International Policy Workshop on Rural-Urban Poverty Linkages

While potentially contributing to poverty reduction, urbanization is not solving the problems of inclusive growth and persistent poverty in Asia. It is estimated that in 2015 about 48% of Asia’s population live in urban areas, and one-third of them—in a trend that is increasing—live in slums or unfavorable living conditions. Cities, often mega-cities, in many parts of Asia are increasingly becoming unlivable, especially for the poor. The workshop brought together 90 government officials, experts, and NGOs from 14 countries to discuss concepts and cases of urban-poverty reduction from selected Asian, European and South American countries. The workshop concluded with four site visits in Zhejiang Province to showcase and discuss the PRC’s experience.


International Poverty Reduction Center in China (IPRCC)

Country Notes:
Moderator: HUANG Zuhui, China Academy for Rural Development (CARD), Zhejiang University

  • OU Qingping, Vice Minister, China State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development (LGOP)

  • Edgar CUA, Senior Adviser, East Asia Department, ADB
  • Welcome Remarks
  • ZHANG Wenbiao, Deputy Secretary-General of Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, Director General of Zhejiang Provincial Office of Agricultural Affairs

09:30-10:00Keynote: Visualizing urban-rural poverty linkages
Rural-Urban Poverty Linkages in Urban Villages, Villages Near the Cities, and Small City Corridors
Edward Leman, CEO of CHREOD, Toronto, Canada Slides Draft Paper
10:00-10:30Tea/Coffee, group photo
10:45-12:30Session I: Poverty in urban villages in megacities
This session will provide an overview of poverty dynamics in urban villages
Moderator: Ms. ZHOU Xianghong, Professor at the School of Economics and Management, Tongji University

Poverty reduction through participatory neighborhood upgrading and urban social protection in Indonesia
Judy BAKER, World BankPaper1Paper2

Diversity, informality and opportunities for the poor in villages in megacities: Examples from Delhi and Mumbai
Banashree Banerjee, Urban Management Consultant, New Delhi; Associate Staff Member of the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS) in Rotterdam, The Netherlands SlidesAnnotated outline

Poverty reduction among the migrants in the PRC’s urban villages
Prof. Dr. LI Xiaoyun, China Agricultural University, Beijing

Comments from the floor and panel discussion: Policy recommendations for addressing poverty in urban villages, and the implications for rural poverty
12:30-14:00Lunch, Haoyue Hall, 1st Floor
14:00-17:15Session II: Rural-urban poverty dimensions in peri-urban areas (villages close to cities)

This session will talk about linkages of rural-urban poverty on the fringe of smaller and larger cities. It will particularly address issues of employment and social services delivery for the poor, as well as implications on changing gender relations.

Moderator: Judy BAKER (Practice Leader for Urban Development, the World Bank)

Differences in poverty around the large and smaller cities in Asia: An overview
YAP Kioe Sheng, former ESCAP, Bangkok; and Cardiff University, Wales Slides Draft Paper

Gender perspective on work and livelihood in peri-urban areas of large metropolitan cities in India
Dr. Sucharita SEN, Jawarhal Nehru University, New Delhi, India Slides Draft Paper

Urban-rural poverty linkages in Zheijiang
SHAO Feng, Deputy Director General of Poverty Alleviation Office, Zhejiang Province Slides, CN Draft Paper
16:00-17:30Comments from the floor and panel discussion: Policy recommendations for addressing rural-urban poverty linkages on the city borders
17:30-19:00Dinner, Haoyue Hall, 1st Floor
08:30-10:45Session III: Poverty reduction through decentralized settlement patterns
This session will discuss the benefits of small town and corridor development for the poor.
Moderator: Joern Brommelhoster, Principal Economist and Coordinator of the Regional Knowledge Sharing Initiative (RKSI), ADB

People centered inclusive development: bringing jobs and services to the people and not vice-versa: Experience from Europe
Peter NIENTIED, IHUDS, Rotterdam, the Netherlands Slides Draft Paper Rural-urban linkages in the Netherlands

Rural-urban poverty linkages in small town development in the Mekong region
Ramola Naik SINGRU, Senior Urban Development Specialist, Consultant

Equalizing services for the poor between rural and urban areas in the PRC
SU Ming, Research Center of Fiscal Science, Ministry of Finance Slides Draft Paper

Village and small town development through the provision of urban services (PURA) in India: a new approach to help the rural poor
Prof. Dr. N. SRIDHARAN, Director of the School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada, India Slides Draft Paper

