ADB-PRC Symposium for Commemorating the 30 Years of Partnership, The PRC’s Economic Transformation: Toward a Sustainable Future

ADB President Takehiko Nakao gave an opening speech on 10 November at the ADB-PRC Symposium for Commemorating 30 Years of Partnership, The PRC’s Economic Transformation: Toward a Sustainable Future, together with senior officials of the Ministry of Finance and Shanghai Municipal Government. The President remarked that ADB is ready to help the PRC’s further transformation and address economic, social, and demographic challenges through ADB’s finance and knowledge work. Over 200 representatives from the government, developing countries, international community, think tanks, and academia participated and discussed the PRC’s past achievements and future outlook.

09:00-09:40Opening Session: 30 Years of the PRC-ADB Partnership
This session will set the scene for the commemorative event to reflect on thepartnership between the PRC and ADB.

Moderator: Ayumi Konishi, Director General, East Asia Department, ADB

Chen Shixin, Director General, Ministry of Finance
Yu Beihua, Deputy Secretary General, Shanghai Municipal People’s Government
Takehiko Nakao, President, ADB
09:40-11:00 Session 1: The PRC’s Economic Development over the Last 30 Years: Review and Outlook
This session will review key development stages, challenges and lessons learned during PRC’s development over the past 30 years. Current economic performance and outlook for the future will be discussed. The Session also covers PRC’s increasingly important role in the international community, together with a review of how the operations of ADB and other multi-lateral financial institutions have evolved and contributed to PRC’s transformation.

Moderator: Amy Leung, Deputy Director General, East Asia Department, ADB

Celebrating 30 Years of ADB-PRC Partnership
Peter McCawley, Former Dean, ADB Institute/Lead author, ADB History Book Project


  • Takehiko Nakao, President of ADB

  • Chen Shixin, Director General, Ministry of Finance

  • Lawrence Lau, Ralph and Claire Landau Professor of Economics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • Zhang Weiying, Professor, Peking University

11:00-11:10 Coffee Break
11:10-12:30 Session 2: The PRC’s Development Challenges Towards a High Income Country: Fiscal and Tax Reform for Inclusive Growth
Fiscal and tax reform are fundamental to transforming PRC’s economy to be more sustainable for the long term, and to achieving inclusive growth and modernization of state and local governance. The discussion will include design of the tax system to: (i) balance revenue assignments with expenditure assignments of the national and sub-national governments to ensure that each level has adequate resources to fulfill their respective responsibilities; (ii) minimize distortions and allow market supply and demand forces to play a decisive role in allocating resources; and (iii) promote inclusiveness and reduce inequality. In addition, the budgeting process and budget implementation and monitoring will be addressed, as part of modernizing the governance structure to ensure efficiency and accountability.

Moderator: Wang Weixing, Director General, Ministry of Finance

The PRC’s Key Fiscal and Tax Reforms
Liu Shangxi, President, Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences
Naoyuki Yoshino, Dean, ADB Institute

Panel Discussion:

  • Jia Kang, Former President, Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences

  • Christine Wong, Professor and Director, Center for Contemporary Chinese Studies, University of Melbourne

  • Ehtisham Ahmad, Visiting Senior Fellow, the London School of Economics and Political Science

  • Juzhong Zhuang, Deputy Chief Economist, Deputy Director General, Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, ADB

14:00-15:20 Session 3: The PRC’s Development Challenges Toward a High Income Country: Path to Ecological Civilization
This session will focus on how to achieve the government’s goal of ” building ecological civilization ” through transforming the inter-relationships among the economy, the environment and society. The discussion will also address PRC’s Climate Change commitments and its transition to a low-carbon economy.

Moderator: Nessim Ahmad, Deputy Director General, ADB

The PRC’s Key Reforms and Initiatives for Achieving Ecological Civilization
Song Xiaozhi, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Environmental Protection, PRC
Li Gao, Deputy Director General, National Development and Reform Commission, PRC

Panel Discussion:

  • Wang Yi, Vice President and Professor, Institute of Science and Development,
    Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • Thomas Heller, Chairman of the Board and Senior Strategic Advisor, Climate Policy Initiative

  • Zhou Dadi, Vice Governor of the Board, China Energy Research Society

  • Zhang Shiqiu, Professor, Peking University

15:20-15:40Coffee Break
15:40-17:00 Session 4: Deepening of the Partnership
This session will focus on how to transform and deepen ADB-PRC partnership to address evolving development challenges facing the PRC as well as Asia and the Pacific region as a whole. The discussion will include how technology and innovation can be promoted as drivers of growth and prosperity. There is also an issue of aging population and decreasing labor force. PRC’s role in the global and regional economy will continue to increase while it seeks to enhance its role in regional cooperation and integration, and South-South cooperation. Future assistance of ADB for public and private sectors as well as for public-private partnerships, knowledge cooperation and other forms of collaboration will be discussed.

Moderator: Ben Bingham, Country Director, ADB PRC Resident Mission


  • Lu Mai, Secretary General, China Development Research Foundation

  • Yvo de Boer, President, Sustainability Challenge Foundation; Former Executive Secretary, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

  • Cheng Zhijun, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Finance

  • Wang Lan, Deputy Director General, Finance Bureau of Shanghai Municipal Government

  • Li Kouqing, Director General, Asia-Pacific Finance and Development Institute

  • Ayumi Konishi, Director General, East Asia Department, ADB

17:00-17:20Closing Remarks

Moderator: Xinning Jia, Deputy Country Director, ADB PRC Resident Mission

Cheng Zhijun, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Finance
Ayumi Konishi, Director General, East Asia Department, ADB

8th Regional Knowledge Sharing Event: Global Delivery Initiative and Knowledge for Operations

ADB PRC Resident Mission Country Director Benedict Bingham gave a closing remark at the Eighth Regional Knowledge-Sharing Event on Global Delivery Initiative and Knowledge for Operations held on 2-4 November in Chongqing. He was joined by senior Ministry of Finance officials and the World Bank. The event was co-organized by the the Ministry of Finance, World Bank, and GIZ, bringing together 120 representatives from developing countries, multilateral development banks,  academia, think-tanks, and non-governmental organizations to discuss delivery know-how and innovative knowledge solutions to development and delivery challenges.

