Developing Social Assistance Systems: Experiences and Lessons

Over the past decade many countries across Asia and the Pacific have established social assistance programs to help ensure income security and access to basic services for poor and vulnerable populations. As the programs have expanded, so have the demands for improving institutional organization, establishing mechanisms for targeting, ensuring adequate human resources to implement the programs, and effective systems to monitor performance. The conference brought together 110 international experts, policy makers, the academe and practitioners engaged in this field from 22 ADB developing member countries to take stock of the diversity of experience to date in the region and globally. Participants looked forward to identify key challenges and a new agenda for ensuring sustainability of social assistance systems, particularly in light of the focus on social protection and social assistance programs in the newly endorsed sustainable development goals.

  • Ministry of Finance, the PRC
  • Ministry of Civil Affairs, the PRC
  • Renmin University

08:30 – 09:00Registration
09:00 – 09:30Opening Ceremony
Moderator: Zheng Gongcheng, President, China Association of Social Security; Professor, Renmin University

Opening Remarks:

  • Liu Xitang, Director General, Social Assistance Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the PRC

  • Zheng Quan, Deputy Director General, Department of International
    Economic and Financial Cooperation, Ministry of Finance, the PRC

  • Amy Leung, Deputy Director General, East Asia Department, ADB

09:30 – 10:00Photos / Tea Break
10:00 – 12:00Keynote Speeches:
Moderator: Zhang Minwen, Director, Department of International Economic and Financial Cooperation, Ministry of Finance, the PRC

Social Assistance Reform and Institutional Improvement in the PRC
Zheng Gongcheng, President, China Association of Social Security; Professor, Renmin University

Establishment and Development of China Social Assistance System
Cheng Wei, Deputy Director General, Social Assistance Department, Ministry of Civil Affairs, the PRC

Social Assistance in Developing Countries
Armando Barrientos, Professor and Research Director, Brooks World Poverty Institute (BWPI), University of Manchester, UK

Reality and Prospects of Social Assistance
Ma Tao, Deputy Director General, Civil Affairs Department of Liaoning Province
12:00 – 13:30Lunch
13:30 – 15:00Topic 1: Comprehensive Development of Social Assistance Systems

Moderator: He Wenjiong, Deputy President, China Association of Social Security; Professor, Zhejiang University

Designing Integrated Social Assistance in Indonesia
Vivi Yulaswati, Director, Social Protection and Welfare, National Development Planning Agency/BAPPENAS, Indonesia

Upgrading and Optimizing the Social Assistance System in the PRC
Lin Mingang, Executive Director, China Association of Social Security; Professor, Nanjing University

Supporting the Most Needy Groups in Rural PRC
Zuo Ting, Executive Director, China Association of Social Security; Professor, China Agricultural University

Discussant: Armando Barrientos, Professor and Research Director, Brooks World Poverty Institute (BWPI), University of Manchester, UK

Questions & Discussion
15:00 – 15:20 Tea Break
15:20 – 16:50Topic 2: Social Work and Service Delivery in Social Assistance

Moderator: Sunhwa Lee, Principal Social Development Specialist, ADB

Involvement of Social Work in Social Assistance: An International Perspective
Joanna Rogers, Senior Consultant, Oxford Policy Management

Social Work Interventions in Social Assistance: Strategy and Actions
Guan Xinping, Executive Director, China Association of Social Security; Professor, Nankai University

Establishing a Professional Social Service System
Zhong Renyao, Executive Director, China Association of Social Security; Professor, East China Normal University

Discussant: Zhang Qilin, Professor, Wuhan University

Questions & Discussion
17:30 – 19:00 Dinner

08:30-10:00Topic 3: Social Assistance Standards, Compensation Rates and Targeting
Moderator: Cheng Haijun, Professor, Beijing College of Social Administration

BISP: A Social Safety Net
Umer Kamal, Director (Coordination), Benazir Income Support Program (BISP), Pakistan

Objective Determination of Social Assistance: Experience and Insights from the PRC
Huang Chenxi, Professor, East China Normal University