Comments from the floor and panel discussion: Policy recommendations for addressing rural poverty reduction through small town development and connectivity
10:45-11:10Coffee Break
11:10-12:40Session IV: Implications
Moderator: Arnaud HECKMANN, Urban Development Specialist, ADB East Asia Department

The PRC’s urbanization and industrialization strategy: Results from the March 2014 Urban China study
GONG Sen, Deputy Director for Research Department, China State Council Development Research Center

Strengthening regional centers to address rural-urban poverty: Experiences from German development finance
Ulrike LASSMANN, country director of KfW – German Development Bank in the PRC

Implications for development assistance in Asia and recommendations for the PRC’s 13th Five-Year Plan
Paul PROCEE, World Bank

Comments from the floor and panel discussion
12:40-12:50Conclusion and Closing Remarks

  • HE Xiaojun, Deputy Director General, IPRCC

  • ZUO Changsheng, Director General, IPRCC

  • Armin BAUER, (Principal Economist, ADB)

12:50 – 14:00Lunch3, Haoyue Hall, 1st Floor
14:00 – 15:30Travel to Keqiao District, Shaoxing City
15:30 – 16:30Site Visit 1: Tangdi Village, Lizhu Township (Horticulture based village in peri-urban areas)
16:30 – 17:00Travel to and check-in at Shaoxing Mirror Lake Hotel
17:00 – 18:00Dinner, 1st Floor Restaurant, Shaoxing Mirror Lake Hotel
18:30 – 20:30Cultural visit to Shaoxing Old Town
08:30 – 09:30Site Visit 2: Yinjiaban Village, Fuquan Township (Urban Village)
09:30 – 10:30Site Visit 3: Dongzhou Community, Huashe Sub-district (Rural village transformation to urban community)
10:30 – 11:30Site Visit 4: Qianqing Township (small town)
11:30 – 12:30Lunch
12:30 – 14:00Return travel

International GMS Urban Strategy Development Workshop

The Second Meeting of the Urban Development Task Force held in Kunming City from 14–15 November 2013 was undertaken with the objective of further strengthening regional cooperation in the urban development sector and stimulating integration and competitiveness of GMS corridor towns and border areas. A productive exchange of views and insights took place on two main agenda: i) urban development in the context of the role of cities and urban connectivity in promoting GMS sustainability, functional integration and competitiveness; and ii) country perspectives on existing urban development plans and strategies including implications of the respective country strategies in relation to regional cooperation and integration. The meeting also discussed and confirmed the GMS Regional Investment Framework (RIF) pipeline of projects for urban development as well as the proposed medium- term agenda of the Task Force.

0900-0925Opening Session
Opening and Introductory Remarks by Chair and Co-Chair
Welcome Remarks by Governor, Yunnan Province, the PRC
Brief Statement by Hamid Sharif, Country Director, ADB PRC Resident Mission
0925-0930Group Photo
0930-0945 Coffee Break
0945-1030 Session 1: Urban Development in the Greater Mekong Subregion
The Role of Cities and Urban Connectivity in Promoting GMS Sustainability, Functional Integration and Competitiveness
Presentation by Prof. Douglas Webster, ADB Consultant
1030 -1700 Session 2: Country Perspectives on Urban Development
Presentations by member country representatives (30 minutes each and 10 minutes of discussions) in promoting GMS connectivity, integration and competitiveness of corridor towns )

Country presentation of 15-20 slides will be guided by the following essential contents:

  • What are your general observations about the national urban systems and development strategies as presented by Mr. Douglas in the Urban Development in the GMS? What are the implications of these strategies in the national efforts of your country to promote connectivity, integration and competitiveness of corridor towns

  • Have urbanization trends been adequately described and assessed for your country? Please provide additional information that needs to be taken into account in the assessment of the urbanization trends

  • Does the presentation of the national urban system of your country adequately describe the economic role and importance of the urban centers covered? Please provide additional information on the national urban system, if possible

  • As a way forward, identify key development strategies that should be adopted to trigger the development of the corridor towns. Please also indicate what type of urban sector investments that would further promote connectivity, integration and competitiveness of the corridor towns and cross border areas

  • What strategic measures can be implemented to strengthen regional cooperation and functional integration among GMS corridor towns?