09:00 –10:00Opening Ceremony

Moderator: Mr. Chen Shixin, Director General, Ministry of Finance, the PRC


  • Mr. Liu Qiang, Mayor, Chongqing Municipality, the PRC

  • Mr. Shi Yaobin, Vice Minister of Finance, the PRC

  • Mr. Keith Hansen, Vice President, Human Development, World Bank

Setting the Stage: Dr. Sabine Müller, Director General of the Sectoral Department, GIZ, Co-Chair GDI Advisory Board
10:00 – 10:15Coffee/Tea break
10:15 – 12:00Session 1: Achievements in Operational Knowledge Cooperation with International Financial Organizations, Agencies and Development Partners

1.1 Strengthening Partnerships
Speakers will brief participants on their achievements and experiences in operational knowledge cooperation and exchange with international financial organizations, agencies and development partners, particularly as a means of achieving the SDGs. Participants will learn about how the PRC, ADB, and other GDI partners are collaborating in order to achieve more effective development outcomes.

Moderator: Mr. Dennis Whittle, Director and Co-Founder, Feedback Labs


  • Mr. Liu Weihua, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Finance, the PRC

  • Ms. Maria Gonzalez de Asis, Program Lead, Science of Delivery, World Bank, Co- 2 Chair GDI Steering Committee

  • Mr. Anselm Schneider, Program Director, Strategic Cooperation with Multilateral Organizations, GIZ, Co-Chair GDI Steering Committee

  • Mr. Li Dongxiang, Lead Regional Cooperation and Integration Specialist, ADB

12:00 – 13:30Lunch
13:30 – 13:40Launch of GDI Platform
13:40 – 14:451.2 Launch of DeCODE
How can we use historical data to help design a project and better understand delivery challenges likely to be faced? During this session, GDI will launch Delivery Challenges in Operations for Development Effectiveness (DeCODE) – an evidence-based system to preempt delivery challenges on development projects. A data expert and practitioner will discuss how advanced text mining techniques with historical data from over 6,000 past projects delivered by multiple organizations can help identify delivery challenges in future projects. Participants will also reflect on using a “common language” – or taxonomy of delivery challenges – to help to bring the conversation about implementation challenges to a granular level and into actionable terms.

Moderator: Mr. Daniel Ortega Nieto, Operations Officer, World Bank


  • Mr. Felipe Munevar, Head of Office, Washington DC, United Nations Office for Project Services

  • Dr. Sok Kanha, Deputy Director, Department of Planning, Ministry of Health, Cambodia

14:45 – 15:00Coffee/Tea break
15:00 – 17:00Session 2: Country and Regional Success Stories

2.1 Overcoming Operational Challenges
This session will share stories on experiences and lessons learned through development projects and interventions, particularly ADB projects that reflect how practitioners in the region have overcome challenges. Participants will also discuss common threads to overcome challenges in operations.

Moderator: Ms. Fei Yu, Senior Economist, Head, ADB-PRC Regional Knowledge Sharing Initiative

Speakers: 3 PRC Cases (ADB)

Case 1 Shaanxi Mountain Road Safety Demonstration Project
Ms. Katherine Guy, Transport Specialist, EATC and Ms. Nana Soetantri, Transport Specialist, ADB

Case 2 Tianjin Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Power Plant Project
Ms. Annika Seiler, Senior Finance Specialist (Energy), ADB

Case 3 Guangdong Energy Efficiency and Environment Improvement Investment Program (Guangdong EPP)
Mr. Liu Xinjian, Senior Project Officer (Energy), ADB
09:00 –10:30Session 3: Capturing and Exchanging Knowledge for Operations from the Region

3.1 Building a Global Delivery Library
How can we collect a cumulative base of knowledge for operations, ensuring we learn from our own experiences and those of our peers? Panelists will discuss the importance of capturing, systematizing, and sharing knowledge and experiences to enhance operations. Participants will discuss the opportunity to contribute towards and benefit from the Global Delivery Library (GDL), a platform which connects practitioners on delivery challenges through case studies, videos, tools and other knowledge products. The discussion will include the “why” and “how” of case study production with a focus on the regional context.

Moderator: Mr. Claudio Santibanez, Senior Economist, World Bank


  • Ms. Tengku Azian Shahriman, Director – Education and SRI Human Capital Development, Performance Management And Delivery Unit (PEMANDU) Prime Minister’s Department, Malaysia

  • Ms. Melanie Walker, Senior Advisor to the President, Director, Delivery Unit, World Bank

  • Mr. Young U. Kang, Knowledge Sharing and Services Specialist, ADB

10:30 – 10:45Coffee/Tea break
10:45 – 12:303.2 Learning from Case Studies
Panelists will share their insights on the methodological framework for delivery case study development, with a focus on the application of delivery case study guidelines. The PRC will also share recent case studies capturing development projects in the country, and in particular showcase common themes, patterns of delivery experiences, and lessons learned during implementation. Finally, participants will have the opportunity to explore delivery cases in-depth through facilitated discussions in smaller groups, focusing on solutions already in practice and exchanging operational knowledge with their peers.

