Conference & Forum
Elderly Care System Development Forum
26 Sep 2022 - 28 Sep 2022 Online
Asia and the Pacific are aging rapidly. In 2022, population aged 65 and older is around 373 million (UNFPA, 2022), while it is projected that by 2050 it will increase to 954 million (UN, 2019). The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has the largest elderly population globally aging at fast pace. It is estimated that the proportion of people aged 60 and above is expected to increase from 18.7% in 2020 to 35.0% by 2050. Developing comprehensive elderly care system has been a prioritized step taken by PRC to address these challenges in past two decades.
Asian Development Bank (ADB) has been supporting PRC’s elderly care system development through structural and non-structural interventions. Particularly in Yichang City, ADB has supported the elderly care system strategic planning, elderly and geriatric care facilities construction and operationalization, human resource development, institutional strengthening and capacity building.
ADB and Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) will jointly host an online international forum on elderly care system development to encourage dialogue, knowledge exchange from policy and specific program implementation, and discussion of future opportunities and challenges. The conference will consist of several keynote speeches, a case study of Yichang City, a south-south knowledge sharing workshop and thematic workshops attended by high profile sector speakers, sharing international practices.
ADB–PRC Regional Knowledge Sharing Initiative, Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Institute, Asia-Pacific Finance and Development Institute, Chinese University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen, Harvard Social Technology for Global Aging Research Initiative, and Social Technology Innovation Center for Aging of Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute provided technical support to this forum.
The objectives of this forum are as follows:
- To enhance knowledge exchange from ADB’s elderly care projects for possible replication of innovative practices, particularly a detailed case study of ADB and Yichang Municipal Government’s long-term partnership in elderly-case system development.
- To strengthen capacity of Developing Member Countries (DMCs) to better plan, design, implement, and monitor programs for elderly care system and other aging strategic plans.
- To trigger dialogues and develop future partnership on elderly-care and adaptation to aging demographics.