Workshop & Training

7th PRC-ADB Knowledge Sharing Platform Developing Social Assistance Systems: Experiences and Lessons

7 Dec 2015 - 8 Dec 2015 Beijing, The People's Republic of China

Over the past decade many countries across Asia and the Pacific have established social assistance programs to help ensure income security and access to basic services for poor and vulnerable populations. As the programs have expanded, so have the demands for improving institutional organization, establishing mechanisms for targeting, ensuring adequate human resources to implement the programs, and effective systems to monitor performance. The conference brought together 110 international experts, policy makers, the academe and practitioners engaged in this field from 22 ADB developing member countries to take stock of the diversity of experience to date in the region and globally. Participants looked forward to identify key challenges and a new agenda for ensuring sustainability of social assistance systems, particularly in light of the focus on social protection and social assistance programs in the newly endorsed sustainable development goals.

  • Ministry of Finance, the PRC
  • Ministry of Civil Affairs, the PRC
  • Renmin University
08:30 – 09:00Registration
09:00 – 09:30Opening Ceremony
Moderator: Zheng Gongcheng, President, China Association of Social Security; Professor, Renmin University

Opening Remarks:

  • Liu Xitang, Director General, Social Assistance Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the PRC

  • Zheng Quan, Deputy Director General, Department of International
    Economic and Financial Cooperation, Ministry of Finance, the PRC

  • Amy Leung, Deputy Director General, East Asia Department, ADB

09:30 – 10:00Photos / Tea Break
10:00 – 12:00Keynote Speeches:
Moderator: Zhang Minwen, Director, Department of International Economic and Financial Cooperation, Ministry of Finance, the PRC

Social Assistance Reform and Institutional Improvement in the PRC
Zheng Gongcheng, President, China Association of Social Security; Professor, Renmin University

Establishment and Development of China Social Assistance System
Cheng Wei, Deputy Director General, Social Assistance Department, Ministry of Civil Affairs, the PRC

Social Assistance in Developing Countries
Armando Barrientos, Professor and Research Director, Brooks World Poverty Institute (BWPI), University of Manchester, UK

Reality and Prospects of Social Assistance
Ma Tao, Deputy Director General, Civil Affairs Department of Liaoning Province
12:00 – 13:30Lunch
13:30 – 15:00Topic 1: Comprehensive Development of Social Assistance Systems

Moderator: He Wenjiong, Deputy President, China Association of Social Security; Professor, Zhejiang University

Designing Integrated Social Assistance in Indonesia
Vivi Yulaswati, Director, Social Protection and Welfare, National Development Planning Agency/BAPPENAS, Indonesia

Upgrading and Optimizing the Social Assistance System in the PRC
Lin Mingang, Executive Director, China Association of Social Security; Professor, Nanjing University

Supporting the Most Needy Groups in Rural PRC
Zuo Ting, Executive Director, China Association of Social Security; Professor, China Agricultural University

Discussant: Armando Barrientos, Professor and Research Director, Brooks World Poverty Institute (BWPI), University of Manchester, UK

Questions & Discussion
15:00 – 15:20 Tea Break
15:20 – 16:50Topic 2: Social Work and Service Delivery in Social Assistance

Moderator: Sunhwa Lee, Principal Social Development Specialist, ADB

Involvement of Social Work in Social Assistance: An International Perspective
Joanna Rogers, Senior Consultant, Oxford Policy Management

Social Work Interventions in Social Assistance: Strategy and Actions
Guan Xinping, Executive Director, China Association of Social Security; Professor, Nankai University

Establishing a Professional Social Service System
Zhong Renyao, Executive Director, China Association of Social Security; Professor, East China Normal University

Discussant: Zhang Qilin, Professor, Wuhan University

Questions & Discussion
17:30 – 19:00 Dinner
08:30-10:00Topic 3: Social Assistance Standards, Compensation Rates and Targeting
Moderator: Cheng Haijun, Professor, Beijing College of Social Administration

BISP: A Social Safety Net
Umer Kamal, Director (Coordination), Benazir Income Support Program (BISP), Pakistan

Objective Determination of Social Assistance: Experience and Insights from the PRC
Huang Chenxi, Professor, East China Normal University

Guaranteed Chinese Minimum Living Standards and Compensation
Yang Lixiong, Secretary General, China Association of Social Security; Professor, Renmin University

Discussant: Wang Xiong, Director, the Urban and Rural Dibao Department, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the PRC

Questions & Discussion
10:00-10:20Tea Break
10:20-11:50Topic 4: Social Assistance Performance Monitoring
Moderator: Irene Bain, Social Sector Specialist, ADB

Performance Evaluation of the PRC’s Social Assistance Policy: Challenges and Reflections
Yue Jinglun, Executive Director, China Association of Social Security; Professor, Sun Yat-Sen University

Monitoring Implementation and Evaluating Performance of Cash Social Assistance: International Best Practice and the Case of Moldova
Ludovico Carraro, Principal Economist, Oxford Policy Management, UK

Exploring the Introduction of Third-Party: Improving Performance Evaluation Systems for Social Assistance
Zhang Dongxiang, Deputy Director, Social Assistance Department of the Civil Affairs, Guangdong Province

Discussant: Wu Zengfeng Director, the Dibao Department, Social Assistance Department of Ministry of Civil Affairs, the PRC

Questions & Discussion
11:50-12:20 Closing Ceremony
Moderator: Zhang Minwen, Director, Department of International Economic and Financial Cooperation, Ministry of Finance, the PRC

Closing Remarks:

  • Liu Xitang, Director General, Social Assistance Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the PRC

  • Wendy Walker, Principal Social Development Specialist, ADB

  • Lin Mingang, Executive Director, China Association of Social Security; Professor, Nanjing University

12:20-13:30 Lunch

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