Moderator: Prof. Taejong Kim, Managing Director, Development Research and Learning Network, KDI School of Public Policy and Management

Case Study Guidelines

  • Ms. Wang Ying, Director, Technical Assistance Division, International Finance Cooperation Department, Ministry of Finance, the PRC

  • Mr. Michael Woolcock, Lecturer in Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School & Lead Social Development Specialist, World Bank

Introduction to the PRC-World Bank Delivery Case Studies
Ms. Wang Ying

Case Study Breakout Rooms:
Chongqing Urban Environment Project:
Mr. Ji You, Urban Specialist, World Bank
Ms. Su Hongwei, Director, Government Debt Management Division, Chongqing Finance Bureau, the PRC

Jiangxi Shihutang Navigation and Hydropower Complex Project
Mr. Liu Xiaodong, Jiangxi Project Management Office Director, the PRC

Shaanxi Water Rural Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Project
Mr. Sing Cho, Senior Water and Sanitation Specialist, World Bank
Mr. Cui Jinghai, Project Management Division, Foreign Loan Supporting Project Management Office of Shaanxi Province, the PRC

Royalty-Funded Projects in Colombia: How to Enable Citizen Participation to Improve Delivery of Local Projects
Mr. Edgardo Mosqueira, Lead Public Sector Specialist, World Bank

Social Protection in Indonesia
Ms. Vivi Yulaswati, Director for Social Protection and Welfare, Ministry of Planning, Indonesia
Mr. Christof Kersting, Program Director, Global Alliances for Social Protection, GIZ

SME Training Consortiums in the Republic of Korea
Prof. Kye Woo Lee, Korea Development Institute School of Public Policy and Management

Building an Adaptive Team for Market Systems Development in Acholi, Uganda
Ms. Cali Livingstone, Regional Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Advisor, Mercy Corps
12:30 – 14:00Lunch
3.3 Innovative Knowledge Solutions and Learning Approaches for Adaptive Implementation
Knowledge on the tools and methodologies which support more flexible, iterative program delivery is integral to connecting around the “how” of implementation. In this session, organizations in different stages of internal reform efforts which focus on building more adaptive implementation within operations will share their plans and progress on these reforms. By addressing both the enablers and inhibitors to adaptive implementation within and between institutions, participants will be invited to share and explore examples of the challenges and successes they’ve faced in organizational change, with the aim of concretizing some underlying principles for a learning and adaptive organization.

Moderator: Mr. Anselm Schneider, Program Director, Strategic Cooperation with Multilateral Organizations, GIZ, Co-Chair GDI Steering Committee


  • Dr. Sabine Müller, Director General of the Sectoral Department, GIZ, Co-Chair GDI Advisory Board

  • Mr. Artur Andrysiak, Results Management Specialist, ADB

  • Mr. Adrian Brown, Executive Director, Centre for Public Impact UK

  • Mr. Michael Woolcock, Lecturer in Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School & Lead Social Development Specialist, World Bank 

15:45 – 16:00Coffee/Tea break
16:00 – 17:00Session 4: The Way Forward
This session will bring together Speakers from Session 1 to reflect on the conference proceedings, opportunities for future collaboration, and moving the agenda forward.

Moderator: Mr. Dennis Whittle, Director and Co-Founder, Feedback Labs


  • Ms. Wang Ying, Director, Technical Assistance Division, International Finance Cooperation Department, Ministry of Finance, the PRC

  • Ms. Maria Gonzalez de Asis, Program Lead, Science of Delivery, World Bank, Co-Chair GDI Steering Committee

  • Dr. Sabine Müller, Director General of the Sectoral Department, GIZ, Co-Chair GDI Advisory Board

  • Mr. Anselm Schneider, Program Director, Strategic Cooperation with Multilateral Organizations, GIZ, Co-Chair GDI Steering Committee

  • Mr. Artur Andrysiak, Results Management Specialist, ADB

17:00 – 18:00Closing Ceremony


  • Hon. P.P. Chaudhary, India’s Minister of State for the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology & Minister of State in the Ministry of Law and Justice

  • Ms. Margot Brown, Director, Knowledge Management, World Bank

  • Mr. Benedict Bingham, Country Director, ADB PRC Resident Mission

  • Mr. Liu Weihua, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Finance, the PRC

18:00 – 20:00Dinner

Workshop on Structural Transformation

The three-day workshop convened more than 20 renowned economists and experts contributing to the the planned “Oxford Handbook of Structural Transformation“. Participants discussed theories, patterns, strategies, and country experiences related to structural transformation.  The workshop was opened by Amy Leung, Deputy Director General, East Asia Department, ADB, together with Justin Yifu Lin, Peking University, and Celestin Monga, UNIDO. Nobel Laureate Roger Myerson provided the keynote address.

Pressing development challenges facing the PRC were reviewed during a panel discussion session on “How Can the PRC Transition to an Innovation-Based Economy”.  The session was chaired by former ADB Chief Economist Shang-Jin Wei, featuring the following panelists: Justin Yifu Lin, Peking University; Jong-Wha Lee, Korea University; Christian Ketels, Harvard University; and Christopher Thomas, McKinsey & Company. Shang-Jin Wei also gave a presentation on why some middle-income countries grow more rapidly than others.