1030-1110Cambodia’s Perspectives on Urban Systems and Development Strategies
Presentation by the Cambodia Lead Urban TF Member highlighting the key elements based on the Guide Questions
1110-1150The PRC’s Perspectives on Urban Systems and Development Strategies
Presentation by the PRC GMS National Coordinator highlighting the key elements based on the Guide Questions
1150-1300Lunch Break
1300Session 3: Continuation of Country Presentations
1300-1340Lao PDR’s Perspectives on Urban Systems and Development Strategies
Presentation by the Lao PDR GMS National Coordinator highlighting the key elements based on the Guide Questions
1340-1420Myanmar’s Perspectives on Urban Systems and Development Strategies
Presentation by the Myanmar GMS National Coordinator highlighting the key elements based on the Guide Questions
1420-1500Thailand’s Perspectives on Urban Systems and Development Strategies
Presentation by the Thailand Lead GMS Urban TF member highlighting the key elements based on the Guide Questions
1500-1540Viet Nam’s Perspectives on Urban Systems and Development Strategies
Presentation by the Viet Nam Lead GMS Urban TF member highlighting the key elements based on the Guide Questions
1540-1600 Coffee/ Tea Break
1600-1700Session 4. Plenary Discussions on GMS Sustainability, Functional Integration, and Connectivity

Mr. Webster will give a synthesis of the country perspectives and initiate discussions on common strategies in urban development with emphasis on the development of corridor towns and border areas. Participants will be encouraged to share views.

The co-chair will facilitate the plenary discussions.
0900-0920Session 5: Synthesis of the Day I Session

Presentation by SEUW, ADB of the highlights of discussions and agreements during Day 1
0920-1020Session 6: Discussions and Confirmation of the GMS Regional Investment Framework (RIF) for Urban Development Sector

Presentation by ADB on GMS RIF for Urban Development Sector

The co-chair will facilitate discussions and seek confirmation on the GMS RIF.
1020-1035Coffee, Tea Break
1035-1125Session 7: Discussion on Proposed CDTA on Strengthening Urban Planning in the GMS Corridor Towns Development Project and PPTA on Cross-Border Economic Zones Development

Proposed Capacity Development Technical Assistance on Strengthening Urban Planning in the GMS Corridor Towns Development
Proposed Project Preparatory Technical Assistance on Cross-Border Economic Zones Development

The Co-Chair will facilitate discussions and seek consensus on the draft MOU
1125-1225 Session 8: Confirmation of the GMS Urban Development Task Force TOR and Discussion of the Agenda on the 2014 Activities

Presentation by ADB on the TOR and indicative 2014 Work Plan/Agenda of the GMS Urban TF

The Co-Chair will facilitate discussion and seek agreements on the agenda.
1230-1240Closing Session
The co-chair will summarize the agreements
The chair will give the concluding remark

Book Launch: “Economics of Climate Change in East Asia”

The ADB publication “Economics of Climate Change in East Asia” examines how Japan, Mongolia, the PRC, and the Republic of Korea can better respond to challenges of climate change through a combination of adaptation and mitigation measures. Using detailed estimates of costs under a range of climate scenarios, the analysis identifies efficient strategies that take into account future climate-change uncertainties while balancing the costs of countermeasures. Team members from more than 10 leading universities and think tanks in Asia, North America, and Europe contributed to this collaborative project. In each country event, overall and country-specific findings were presented and discussed with experts on climate change, government officials, and the media. In total, about 160 participants joined the discussions.


International Book launch of the “Economics of Climate Change in East Asia” (English language book) and

Book launch of the PRC background report “Climate Change and Low Carbon Growth Strategies in the PRC” (Chinese language book)

The Economics of Climate Change in East Asia: PRC Presentation
8:30 – 9:00 Registration
9:00 – 9:20 Opening by the ADB and the NDRC
Edgar Cua, Deputy Director General, East Asia Department, ADB
Su Wei, Director-General, National Development and Reform Commission (requested)
9:20 – 9:30 Project Overview and Project Goals
Jörn Brömmelhörster, Principal Economist, East Asia Department, ADB
9:30 – 9:50 Climate Change and Low Carbon Growth Strategies in the PRC (Summary findings of the Chinese background report)
Chen Wenying, Professor, Tsinghua University
9:50 – 10:30 Findings, Results and Messages from the Economics of Climate Change in East Asia Report
Gordon Hughes, University of Edinburgh
10:30 – 11:15Questions and Answers

Book launch: Key findings and messages of the “Economics of Climate Change in East Asia” with special reference to Mongolia