Guaranteed Chinese Minimum Living Standards and Compensation
Yang Lixiong, Secretary General, China Association of Social Security; Professor, Renmin University

Discussant: Wang Xiong, Director, the Urban and Rural Dibao Department, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the PRC

Questions & Discussion
10:00-10:20Tea Break
10:20-11:50Topic 4: Social Assistance Performance Monitoring
Moderator: Irene Bain, Social Sector Specialist, ADB

Performance Evaluation of the PRC’s Social Assistance Policy: Challenges and Reflections
Yue Jinglun, Executive Director, China Association of Social Security; Professor, Sun Yat-Sen University

Monitoring Implementation and Evaluating Performance of Cash Social Assistance: International Best Practice and the Case of Moldova
Ludovico Carraro, Principal Economist, Oxford Policy Management, UK

Exploring the Introduction of Third-Party: Improving Performance Evaluation Systems for Social Assistance
Zhang Dongxiang, Deputy Director, Social Assistance Department of the Civil Affairs, Guangdong Province

Discussant: Wu Zengfeng Director, the Dibao Department, Social Assistance Department of Ministry of Civil Affairs, the PRC

Questions & Discussion
11:50-12:20 Closing Ceremony
Moderator: Zhang Minwen, Director, Department of International Economic and Financial Cooperation, Ministry of Finance, the PRC

Closing Remarks:

  • Liu Xitang, Director General, Social Assistance Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the PRC

  • Wendy Walker, Principal Social Development Specialist, ADB

  • Lin Mingang, Executive Director, China Association of Social Security; Professor, Nanjing University

12:20-13:30 Lunch

Deepening Public-Private Partnerships

More than 110 participants from 18 countries attended the seminar, which provided an opportunity to take stock of approaches to public-private partnership (PPP) in Asia and the Pacific, and to set out new approaches for learning from experience across the region and elsewhere. The workshop explored new developments in PPPs, necessary ingredients for a successful enabling environment for PPPs, good institutional models for promoting and regulating the use of PPPs, and good practices for managing the fiscal risk of PPPs.


8:30 – 9:00Registration
9:00 – 9:30Opening Session
Moderator: Ms. Ying Wang, Director, Knowledge Cooperation and Technical Assistance Division, Department of International Economic and Financial Cooperation, Ministry of Finance, the PRC

Keynote speakers:

  • Mr. Yingming Yang, Deputy Director General, Department of International
    Economic and Financial Cooperation, Ministry of Finance, the PRC

  • Mr. Ayumi Konishi, Director General, East Asia Department, ADB

9:30 – 10:00Group Photo and Tea / Coffee
10:00 – 12:15Session 1: What’s New in Public-Private Partnerships?
Moderator: Mr. Jie Sun, Research Fellow, Doctor, Research Institute for Fiscal Science, Ministry of Finance, the PRC

This session will recap the latest thinking on what a public-private partnership (PPP) is, and why and how it should be used, drawing on case studies. The experience of Australia and the Republic of Korea will be examined to explore how PPPs can be used in health and education as well as new areas of economic infrastructure. The broadening of the Philippines PPP program into new areas of the economy will also be examined, along with insights from the regional experience. Contributions from the floor will be encouraged.

The PRC’s Experience (20 min)
Mr. Xiaoping Jiao, Deputy Director General, Clean Development Mechanism Fund, Ministry of Finance, the PRC

The Experience of the Republic of Korea (20 min)
Dr. Hojun Lee, Director, PPP Division, Public and Private Infrastructure Investment Management Center, the Republic of Korea

Australia’s Experience (20 min)
Mr. Michael Schur, Managing Director, Castalia and former Secretary of the New South Wales Treasury, Australia

Question and Answer
11:15 – 12:15Panelists:

A Perspective from the Philippines (10 min)
Ms. Rina P. Alzate, Director, Project Development and Monitoring Facility Service, Philippines PPP Center

A Regional Perspective (10 min)
Mr. Seethapathy Chander, Special Senior Advisor (Infrastructure and PPP), ADB