08:30 – 09:00 Registration
09:00 – 09:15Opening Session: Welcome Remarks
Chair: Célestin Monga, UNIDO


  • Justin Yifu Lin, Peking University

  • Amy Leung, ADB

  • Célestin Monga, UNIDO

09:15 – 10:35ADB Special Panel: How Can the PRC Transition to an Innovation-based Economy
Chair: Shang-Jin Wei, ADB


  • Justin Yifu Lin, Peking University

  • Jong-Wha Lee, Korea University

  • Christian Ketels, Harvard Business School

  • Christopher Thomas, McKinsey & Company

10:35 – 11:00Group Photo, Tea/Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:00Keynote Speech: American Democracy and Global Development (Skype)
Roger Myerson, University of Chicago

General Discussion
12:00 – 14:00 Buffet Lunch
14:00 – 15:00First Panel: Structural Change: What We Know and What We Don’t Know

Remodeling Structural Change
Justin Yifu Lin and Yong Wang, Peking University

Re-examining the Middle Income Trap Hypothesis: What to Reject and What to Revive?
Shang-Jin Wei, ADB
15:00 – 15:30 Tea/Coffee Break
15:30 – 16:30Second Panel: Theories and Empirics of Structural Change

Structural Transformation: A Competitiveness-based View
Christian Ketels, Harvard Business School

Development Aid and Structural Transformation
Yan Wang, George Washington University
16:30 – 17:30Third Panel: Structural Change and Externalities

Global Megatrends and the Macroeconomic of Gender
Monique Newiak, IMF

Sustainable Structural Transformation
Fatima Denton and Johnson Nkem, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
18:00 – 20:00Dinner Reception
09:30 – 10:30Fourth Panel: Macro Policies, and Measurement of Structural Change

New Growth Model and Structural Transformation in Africa
TchétchéN’Guessan, University of Abidjan – CIRES

Measuring Structural Change
Célestin Monga and Samuel Standaert, UNIDO and Ghent University
10:30 – 11:00 Tea/Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:00Fifth Panel: Channels of Transformation

Trade and Structural Transformation
Giovanni Federico, University of Pisa

Finance and Structural Change
Luis Pereira Da Silva, Bank of International Settlements
12:00 – 14:00 Buffet Lunch
14:00 – 15:30Sixth Panel: Instruments of Structural Transformation

Participation in Global Value Chains: Challenges and Opportunities
Xubei Luo, World Bank

Building Effective Clusters and Industrial Parks
Xiaobo Zhang, Peking University and IFPRI

Changing Income Inequality during Structural Transformation: The Role of Agriculture Prices
Xin Wang, Peking University (representing C. Peter Timmer)
15:30 – 16:00Tea/Coffee Break
16:00 – 17:30Seventh Panel: Structural Transformation: Country Experiences

Is the PRC’s Transformation Sustainable?
Barry Naughton, University of California San Diego

Can the Republic of Korea’s Story of Transformation be Exported?
Wonhyuk Lim, Korea Development Institute
18:00 – 20:00Dinner Reception
09:00 – 10:30Eighth Panel: the Next Miracles?

FDI as Engine for Structural Transformation
Laura Alfaro, Harvard Business School

Growth and Structural Transformation in Viet Nam during the 2000s
Dang Thi Thu Hoai, Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM)

India’s Path to Transformation
Deepak Nayyar, Jawaharlal Nehru University
10:30 – 11:00Tea/Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:00Wrapping Up: Next Steps
Chair: Célestin Monga, UNIDO


  • Adam Swallow, Oxford University Press

  • Justin Yifu Lin, Peking University

  • Célestin Monga, UNIDO

12:30 – 14:00Buffet Lunch

RKSI Consultation Meeting and Website Launch

ADB East Asia Department’s  Deputy Director General Amy Leung and the PRC’s Ministry of Finance representative Yao Licheng opened the meeting on 14 July in Beijing. Participants from over 20 partner organizations discussed achievements during the ADB-PRC Regional Knowledge Sharing Initiative (RKSI)’s three years of operation, including over 20 regional knowledge sharing events and knowledge services. ADB and stakeholders confirmed support for RKSI and agreed on a mid-term strategy for sharing the PRC’s development experience and lessons learned to other developing member countries. The RKSI website was launched at the meeting.

14:30 – 14:50Opening Remarks

  • Xinning Jia, Deputy Country Director, ADB Resident Mission in the PRC

  • Cheng Zhijun, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Finance, the PRC

  • Amy Leung, Deputy Director General, East Asia Department, ADB

14:50 – 15:05RKSI Achievements, 2016 Work Plan and Website Introduction
Fei Yu, RKSI Coordinator
15:05 – 15:40Addresses by Partners
Chair: Amy Leung

  • Li Kouqing, Director General, Asia-Pacific Finance and Development Institute

  • Tan Weiping, Deputy Director General, International Poverty Reduction Center in China

  • Feng Wei, Director, Development Research Center of the State Council

  • Wu Zengfeng, Director, Ministry of Civil Affairs

  • Pamela C. Asis-Layugan, Training and Capacity Building Consultant, ADB-GMS Secretariat

15:40 – 16:30Round Table Discussion on RKSI Strategy for the Next Phase
Chair: Amy Leung

RKSI Strategy Recommendations
Robert Hood, Strategy Advisor

Objectives and evaluation indicators
Partners and Networks
Program Design and Delivery

Summary of Decisions
Next Steps

Food Security Forum: Safe, Nutritious and Affordable Food for All

The agriculture and food industry in Asia and the Pacific region has undergone structural transformations, technological advancements, and policy shifts in order to adapt to the changing times. New farming systems, value chain segments consolidation, various mechanisms for food trade, and rising consumer demand and expectations as well as changing lifestyles have shaped the process of bringing food on the table. But in addition to the customary issues of food availability and affordability, concerns on safety and nutrition as well as sustainability have become more pronounced lately.

Achieving food security for all, now and into the future, is at the core of the post-2015 development agenda. The Addis Ababa conference on financing for development held in July 2015 has produced a global framework for financing sustainable development and a set of policy actions by member states. In September, the United Nations (UN) adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), one of which seeks to end hunger, achieve food and nutrition security, and promote sustainable agriculture. And in December, the UN likewise adopted the Paris Agreement to limit global warming, which affects the global food system.