The Economics of Climate Change in East Asia: Mongolia Presentation
8:30 – 9:00 Registration
9:00 – 9:20 Opening remarks
D. Dagvadorj, Special Envoy on Climate Change
Robert Schoelhammer, Country Director, ADB
9:20 – 9:30Project overview and project goals
Jörn Brömmelhörster, Principal Economist, East Asia Department, ADB
9:30 – 9:50 Climate Change and Low Carbon Growth Strategies in Mongolia (Summary findings of the Mongolian background report)
Namjil Enebish (National Renewable Energy Centre, Mongolia)
Jamsran Batbold (Mongolian Environmental Civil Council, Mongolia)
9:50 – 10:30 Findings, Results, and Messages from the Economics of Climate Change in East Asia Report (with special reference on Mongolia)
Gordon Hughes, University of Edinburgh
10:30 – 11:00Questions and Answers

Book launch: Key findings and messages of the “Economics of Climate Change in East Asia” with special reference to the Republic of Korea

The Economics of Climate Change in East Asia: Republic of Korea Presentation
8:30 – 9:00 Registration
9:00 – 9:20 Keynote address
Dohyun Park, KOICA
9:20 – 9:30Project overview and project goals
Jörn Brömmelhörster, Principal Economist, East Asia Department, ADB
9:30 – 10:10 Findings, Results, and Messages from the Economics of Climate Change (with special reference on Republic of Korea)
Gordon Hughes, University of Edinburgh
10:10 – 10:40 Questions and Answers

Book launch: Key findings and messages of the “Economics of Climate Change in East Asia” with special reference to Japan

The Economics of Climate Change in East Asia: Japan Presentation
9:00 – 9:30 Registration
9:30 – 9:50 Opening
Hideki Minamikawa, Senior Advisor, Ministry of the Environment, Japan
Stephen P. Groff, Vice President, ADB
9:50 – 10:00Project overview and project goals
Jörn Brömmelhörster, Principal Economist, East Asia Department, ADB
10:00 – 10:20Climate Change and Low Carbon Growth Strategies in Japan (Summary findings of the Japan background report)
Kotaro Kawamata, Director for international cooperation, Ministry of the Environment, Japan
10:20 – 11:00 Findings, Results, and Messages from the Economics of Climate Change in East Asia Report (with special reference on Japan)
Gordon Hughes, University of Edinburgh
11:00 – 11:30 Questions and Answers
11:30 – 11:40Closing remarks
Masahiro Kawai, Dean, ADB Institute

Regional Workshop on Large Scale Wind Power Integration

The rapid increase in global wind-power uptake has resulted in a sharp decline in costs, further reinforcing demand. This virtuous cycle, supported by increased environmental concern, is taking place at a time when many Asian countries are increasing renewables in their energy mix. Training focused on lessons learnt from countries that have already increased their share of wind energy as part of their primary supply. About 90 government officials and experts from 10 developing member countries participated in the workshop, which concluded with a site visit to a major wind farm in Zhangbei County, Zhangjiakou Municipality, Hebei Province. The training covered wind-energy technologies, pricing schemes, and regulatory issues, as well as energy-security concerns, and grid integration.

8:15–9:00 Registration of Participant
9:00–10:00Opening Remarks and Keynote Address by Representatives from the Government of the People’s Republic of China, the State Grid Corporation of China, and the Asian Development Bank

  • Mr. Shi Lishan, Deputy Director General, Department of New and Renewable Energy NDRC, National Energy Administration, NDRC

  • Mr. Li Junfeng, Director General, National Center for Climate Change, NDRC

  • Mr. Ayumi Konishi, Director General, East Asia Department, Asian Development Bank

  • Mr. Shen Jiang, Director General, Science and Technology Department, State Grid Corporation of China

10:00–10:30 Introduction to the Grid Integration of Wind Power Workshop
Mr. Pradeep Perera, Principal Energy Specialist, Asian Development Bank
Introduction to the Workshop
Key Messages from Beijing Workshop

Goals of the workshop
Wind power myths debunked (Nature of wind energy, issues related to integration, bring everyone to think about what are the real issues)
10:30-10:45 Coffee/Tea Break
10:45–12:15Session 1: Strategic and Policy Issues Affecting Scale up of Wind Power Development
Session Chair: Mr. Ashok Bhargava, Director, Energy Division, Asian Development Bank


  • Mr. Wang Weisheng, National Wind Research and Testing Center

  • Mr. Sanjay Garg, General Manager, Ministry of Power in India

  • Mr. Geoff James, Senior Scientist, CISIRO Australia

  • Mr. Pramod Jain, Senior Consultant, USA

Panel Discussion with the participation of several key experts from Asian countries including the PRC on Strategic and Policy Issues Confronting Wind Power Integration
Each participant will provide a brief introduction on the status of wind power integration in their country and the key issues they are facing at present (10 minutes each)
The panelist discusses how these issues are expected to be resolved and the strategic approach of the government and the industry to overcome them
12:15-1:00 Lunch
1:00–3:00Session 2: Issues and Challenges in Having Significant Share (over 10%) of Electricity Generation from Wind Power
Session Chair: Mr. Aiming Zhou, Senior Energy Specialist, Asian Development Bank

Long-term System-Wide Analysis of Maximum Amount of Wind Energy in a Grid
Mr. Nick Miller, GE Energy Management

  • Analyzing the ability of an electrical network to absorb variable sources of energy (wind energy)

  • Tools and methodologies used to determine the amount of RE penetration in the grid?