Remarks from a PPP Advisor (10 min)
Mr. Seng Chee Lee, Partner, Capital Projects and Infrastructure, Pricewaterhouse Coopers

Lessons from the United Kingdom’s Experience (10 min)
Ms. Shirvine Zhang, Director Corporate Finance, KPMG Advisory (China) Limited

Question and Answer
12:15 – 14:00Lunch
14:00 – 15:30Session 2: The Enabling Environment: How can governments encourage PPPs?
Moderator: Mr. Ayumi Konishi, Director General, East Asia Department, ADB

This session will explore the enabling environment for PPPs with an emphasis on what governments need to do to encourage robust PPPs and ensure a strong deal flow. The need for PPP laws and strengthening of the broader regulatory framework will be examined. The reasons why many governments are increasing their financial participation in PPPs, and how they are doing this, will be explored. Government contributions, fiscal subsidies, and tax preferences will be discussed, along with ways that governments are structuring projects so they are more attractive to a broader group of investors. The potential risks of government participation will also be examined. The session will feature the experience of the India Infrastructure Financing Company Limited, which has financed 55 PPP projects with the help of $1.9 billion in support from ADB.

The India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited (25 min)
Mr. Sanjeev Ghai, Chief General Manager, India Infrastructure Financing Company Limited

Facilitating PPPs in Asia (15 min)
Mr. Seethapathy Chander, Special Senior Advisor (Infrastructure and PPP), ADB

Recent Australian Initiatives (15 min)
Mr. Michael Schur, Managing Director Castalia and former Secretary of the New South Wales Treasury, Australia

The Legal Aspects of PPP (15 min)
Ms. Ellen Zhang, Partner, Pinsent Masons

Question and Answer

15:30 – 16:00Tea/Coffee
16:00 – 17:00Session 2 (Continued): The Enabling Environment: How can governments encourage PPPs?
Moderator: Mr. Ayumi Konishi, Director General, East Asia Department, ADB

The session will offer further perspectives from the PRC and experience across Asia and the Pacific, drawing out key observations and suggestions. Contributions from the floor will be encouraged.

The PRC Government’s Procurement System Arrangements for Selecting a PPP Cooperation Agency (10 min)
Ms. Wang Ying, Director General, Office of Government Procurement Administration, Treasury Department, Ministry of Finance, the PRC

An Advisor’s Perspective (10 min)
Mr. Seng Chee Lee, Partner, Capital Projects and Infrastructure, Pricewaterhouse Coopers

A Perspective from South Asia’s Experience (10 min)
Mr. Cheolsu Kim, Lead Financial Specialist, South Asia Department, ADB

Observations on PPP Funds (10 min)
Mr. Craig Sugden, Principal PPP Specialist, East Asia Department, ADB

Question and Answer

09:00 – 10:30Session 3: Finding the Right Institutional Arrangement for PPPs
Moderator: Mr. Seethapathy Chander, Special Senior Advisor (Infrastructure and PPP), ADB

This session will examine institutional arrangements for PPPs with an emphasis on PPP units. Case studies will be presented from the Philippines, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. Special attention will be paid to the roles and functions of PPP units and how they operate. The allocation of responsibilities for project screening and selection, preparation, implementation, and supervision will be explored. Approaches to ensuring coordination across sectors and levels of government, and the sources of success and potential hurdles, will be explored.

The Success of the Philippines PPP Center (20 min)
Ms. Rina P. Alzate, Director, Project Development and Monitoring Facility Service, Philippines PPP Center

The Experience of Bangladesh (20 min)
Mr. Syed Uddin, CEO, Bangladesh PPP Office

Pakistan’s Experience (20 min)
Mr. Mujtaba Shahneel, Director General, Finance Department, Sindh Public Private Partnership Unit, Pakistan

Lessons from the Republic of Korea’s Public and Private Infrastructure Investment Management Center (20 min)
Dr. Hojun Lee, Director, PPP Division, Public and Private Infrastructure Investment Management Center, the Republic of Korea

Question and Answer
10:30 – 11:00Tea/Coffee
11:00 – 12:00Session 3 (Continued): Finding the Right Institutional Arrangement for PPPs
Moderator: Mr. Seethapathy Chander, Special Senior Advisor (Infrastructure and PPP), ADB

The session will offer perspectives from the PRC, Mongolia and elsewhere, drawing out key observations and suggestions. Contributions from the floor will be encouraged.