Achieving the global goals on food security requires synergy among the priorities and commitments of governments, the private sector, civil society, and development partners. It is in this context that ADB’s Rural Development and Food Security Thematic Group has initiated the organization of the Food Security Forum.

14.00 – 17.30Partnership Dialogue: High-Level Technology to End Hunger

Opening Remarks:
Stephen P. Groff, Vice-President, Operations 2, ADB

Stage-Setting Presentation:
Mahfuz Ahmed, Technical Advisor, Rural Development and Food Security, ADB
14.15 – 14.55Part A
Chair: Stephen P. Groff, ADB

Cluster 1

  • International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

  • International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

  • International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)

  • International Potato Center (CIP)

  • International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)

  • World Vegetable Center (AVRDC)

14.55 – 15.35 Cluster 2

  • Asian Farmers’ Association (AFA)

  • Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI)

  • GrainPro, Inc.

  • Murdoch University

15.35 – 15.50Break
15.50 – 16.30 Part B
Chair: Bambang Susantono, Vice-President, Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development, ADB

Cluster 3

  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

  • Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP)

  • International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

  • Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture

  • World Food Programme (WFP)

16.30 – 17.10Cluster 4

  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

  • Government of Australia

  • Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

  • United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

17.10 – 17.30Closing Remarks:
Bambang Susantono, Vice-President, Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development, ADB
17.30 – 19.30Participant Registration
Cocktail Reception for Forum Participants
ADB Auditorium
08.00 – 09.00Participant Registration
09.00 – 09.10Introduction of the Forum
Mahfuz Ahmed, Technical Advisor, Rural Development and Food Security, ADB
09.10 – 10.10 Leaders’ Roundtable: The Future of Food: Panel 1

Moderator: Farhana Haque Rahman, Director, General, Inter Press Service


  • Takehiko Nakao, President, ADB

  • Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan, Federal Minister, National Food Security and Research, Pakistan

  • Musdhalifa Machmud, Deputy Minister, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Indonesia

  • Kundhavi Kadiresan, ADG and Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific, FAO

  • Phouang Parisak Pravongviengkham, Vice Minister, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Lao PDR

  • Sunny Verghese, Co-Founder and Group CEO, Olam International Ltd., Singapore

10.15 – 10.30Opening of the Techno Show
Takehiko Nakao, President, ADB
10.30 – 10.50 Photo Session
10.50 – 11.00 Break
11.00 – 12.00Leaders’ Roundtable: The Future of Food: Panel 2

Moderator: Farhana Haque Rahman


  • Uttam Kumar Bhattarai, Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Nepal

  • Rob Bertram, Chief Scientist, Bureau for Food Security, USAID

  • Erkinbek Choduev, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Agriculture, Kyrgyzstan

  • Tin Htut, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation, Myanmar

  • Susumu Ito, Chief Representative, JICA Philippines

  • David Kaatrud, Director, Asia and the Pacific, WFP

  • Hoonae Kim, Director, Asia and the Pacific, IFAD Matthew Morell, Director General, IRRI

  • Ma. Estrella Penunia, Secretary General, AFA

  • Feng Yong, Deputy Director, Foreign Economic Cooperation Center, Ministry of Agriculture, the PRC

12.00 – 13.00Lunch
13.10 – 15.00 Session 1: Meeting Asia’s Agricultural Transformation Challenges
Key Issues: Shrinking agricultural labor and rising wage; mechanization of agriculture and farm consolidation; feminization of agricultural workforce and its implications; climate change and extreme weather conditions; efficient resource management (water, land, forests and coastal areas).

Chair: Deborah Stokes, Vice-President, Administration and Corporate Management, ADB

Keynote speaker: Jikun Huang, Professor, Peking University


  • Fabrizio Bresciani, Lead Regional Economist, IFAD

  • David Dawe, Senior Economist, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, FAO

  • Mark W. Rosegrant, Director, IFPRI

  • Mahmoud El Solh, Director General, ICARDA Sonomi Tanaka, Technical Advisor, Gender Equity Thematic Group, ADB

  • Qingfeng Zhang, Director, Environment, Natural Resources, and Agriculture, ADB

15.00 – 15.15Break
15.15 – 17.15Session 2: Value Chain Financing and Promotion of Agribusiness
Key issues: Innovative financing instruments; post-harvest loss reduction; de-risking private financing and promoting inclusive business; collaboration between micro, small, and medium agri-enterprises and corporations; value addition and promotion of agro-processing; role of governments.

Chair: Diwakar Gupta, Vice-President, Private Sector and Cofinancing Operations, ADB

Keynote speaker: Sunny Verghese, C0-Founder and Group CEO, Olam International, Ltd., Singapore


  • Adolfo Brizzi, Director, Policy and Technical Advisory Division, IFAD

  • Bruno Carrasco, Director, Public Management, Financial Sector and Trade, ADB

  • Martin Lemoine, Agribusiness Investment Unit Head, ADB

  • Fiona Lynn, Director, Agricultural Productivity and Food Security, DFAT, Australia

  • Abdul Awal Mintoo, Co-Founder, Lal Teer Seed Ltd., Bangladesh

  • Iftikhar Mostafa, Senior Agriculture Economist, GAFSP/World Bank

17.15 – 17.30Synthesis of Day 2 Activities and Sessions
Takashi Matsuo, Director, Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture, ADB
08.00 – 09.45Farmers’ Roundtable: Voices from the Field

Ma. Estrella Penunia, Secretary General, AFA


  • Bon Ian Dela Roca, Sorosoro Ibaba Development Cooperative (group-based production and marketing)

  • Aynal Haque, Bangladesh (modern seed production)