  • What does it take to increase the amount of variable source on the grid?

  • Economics of increasing variable generation

  • Managing variable generation with hydro, gas plants

Chinese Experiences and Challenges of Integrating Large-Scale Wind Power to Power System
Dr. Bai Jianhua, Deputy Chief Economist, State Grid Energy Research Institute

  • Current state of wind power development in the PRC (Capacity Distribution)

  • Key issues on wind power absorption

  • Long-term planning of wind power development

  • Solutions for wind power absorption (relationship between wind power curtailment and installed capacity, wind power transmission planning
    based on UHV, etc.)

3:00–3:30 Coffee/Tea Break
3:30–5:00Grid Code for Integrating Wind Power to Grid
Session Chair: Mr. Zhang Lei, Energy Specialist, Asian Development Bank

Grid Code Requirements and Best Practices
Mr. Nick Miller, GE Energy Management

  • Different components of grid code: LVRT, voltage & frequency characteristics, harmonics, exchange of data between SCADA and dispatch
    center, others

  • Review of the Danish grid code and how it provides balancing generation capacity for wind integration

  • Customizing grid code to a country’s grid capabilities and realities

  • The different types of wind generators and their electrical characteristics

  • Measuring compliance with grid code

Chinese Experiences in the Development of Grid Code and Guidelines for Wind Power Interconnection
Dr. Chi Yongning, China Electric Power Research Institute

  • Chinese technical standards for wind power grid integration
    Active power control and reactive power control
    Low voltage fault ride through capability
    Voltage and frequency requirements

  • Shortcomings of PRC’s existing grid code and proposed improvements

5:00-7:00 Dinner
8:15–9:00 Registration of Participants
9:00–10:30Session 4: Interconnection Studies for Integrating Wind Power Plants
Session Chair: Mr. Pradeep Perera, Principal Energy Specialist, Asian Development

Technical Studies for Impact of Wind Plant on the Grid
Mr. Nick Miller, GE Energy Management

  • Methodologies for determining impacts on the reliability, safety, (transient, voltage, and frequency) stability, and thermal loading capacity of the power system

  • Best practices for modeling power flow, analyzing stability, and short circuit

  • Approaches to determine the grid improvements and upgrades triggered by the proposed wind farms, and develop cost estimates

Chinese Experiences on Wind Interconnection Studies. Different Types of Interconnection Studies, Based on Size of Wind Farm
Dr. Zhu Lingzhi, Chief Engineer, State Grid Electric Power Research Institute

  • Data requirements for performing interconnection study

  • Processes and tools employed for studies

  • Shortcomings of PRC’s interconnection studies and proposed improvements

10:30–10:45Coffee/Tea break
10:45–12:45Session 5: Emerging Technologies and Approaches to Wind Power Integration and Mainstreaming
Session Chair: Mr. Pramod Jain, Senior Consultant, United States of America

Future of Integration of Variable Sources of Generation (integration wind, pV, and storage) demonstration projects
Mr. Yao Hongchun, Chief Engineer China Electric Power Research Institute

Advances in Wind Power Control Technologies: Reactive Power and Voltage Control
Dr. Chen Ning, Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering

Wind Power Forecasting Technologies
Dr. Cao Xiao, China Electric Power Research Institute
2:00–3:30Session 6: Issues and Challenges of Wind Power Dispatching
Session Chair: Mr. Geoff James, CISIRO, Australia

Wind Energy Dispatching Methodology
Mr. Nick Miller, GE Energy Management

  • Wind farm as capacity source or energy source

  • Policies for scheduling wind energy

  • Policies for curtailing wind energy

  • Comparison of different methods

  • Software and other tools, processes for scheduling wind energy

  • Role of wind energy forecasting

Chinese Experiences on Wind Power Dispatching
Dr. Fan Gaofeng, Chief Engineer, National Dispatch Center, State Grid Corporation of China