Observations from an Emerging PPP Nation (10 min)
Mr. Bekhbat Sodnom, Director General, Department of Innovation and PPP, Ministry of Economic Development, Mongolia

Observations from the Experience of Central and West Asia (10 min)
Ms. Yesim Elhan-Kayalar, Principal Public Management Specialist, Central and West Asia Department, ADB

Remarks from the International Experience (10 min)
Mr. Trevor Lewis, Senior PPP Specialist, Office of PPPs, ADB

Institutional Arrangements for PPPs: Experience from the PRC and Other Countries (10 min)
Mr. Zhi Liu, Director, Lincoln Institute of Urban Development and Land Policy Research Center, Peking University

Question and Answer
12:00 – 14:00Lunch
14:00 – 15:30Session 4: Managing Fiscal Risks facing Central and Local Government
Moderator: Mr. Xiaolong Mo, Deputy Director General, Clean Development Mechanism Fund, Ministry of Finance, the PRC

This session will examine the fiscal risks that PPPs can bring and how they should be managed. Presenters will draw out the key actions required to ensure a fiscally sustainable PPP program. Good practices for evaluating projects, and identifying and allocating risks, will be discussed. The integration of PPP risk management within broader fiscal risk management, and ways of recognizing PPP liabilities within debt sustainability frameworks, will be also explored. The session will draw on insights from the PRC and international experience.

Local Government Debt, Fiscal Risk and Management Framework (20min)
Mr. Shangxi Liu, Director General, Research Institute for Fiscal Science, Ministry of Finance, the PRC

Best Practices from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (20 min)
Mr. Douglas Sutherland, Senior Economist and Head of US/Iceland Desk, Economics Department, Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development

The World Bank’s Framework for Managing Fiscal Commitments from PPPs (20 min)
Mr. Binyam Reja, Lead Transport Specialist/Cluster Leader for the PRC and Mongolia Transport Practice, Transport and Information Communications and Technology, World Bank

Question and Answer
15:30 – 15:45Tea/Coffee
15:45 – 16:30Session 4: (Continued): Managing Fiscal Risks facing Central and Local Government
Moderator: Mr. Xiaolong Mo, Deputy Director General, Clean Development Mechanism Fund, Ministry of Finance, the PRC

The session will offer views on options for strengthening the management of the fiscal risks of PPPs from Mongolia, Australia, and the international experience. Contributions from the floor will be encouraged.

Remarks from a PPP Center (10 min)
Mr. Syed Uddin, CEO, Bangladesh PPP Office

A Treasury Perspective (10 min)
Mr. Michael Schur, Managing Director Castalia and former Secretary of the New South Wales Treasury, Australia

A Perspective from a PPP Advisor (10 min)
Mr. Denzel Hankinson, Managing Director, DH Infrastructure

Question and Answer
16:30 – 17:00Closing Session
Moderator: Ms. Ying Wang , Director, Knowledge Cooperation and Technical Assistance Division, Department of International Economic and Financial Cooperation, Ministry of Finance, the PRC


  • Mr. Yingming Yang, Deputy Director General, Department of International Economic and Financial Cooperation, Ministry of Finance, the PRC

  • Mr. Ying Qian, Director, East Asia Department, ADB

08:30Checkout, gather at Tangla Hotel lobby and departure
10:00 – 12:00Site Visit: Beijing Infrastructure Investment Company Limited
– Visit Traffic Control Centre
– Introduction and exchange: Beijing subway PPP project
12:00 – 13:00Lunch (in Beijing Infrastructure Investment Company Limited)
13:00Departure for airport
14:00 – 18:00Travel to Shanghai and check in at Renaissance Shanghai Caohejing Hotel
18:00Dinner (in Renaissance Shanghai Caohejing Hotel)