  • Lourdes Panopio, JAMLA Corporation, Philippines (small-scale agribusiness)

  • Reynaldo San Jose, Philippines (climate-smart agriculture)

  • JonJon Sarmiento, PAKISAMA, Philippines (community resilience building)

  • Luck Wajanawat, Bank for Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand (agri credit)

09.45 – 10.30 Knowledge Product Launch

Chair: Amy Leung, Deputy Director General, East Asia Department, ADB

Book: Improving Logistics for Perishable Agricultural Products in the People’s Republic of China


  • Yun Kang, Operations Researcher, RAND Corp., USA

  • Wang Wei, Deputy Director General, Development Research Center of the State Council, the PRC

Qingfeng Zhang, Director, Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture, ADB

Book: Developing and Disseminating Water-Saving Rice Technologies in South Asia

Arvind Kumar, Plant Breeder, IRRI

Jiangfeng Zhang, Director, Environment, Natural Resources, and Agriculture, ADB
10.30 – 10.45Break
10.45 – 12.45 Session 3: Sustainable Food Entitlement
Key issues: Price and supply stability; efficient supply chain and logistics for safe food; digital shopping outlets; tariff and non-tariff barriers to agricultural trade; public procurement and inventory management of food; social safety net programs.

Chair: Marlene Ramirez, Secretary General, AsiaDHRRA

Keynote speaker:
Vinod Thomas, Director General, Independent Evaluation, ADB


  • Mark Bell, Director, International Learning Center, University of California-Davis

  • Gerd Fleischer, Head, Agricultural Innovation and Sustainability Standards Section, GIZ

  • Jared Greenvile, Senior Agricultural Policy Analyst, OECD

  • Siemon Hollema, Senior Regional Programme and Policy Adviser, WFP

  • Subhasish Panda, Joint Secretary, Department of Food and Public Distribution, India

  • Shashi Sareen, Senior Food Safety and Nutrition Officer, Asia and the Pacific, FAO

12.45 – 13.45 Lunch
13.45 – 15.45 Session 4: Safe, Quality and Nutritious Food: Are We Eating Right?
Key Issues: Public policy and institutions; responsible private sector; nutritious and health promoting food; integrated supply facility for cost-effective monitoring of safety issues; frontier technology for food safety; role of development partners.

Chair: Rob Bertram, Chief Scientist, Bureau for Food Security, USAID

Keynote speaker:
Marco Ferroni, Executive Director, Sygenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture


  • Mubarik Ali, Member, Food Security and Climate Change, Planning Commission, Pakistan

  • María González Pastor, Consultant, Direccion de Operaciones en el Exterior, MERCASA

  • Najat Mokhtar, Director, Division of Asia Pacific, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

  • Akmal Siddiq, Director, Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Division, ADB

  • Paul P.S. Teng, Senior Fellow, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

15.45 – 16.00Break
16.00 – 17.20Actions and Recommendations

Mahfuz Ahmed, Technical Advisor, Rural Development and Food Security, ADB


  • Nichola Dyer, Program Manager, GAFSP Hoonae Kim, Director, Asia and the Pacific, IFAD

  • Takashi Matsuo, Director, Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture, ADB

  • Akmal Siddiq, Director, Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture, ADB

  • Jiangfeng Zhang, Director, Environment, Natural Resources, and Agriculture, ADB

  • Qingfeng Zhang, Director, Environment, Natural Resources, and Agriculture, ADB

17.20 – 17.30 Closing Remarks
Wencai Zhang, Vice-President, Operations 1, ADB

South-South Water Management Experience Sharing Seminar

East Asia Department (EARD)’s Deputy Director General Amy Leung, in her remarks at the final workshop on 21 June in Beijing, stressed that current water shortages and imminent scarcity require aggressive investments in water efficiency and productivity technologies across all sectors, and a shift to water demand management. About 60 officials, including 12 from developing member countries, researchers, and experts participated in the event.  


Ministry of Water Resources (MWR), the PRC
General Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Planning and Design (GIWP)

Session I: Opening Session
Chair: Ms. Wu Nongdi, Director, Department of International Cooperation, Science and Technology (DICST), MWR
9:00–9:20Welcome remarks (20 mins)

  • Mr. Li Ge, Deputy General Director, DICST, MWR

  • Ms. Amy Leung, Deputy Director General, EARD, ADB

Session II: Country Water Assessment, PRC
Moderator: Mr. Zhang Qingfeng, Director, Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Division, EARD and Chair of Water Sector Committee, ADB
9:20–10:10Outputs of the CWA
Presentations (30 mins)
Mr. Li Yuanyuan, Water Resources Policy Specialist/Team Leader, Vice President, GIWP
Mr. Daniel Gunaratnam, Water Resources Management Specialist/Deputy Team Leader

Panel discussion
Mr. Yin Chengjie, Ex-Executive Vice Minister, Ministry of Agriculture
Mr. Ning Yuan, Ex-Vice President, Office of the State Council of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project Construction Committee
Mr. Zhou Yaozhou, Senior Water Resources Specialist, EARD, ADB
10:10–10:25Introducing Asian Water Development Outlook 2016 (10 mins)
Ms. Yasmin Siddiqi, Principal Water Resources Specialist, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department (SDCC), ADB

Q & A (5 mins)
10:25–10:50Group Photo and Coffee Break
Session III: Multi Dimensions of CWA (Part 1)
Moderator: Mr. Li Yuanyuan, Water Resources Policy Specialist/Team Leader, Vice President, GIWP
10:50–11:30Economic Water Security
Presentation (15 mins)
Ms. Yu Lili, Senior Engineer, GIWP

