in mineral fuels. Removing the PRC from the equation, the 10 CAREC countries traded $11 billion in 2019 among themselves, with mineral fuels accounting for $3 billion.

Given the industrial and service structures and production capacity of CAREC members (excluding the PRC), the prospects for growth look good in transit trade since the Trans-Caspian transport corridor can become a viable and competitive trade route alternative between Asia and Europe.


The following are recommended to achieve efficiency along the trans-Caspian transport corridor:

  • Develop a clear legal supranational framework to harmonize transportation tariffs along the corridor and address the issue of supply chain disconnectedness.
  • Speed up development of joint customs procedures to prevent duplication of customs operations and achieve optimal use of human and technical resources.
  • Speed up development of free trade zones, which can attract important value-added enterprises that contribute to promotion of new industries.
  • Refine legislations related to free trade zone and the privatization of state-owned enterprises.
  • Address legal loopholes in railway laws.
  • Prioritize development of single windows.
  • Speed up development of inland dry ports and container terminals.
  • Deploy cargo tracking technologies and enhance the integration of information and communications technology into transport operations.
  • Facilitate efficient handling and standardization on break-in-gauge and wagon quantity issues, chargeback arrangements, wagon repair standards, settlement of repair charges, shunting, marshalling, and loading and unloading, among others.
  • Deploy gauge change innovation at various border-crossing points to achieve efficiency.
  • Increase railway capacity to handle long Chinese trains that can accommodate 42 to 44 forty-foot containers.
  • Alleviate the visa bottleneck.
  • Create transport–expeditor associations.

1 CAREC is composed of Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, People’s Republic of China, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

Tamar Berdzenishvili

Tamar Berdzenishvili

Senior Knowledge Management Specialist, CAREC Institute

This blog is reproduced from Development Asia.

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