09:00Gather at the hotel lobby and departure
09:30 – 11:30Site Visit: Shanghai Huadian Xinzhuang Industrial Park Gas-Driven CCHP Project
– Visit
– Introduction and exchange
12:00 – 13:00Lunch (in Renaissance Shanghai Caohejing Hotel)
14:00 – 16:00Introduction and exchange: Shanghai Chengtou Corporation PPP Project
17:00Dinner (in Renaissance Shanghai Caohejing Hotel)


Sustainable Vocational Training Toward Industrial Upgrading and Economic Transformation

More than 90 participants from 16 countries participated to discuss best practice and models for supporting sustainable vocational training; the role of government, the private sector, enterprises, and vocational training schools; and financing and the policy environment for vocational training. Participants also visited Guangdong Province to learn about best practices in the PRC.


Ministry of Finance, the PRC


09:00 – 09:30 Opening Session
Welcome Remarks
Moderator: Mr. XIE Xuan, Deputy Director General, International Department, Ministry of Finance, the PRC

  • Madam ZOU Jiayi, Director General, International Department, Ministry of Finance, the PRC

  • Mr. Ayumi Konishi, Director General, East Asia Department, ADB

09:30 – 10:00 Keynote speech

  • Mr. LIU Jiantong, Deputy Director General, Department of Vocational and Adult Education , Ministry of Education, the PRC

  • Ms. HE Wenfang, Director General, Vocational Capacity Building Department, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, People’s Republic of China

10:00 – 10:30 Group photo and Tea/Coffee
10:30 – 12:10Session 1: Improving Vocational Training in a Changing World
Moderator: Mr. Ayumi Konishi, Director General/Co-Chair Education Community of Practice, ADB

This session will present how vocational training can meet the needs of the fast changing world, keeping up with the changing economic structure.

Industrial Structure Determines Education Structure
Mr. JIANG Dayuan, Executive Member of the Council, The Chinese Society of Vocational and Technical Education

Priority Issues in TVET Workforce Skills Development for Asia in the Global World
Mr. Jouko Sarvi, Advisor, RSOD concurrently Practice Leader (Education), ADB

Education-to-Employment: Designing a System that Works
Mr. Tom Isherwood, Team Leader of Education Report, McKinsey

Skills Development in the Fast Changing World
Ms. WANG Yidan, Senior Education Specialist, World Bank

Question and Answer
12:10 – 13:30 Lunch
14:00 – 15:30 Session 2 (Part 1): Vocational Training, Industrial Upgrading, and Economic Transformation
Moderator: Mr. Diwesh Sharan, Director, Urban and Social Sectors, ADB

This session will focus on the close nexus of economic growth, industrial upgrading or transformation, and skills. It will offer insights into how to develop vocational training policies against the background of national economic upgrading and transformation, including the role of the government, private sector, enterprises and vocational training schools.

The PRC’s Experience: Preparing Students for the Labor Market
Ms. WANG Xiaojun, Deputy Director General, Occupational Skill Testing Authority, Ministry of Human Resource and Social Security; and Secretary General, China Association of Workers Education and Vocational Training

Korean Experience with Skills for Economic Growth
Mr. Namchul Lee, Director General, Office of Research in Integration of Education-Training and Labor, KRIVET

Qualifying Teachers/Trainers for Praxis-oriented TVET: Experiences from GIZ
Mr. LIU Bangxiang, Senior Training Expert, CWPP- China Wind Power (Training & Research) Programme, GIZ


  • Ms. Jazira Asanova, Senior Education Specialist, ADB

  • Ms. WANG Yidan, Senior Education Specialist, World Bank

  • Ms. XIAO Liping, Senior Education Specialist, World Bank Beijing Office

Question and Answer
15:30 – 15:50 Coffee/Tea
15:50 – 17:10 Session 2 (Part 2): Vocational Training, Industrial Upgrading and Economic Transformation
Moderator: Mr. XING Yuqing, Director, Capacity Building and Training, ADB Institute

Malaysia’s Vocational System and HRD Planning
Mr. Gazali Abas, Economic Planning Unit in the PM’s Department, Malaysia