Panel discussion (25 mins)
Mr. Bruce Flory, Water Resources Economist / Principal Economist in Seattle Public Utilities
Ms. Yasmin Sidiqqi, Principal Water Resources Specialist, SDCC, ADB or
Ms. Yu Fei, Senior Economist, EARD, ADB
Ms. Liu Yingqiu, Professor, Academy of Macroeconomic, NDRC
Mr. Zhang Guoliang, Ex-President, Bureau of South to North Water Transfer of Planning, Time Contents Designing and Management, MWR
11:30–12:10Environmental Water Security
Presentation (15 mins)
Mr. Zhao Xuetao, Director, Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning (CAEP), Ministry of Environment Protection (MEP)
Mr. Philippe Bergeron, Urban Development Specialist

Panel discussion (25 mins)
Mr. Frank Radstake, Principal Environment Specialist, EARD, ADB
Mr. Gu Hao, Ex-Director General, General Office, MWR
12:10–13:30 Lunch Break (Cetenary Coffee Lounge, 1st Floor)
Session III: Multi Dimensions of CWA (Part 2)
Moderator: Mr. Daniel Gunaratnam, Water Resources Management Specialist/Deputy Team Leader
13:30–14:10Urban Water Security
Presentation (15 mins)
Mr. Philippe Bergeron, Urban Development Specialist
Ms. Mo Li, Nat’l Urban Water Supply and Demand Management Specialist / Director, Chinese Academy of Urban Planning and Design, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MHURD)

Panel discussion (25 mins)
Ms. Kong Yanhong, Vice President, CAUPD, MHURD
Mr. Zheng Baochang, Senior Project Officer (Water Supply and Sanitation), PRC Resident Mission, ADB
Mr. Xia Qing, Ex-Vice President, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Science, MEP
14:10–14:50Ecological Water Security
Presentation (15 mins)
Mr. Yuan Yong, Senior Engineer, GIWP
Mr. Jose Furtado, Int’l Watershed Ecosystem Management Specialist
Panel discussion (25 mins)
Mr. Alvin Lopez, Senior Natural Resources and Agriculture Specialist, EARD, ADB
Mr. Jin Leshan, Professor, China Agricultural University
Ms. Cui Lijuan, Director, Wetland Protection and Management Center, State Forestry Bureau
14:50–15:30Water–Related Disaster
Presentation (15 mins)
Mr. Cao Jianting, Climate Adaptation Specialist / Professor, GIWP

Panel Discussion (25 mins)
Ms. Suzanne Robertson, Natural Resources and Agriculture Specialist, EARD, ADB
Mr. Ren Guangzhao, Ex-Deputy Director General, Department of Water Resources, MWR
Mr. Luo Yong, Professor, Center for Earth System Science, Tsinghua University
Mr. Yoshiaki Kobayashi, Senior Water Resources Specialist, EARD, ADB
15:30–15:45Coffee Break
Session IV: Multi Dimensions of CWA (Part 3)
Moderator: Mr. Frank Radstake, Principal Environment Specialist, EARD, ADB
15:45–16:35Water Governance
Presentation (15 mins)
Mr. Tang Kewang, Water Resources Planning Specialist / Professor, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR)

Debate (35 mins)
“Water governance is a key challenge for our countries” vs. “Water governance in not a key challenge for our countries”.
Participants to break up in to 2 groups, facilitated by Ms. Suzanne Robertson, Natural Resources and Agriculture Specialist, EARD, ADB and Ms. Shahbano Tirmizi, Water Resources Specialist, EARD, ADB.
Debate preparation in two groups (20 mins)
Debate (15 mins)
16:35–17:00Open Discussion
Session IV: Closing Plenary
Chair: Ms. Wu Nongdi, Director, DICST, MWR
17:30Welcome Dinner
8:20–8:40 Registration
Welcome Remarks
Moderator: Ms. Wu Nongdi, Director, DICST, MWR
8:40–8:50Mr. Li Ge, Deputy Director General,DICST, MWR
Mr. Zhang Qingfeng, Director, Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Division, EARD and Chair of Water Sector Committee, ADB
Theme 1: Water Policy and Institutional System
Moderator: Ms. Wu Nongdi, Director, DICST, MWR
8:50–9:10Development and Achievement of the Strictest Water Resources Management System
Ms. Tian Qi, Director, Department of Water Resources, MWR
9:10–9:15 Q&A
09:15–9:35Agriculture Water Pricing Policy in China
Mr. Wang Guanjun, Deputy General Director, Development Research Center, MWR
9:40–10:10Presentations by DMCs
Representative from:
10:20–10:40Group Photo and Coffee Break
Theme 2: Flood Control, Drought Relief and Disaster Mitigation
Moderator: Mr. Zhou Yaozhou, Senior Water Resources Specialist, EARD, ADB
10:40–11:00Flood and Drought Management in China
Mr. Ding Liuqian, Director, Research Center on Flood and Drought Disaster Reduction, IWHR
11:05–11:15Flood Risk Management in Asia: From Knowledge to Action
Mr. Rabindra Osti, Water Resources Specialist, EARD, ADB
11:15–11:20 Q&A
11:20–11:50Presentation by DMCs
Representatives from:
11:50–12:00 Q&A
12:00–13:30Lunch Break (Cetenary Coffee Lounge, 1st Floor)
Theme 3: Water Resource Planning and Project Management
Moderator: Mr. Li Yuanyuan, Vice President, GIWP
13:30–13:50Water Resources Planning System in China
Mr. Li Jianqiang, Deputy Chief Engineer, GIWP
13:55–14:15Construction and Management of Water Projects in China
Mr. Hou Chuanhe, Deputy Chief Engineer, GIWP
14:15–14:20 Q&A
14:20–14:50Presentations by DMCs
Representatives from:
Viet Nam
15:00–15:20Coffee Break
Theme 4: Aquatic Environment Protection and Restoration
Moderator: Mr. Zhang Qingfeng, Director, Natural Resources and Agriculture Division, EARD and Chair of Water Sector Committee, ADB
15:20–15:40Introduction of Aquatic Ecosystem Protection and Restoration for Rivers and Lakes in China
Mr. Peng Wenqi, Director, Department of Water Environment, IWHR
15:45–16:15Presentations by DMCs
Representatives from:
Sri Lanka
Closing Session
Moderator: Mr. Liu Yongfeng, Director, DICST, MWR
16:25–16:45Wrap-up and closing