  • Methodologies and tools used for dispatching wind

  • Energy storage technologies

  • Intelligent DSM technologies using smart grid technologies

  • Prediction of consumer demand and wind power output

3:30–3:45 Coffee/Tea break
3:45–4:45Panel Discussion followed by Q&A session on the Technical Issues of Wind Power Integration
Session Chair, Mr. Pramod Jain, Senior Consultant, USA and the panel members consists of Mr. Nick Miller, Mr. Geoff James, Dr. Chi Yongning, Dr. Zhu Lingzhi and Dr. Fan Gaofeng

International Policy Workshop on Urban Poverty and Inclusive Cities

Over the past two decades, many developing countries have grown substantially, graduating from low-income countries to middle-income countries. Nevertheless, while GDP has increased, the challenge of making growth more inclusive, especially for the vulnerable poor (those under the $2 poverty line) remains. This international workshop brought together more than 120 experts from Asian central and local governments, think tanks, universities, and development partners from 14 countries to discuss issues and challenges related to urban poverty, the role of floating populations and rural–urban linkages for inclusive urban-development strategies. Selected international case studies were presented, and policy challenges, and suggestions for the PRC were discussed.



09:00 – 10:15Opening
Moderator: ZUO Changsheng, Director General, International Poverty Reduction Center in China (IPRCC)


  • ZHENG Wenkai, Deputy Director, China State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development

  • YANG Genping, Deputy Secretary General of Jiangsu Province

  • Hamid Sharif, Country Director, ADB PRC Resident Mission

  • LAN Shaomin, Party Secretary of Suqian Municipal Party Committee

Keynote: Urban Poverty and Livable Cities: New Challenges for Public Policy

  • LU Mai, Secretary General, China Development Research Foundation

  • YU Jiantuo, Division Chief, China Development Research Foundation

10:15 – 10:35 Group Photo /Tea/Coffee
10:35 – 12:05Session I: Issues and Challenges of Urban Poverty
This session will provide an overview of recent urban poverty issues in Asia and South America. It will discuss emerging drivers and dimensions of urban poverty such as spatial dimensions, demographics and targeting issues, income poverty, social poverty, the environments of the poor, migration, livability, and government programs

Moderator: Jörn Brömmelhörster, Coordinator, Regional Knowledge Sharing Initiative (RKSI), ADB

Emerging Trends of Urban Poverty in Asia
WAN Guanghua, Principal Economist, ADB: Income Poverty
Armin Bauer, Principal Economist, ADB: Social Poverty

Urban Poverty in Latin America: Characteristics, Trends and Examples of Key Programs in the Region
Jesús Navarrete, Housing and Urban Development Senior Specialist, InterAmerican Development Bank

Urban Poverty in the PRC
LU Hanwen, Director, Rural Governance and Poverty Reduction Center, Central China Normal University
12:05 – 12:30 Comments and Panel Discussion
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:00Session II: Issues and Examples of Rural-Urban Linkages, Migration and Integration
This session will talk about the linkages and integration of rural-urban poverty and its impact on land, housing, social protection and employment policies

Moderator: Irene Bain, Social Sector Specialist, ADB

Rural-Urban Poverty Linkages in Thailand
Yongyuth Chalamwong, Research Director, Thailand Development Research Institute

Rural-Urban Poverty Linkages and Migration in Viet Nam
Dang Nguyen Anh, Director, Institute of Sociology of the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences

The Challenges on the PRC’s Anti-Poverty Policy System from Rural Floating Population
LIN Wanlong, Professor, China Agriculture University, Beijing

Addressing Rural-Urban Poverty Linkages: The Example of Jiangsu
ZHU Jilu, Director, Office of Rural-Agriculture-Farmer Work of Jiangsu Party Committee
15:00 – 15:40Comments and Panel Discussion
15:40 – 16:00Coffee/Tea
16:00 – 17:00Session III: Strategies to Address Urban Poverty in Asia
This session will provide an overview of key policies and programs that aim to reduce urban poverty and to share country experiences.