Japanese Vocational Model and its Applications
Mr. Koichi Hori, Chairman, Dream Incubator (supported by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Teaching Industries: Good practices in Polytechnics in Indonesia
Mr. Priyono Eko Sanyoto, Director of Polytechnic Batam
Mr. M. Mahmud, Director, Polytechnic Shipping in Surabaya


  • Mr. Nakul Baniya, Secretary, Ministry of Education, Nepal

  • Mr. Sam Sereyrath, Directorate General of General Education, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Cambodia

  • Mr. Ganesh Chand, Vice Chancellor, Fiji National University

Question and Answer

09:00 – 10:05Session 3: Public Private Partnership and Financing Vocational Training
Moderator: President WANG Changwen, Harbin Vocational and Technical College

This session will discuss different modes to finance vocational training. How costly is good vocational training and how shall it be financed?

Frameworks and Models for PPP in TVET
Mr. Michael Latham, PPP Expert/ADB Consultant

Innovative and Cutting Edge Financing Models for TVET: Case Studies from Australia, India, Malaysia and Singapore
Ms. Belinda Smith, TVET PPP Specialist/ADB Consultant


  • Mr. Craig Sugden, Principal PPP Specialist, ADB

  • Mr. XING Yuqing, Director, Capacity Building and Training, ADB Institute

Question and Answer
10:05 – 10:30 Coffee/Tea
10:30 – 11:30 Session 4: Policy Implications for Vocational Training Governance and Management
Moderator: Mr. Diwesh Sharan, Director Urban and Social Sectors, ADB

In the backdrop of the shared experiences, this session will discuss policy implications for future vocational training in the PRC and globally. The panel discussants will identify concrete actions and conclude by discussing way forward, summarized by moderators.

Opportunities for Supporting TVET in the PRC
Ms. LIU Yufeng, Director and Research Professor, Division of International Cooperation and Comparative Education Research, Central Institute for Vocational and Technical Education, Ministry of Education

Responding to the Skills Challenge in Asia and Beyond
Ms. Denise Amyot, President and CEO, Association of Canadian Community Colleges & Chair, World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics

Strategic Opportunities for TVET: Experience and Directions of ADB Support
Ms. Sofia Shakil, Senior Education Specialist, ADB
11:30 – 12:00Closing remarks
Moderator: Mr. Diwesh Sharan, Director Urban and Social Sectors, ADB

  • Mr. XIE Xuan, Deputy Director General, International Department, Ministry of Finance, the PRC

  • Mr. Hamid Sharif, Country Director, ADB Resident Mission in the PRC

14:00 Departure for Guangdong

Morning: Field visit to Guangzhou Industry and Trade Technical College
08:30 – 09:30 Departure for the College
09:30 – 10:00 Tour the demonstration hall of the Integration Class Achievements
10:00 – 10:45 Introduction of the World Bank Project
Introduction of the Guangdong vocational education for industry and trade
10:45 – 11:30 Tour the Training Base
11:30 Return to the Hotel / Lunch
Afternoon: Field visit to the Enterprise cooperated with TVET Schools
14:00 – 15:00 Departure for the Enterprise
15:00 – 16:00 Tour the Enterprise
Introduction of TVET meeting the demands of the labor market
16:00 – 17:00 Discussion with the enterprise staff, trainers and trainees, exchanging views on school enterprise cooperation for TVET
17:00Return to Hotel / Dinner

Morning: Field visit to Shunde Polytechnic
08:30 – 09:30Departure for the Polytechnic
09:30 – 09:50Introduction of Vocational Education of Shunde District
09:50 – 10:20 Introduction of Shunde Polytechnic
The role of Shunde Polytechnic’s in industrial upgrading and economic transformation
10:20 – 11:30Tour the Polytechnic
11:30Return to Hotel / Lunch
Afternoon: Wrap-up Meeting at Hotel
15:00 – 17:00 Mr. XIE Xuan, Deputy Director General, International Department, Ministry of Finance, the PRC
Ms. Sofia Shakil, Senior Education Specialist, ADB


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