Moderator: SUN Yongmei, Professor, Institute of China’s Economic Reform and Development, Renmin University

Bottom-up Community-based Neighborhood Improvements: Cases from Indonesia and the Philippines
Florian Steinberg, Senior Urban Planning Specialist, ADB

Public-Private Partnership in Slum Upgrading and Housing for the Poor
Om Prakash Mathur, Distinguished Professor of Urban Economics at the National Institute of Urban Affairs, Delhi, India

Urban Poverty in Bangladesh: A Country with Enormous Potentials
Salehuddin Ahmed, Managing Editor, the Daily Star, Bangladesh

Addressing Social Needs of the Urban Poor in Japan
Aya ABE, Director, Department of Empirical Social Security Research, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Japan
17:00 – 17:45Comments and Panel Discussion
18:30 – 20:00Reception
09:00 – 12:00Site Visit to Urban Poverty Areas in Suqian, Jiangsu Province
12:00 – 12:30Discussions on Key Observations: What are the Challenges for the Urban Poor?
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:30Session IV: Implications for the PRC
This session will draw participants’ attention on some key policy challenges in making urban living for the poor more inclusive. Such policy issues include – among others, employment, social protection, environment, land title and housing rights, governance and participation, and equitable city planning

Moderator: LIN Wanlong, Professor, China Agriculture University, Beijing

Social Policy in the Process of Urbanization
ZHANG Xiulan, Dean and Professor, School of Social Development and Public Policy, Beijing Normal University
ZHOU Xianghong, Professor, Department of Public Administration of Tongji University

Livable and Inclusive Cities
John Bachmann, City Planner and Director, China Sustainability Center

Governance and Participatory Planning
WEI Houkai, Deputy Director, Institute of Urban and Environment Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Inclusive Development and Fiscal Policy Choice of China
SU Ming, Deputy Director, Research Center of Fiscal Science, Ministry of Finance
15:30 – 16:00Comments and Panel Discussion
16:00 – 16:20Tea/Coffee
16:20 – 17:00Critical Areas for Action in PRC from the Government’s Perspective
Moderator: HE Xiaojun, Deputy Director General, IPRCC

LIU Shouying, Deputy Director, Department for Rural Economic Development, Development Research Centre of China State Council

Armin Bauer, Principal Economist, ADB
ZHANG Gu, Director, Poverty Alleviation and Immigration Bureau of Sichuan Province
17:00 – 17:30Closing Session
Moderator: HE Xiaojun, Deputy Director General, IPRCC

Closing Remarks

  • ZHU Zhihua, Deputy Director, Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of Jiangsu Province

  • Hamid Sharif, Country Director, PRC Resident Mission, ADB

  • ZUO Changsheng, Director General, IPRCC


International Expert Meeting on Improving Air Quality in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region

The PRC faces severe regional air pollution. Of particular concern are PM2.5—particles that are 2.5 micrometers in size or smaller—which remain persistently high in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region, posing threats to health and quality of life. The meeting brought 25 government, research institute, and NGO air-quality experts from seven countries to exchange their experience in other developed and developing countries, with the aim of establishing effective policies and methods for improving air quality. The workshop discussed issues such as the reasons for and the health impacts of high PM2.5 levels, the gathering and storage of data, and policies on how to best tackle severe air pollution.

09:00 – 10:15Welcoming Remarks (Chair Person)
Li Pei, Deputy Director General, Foreign Economic Cooperation Office, Ministry of Environmental Protection

Welcoming Remarks
Hamid Sharif, Country Director, ADB PRC Resident Mission

Air Quality Management and Policy Goals in the PRC
Wang Xin, Director, Division I, Foreign Economic Cooperation Office, Ministry of Environmental Protection

Policy Suggestions for Achieving Higher Standards of Air Quality
He Kebin, Executive Vice-President, Tsinghua Graduate School and Professor of School of Environment, Tsinghua University
10:15 – 10:30Group Picture and Tea/Coffee Break
10:30 – 12:30Session 1: Emergency Air Pollution Planning

Moderator: Zhao Lijian, Program Director, China Sustainable Energy Program

Status and challenges of emergency episode planning in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region (15min)
Chai Fahe, Vice-President, Chinese Research Academy for Environmental Sciences

London’s approach to emergency air pollution episodes (15min)
Benjamin Barratt, King’s College London

EU air quality directive and the implementation in Cities (15min)
Axel Friedrich, Former Chairman of the OECD Working Group on Transport and Founding Member of the International Council for Clean Transportation

Discussion led by moderator:

  • Key elements to address emergency air pollution episodes

  • Steps to develop an emergency air pollution plan for Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 16:00Session 2: Medium and Long-Term Paths to Reduce PM2.5 Concentrations

Moderator: Benjamin Barratt, King’s College London

Air quality management plan requirements for Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (15min)
Yang Jintian, Deputy Chief Engineer of Environmental Planning Institute, MEP

US approach to regional air quality management (15min)
Dale Evarts, Group Leader, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, US Environmental Protection Agency
Chris James, Principal, China and U.S. Programs, Regulatory Assistance Project

Discussion led by moderator:

  • Legal solutions

  • Institutional solutions

  • Capacity issues

  • Sector specific solutions

16:00 – 16:15 Tea/Coffee Break
16:15 – 17:00Wrap-Up Session: What Did We achieve? What Shall Be Proposed?
Moderator: Wang Xin, Director, MEP and Jörn Brömmelhörster, Coordinator, RKSI

International Seminar on Fiscal and Tax Policy Reform

An international seminar on the PRC fiscal and tax policy reform was held on 21 May at the Asia-Pacific Finance and Development Institute (AFDI) in Shanghai. The purpose of the seminar was to explore successful experiences of the PRC’s fiscal and tax reforms since 1994, discuss the challenges posed by economic restructuring, and share experiences of various countries’ fiscal and tax policies, particularly during economic transition periods. The seminar was co-sponsored by ADB’s Regional Knowledge Sharing Initiative (RKSI).


Asia-Pacific Finance Development Institute

9:00-9:30Opening Remarks
Li Kouqing, Director-General, AFDI
Xie Xuan, Deputy Director General, International Department, MOF
Robert Wihtol, Director General, East Asia Department (EARD), ADB
9:30-10:45Session I: Overview of Fiscal and Tax Reforms since 1994, Challenges and Policy Options for Inclusive Growth

Since 1994, the PRC’s fiscal and taxation policies have experienced a tremendous change with the introduction of a shared tax system, and in particular the VAT. As a result, tax revenue has increased steadily from about CNY300 billion to CNY12 trillion in 2012. During this period, the budgeting system was also reformed allowing the central government more leverage to redistribute resources to less developed regions. However, as economic development moved forward, different issues emerged including the match of social responsibility of the government and revenue generated from a shared tax system. Against this background, the fiscal transfer system has to be reconsidered. The session will look into the following key issues: what are the challenges in fiscal and taxation policy that the PRC faces in the current context? What are the main issues that need to be resolved?

Moderator: Peng Runzhong, Director, AFDI
Zhuang Juzhong Deputy Chief Economist, Economics and Research Department (ERD), ADB
Meng Chun, DDG, Development Research Center, State Council CN
Yin Xingmin, DDG, China Economy Research Center, Fudan University CN

10:45-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:30Session II: International Experience in Fiscal and Tax Policy

Fiscal and taxation policies are the centerpiece of sound macroeconomic policy. Experiences in various countries provide interesting insights for today’s discussion. Every country has developed a unique form, in particular when it comes to the relations between central and local governments. The session will look at selected international experiences to draw on relevant lessons learned.

Moderator: Yolanda Fernandez Lommen, Principal Economist, EARD, ADB
Jorge Martinez Vazquez, Professor, International Center for Public Policy, Georgia State University
Satoru Araki, Tax Expert, RSDD, ADB
Zhou Qiangwu, DDG, AFDC, MOF

12:30-13:45 Lunch
13:45-15:00Session III: Reform of the Intergovernmental Finance System

Economic restructuring in the PRC, coupled with achieving the objective of establishing a prosperous society by the end of the century requires reforms of revenue and expenditure system between central and local government. Against this context, it is particularly important to align the responsibility in the provision of basic services with adequate financial resources. In addition, fiscal and taxation policies should reflect the trends of the market-oriented reforms, and the nature of the government functions. The session will discuss and revisit the roles and responsibilities of central and local governments, with the purpose of adequately aligning revenue and expenditure responsibilities.

Moderator: Liu Hanyong, Director, Shanghai Finance Department
Bai Jingming, DDG, Fiscal Policy Research Institute, MOF CN
Qian Ying, Director, EARD, ADB
Liu Junmin, Director, Fiscal Policy Research Institute, MOF
Ma Haitao, Dean, Fiscal and taxation Policy Institute, Central Financial University CN

15:00-15:15Coffee Break
15:15-17:00Session IV: Roadmap for Fiscal and Tax Policy Reform

There are different options on how to move forward fiscal and taxation reforms in the PRC. In this process it is important to explore how to best adapt to the current international and domestic juncture in order to design a suitable reform roadmap that may be considered by the policy-makers in the context of the current economic reform agenda. The session will invite the views from representatives from government and the academia to identify the best options to modernize the fiscal and taxation systems in the PRC in accordance with the country development targets.

Moderator: Zhou Qiangwu,DDG,AFDC, MOF
Wang Chaocai, DDG, Fiscal Policy Research Institute, MOF CN
Wang Yongjun, Dean, Public Administration Institute. China Central Financial University CN
Chen Huan, DG, China CDM, MOF CN
Yan Yan, Director, Shanghai National Accounting Institute CN

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