Field Visit to the China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR)

Field Visit to Three Gorges

Field Visit to Changjiang (Yangtze) Water Resources Commission and ADB Loan Project

Greater Mekong Subregion Urban Development and Planning Training Program


Use the PRC’s urbanization experience over the last 65 years as a case study to share urban development good practices and lessons with the Greater Mekong Subregion countries.


Over 30 senior urban development and planning officials from 6 GMS countries (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, the PRC, Thailand and Viet Nam) participated.


The course comprehensively reviewed the PRC’s urban development experience in terms of:

  • Multi-scale urban physical planning system;
  • Master planning;
  • Evolution of building and urban design;
  • Housing policy;
  • Sustainability and resilience;
  • Heritage/cultural preservation;
  • Civil infrastructure; and
  • Special economic zones in the context of:
    • International best urban development practice; 
    • ADB’s competitive, inclusive, green paradigm; and
    • Efficient energy conserving, pollution/GHG reducing urbanization.


  • Learn from the PRC in terms of scale, speed, and commitment to urbanization; 
  • Effective deployment of saturation mass transit and high speed rail;
  • Role of special economic zones in supporting economic development (economic and geographic clustering; innovation, labor, and environmental benefits);
  • Recognition of GMS – wide urban learning possibilities related to:
    • Tourism-amenity driven development; 
    • Cross-border corridor urbanization; 
    • Human-centered sustainable city-building (new urbanism); 
    • Protection of places of high heritage and environmental value; and
    • Innovation supportive urban environments.

Event Evaluation

The program was very well received with an overall satisfaction rate of 95.4%. All participants thought the trainers were well-prepared, the training objectives were met, and the training would be useful for future work. Participants showed great interest in the PRC’s best practice and site visit; and enjoyed sharing experiences and lessons among GMS countries. Participants hope to improve their future work through lessons learned and experiences shared from the training. Further topics pf interest could focus special economic zone development, environmental protection, private partnership in urbanization, climate change adaptation and mitigation for urban development process, urban securities, and poverty reduction.

  • Ministry of Finance, the PRC
  • Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD), the PRC
  • China Academy of Urban Planning and Design
  • People’s Government of Yunnan Province
0900-0945 Opening Session
Moderator: Fei Yu, Head, Regional Knowledge Sharing Initiative, ADB


  • Ying Qian, Director, East Asia Department, ADB

  • Yongge Zhao, Director, MOHURD, the PRC

  • Li Hongna, Section Chief, MOF, the PRC

  • Sun Guomin, Deputy County Mayor, Tengchong County, Yunnan Province, the PRC

Session 1: Urban-Rural Planning Framework
1030-1050Overview of the Training Program
Moderator: Fei Yu

  • Overview of program

  • Brief introduction of the lectures

Speaker: Douglas Webster, Zhang Bing
1050-1150Lecture and Q&A: The PRC’s Urban-Rural Development and Planning Working System
Moderator: Douglas Webster

A review of the process of the PRC’s urban and rural development, highlighted by different stages. Emphasis will be given to the challenges facing the development of urban and rural areas and their countermeasures under the new urbanization policy background. It describes the basic structure of the PRC’s urban and rural planning system, its history, the main features of evolution, as well as how to respond to changing trends in urban and rural development. In addition, it introduced the constitution of the planning system with case studies.

Speaker: Zhang Bing
1150-1330 Lunch
1330-1430Lecture and Q&A: Implementation of Urban Planning, Management Systems, and Regulations
Moderator: Douglas Webster

  • Introduction to urban and rural planning laws and regulations system in the PRC

  • Definition, scope, objects, principles and methods of planning management systems

  • Land use planning management and construction project planning management

  • Supervision and inspection system and program for the implementation of urban planning

Speaker: Dong Ke
1430-1500 Tea/Coffee Break
1500-1630Group Discussion

  • Summary and brief comments on urban-rural planning and framework

  • Self introduction, interests and relevant experience in own country

Speaker: Douglas Webster, Dong Ke, Alexandra Vogl
1800 Welcome Dinner
Session 2: Comprehensive Planning and Architectural Design
0900-1000Lecture and Q&A: Urban (town and village) Master Plan
Moderator: Douglas Webster

Master plan is the overarching mechanism of designing and implementing comprehensive set of policies and strategies regarding the future growth of cities, town and villages. This lecture will provide an overview and case studies of the master planning at the following levels: comprehensive city planning, town comprehensive planning and village planning.

Speaker: Zhang Juan
1000-1015Tea/Coffee Break
1015-1115 Lecture and Q&A: Architecture Design in the PRC: The Recent Four Decades
Moderator: Douglas Webster

With the rapid socioeconomic development, the field of architectural design has experienced unprecedented prosperity and opportunities for development. The level of the PRC’s architectural design has increased quickly and design agencies have become quite diversified. Not only has it accommodated the high urban housing demands, there have been many excellent design works in urban infrastructure and public facility construction. From an architect’s perspective, this presentation will explore the development, features, trends, and main contributing factors of the PRC’s architectural design, and summarize case studies applicable to other countries.

Speaker: Zhang Junying

1115-1145 Group Discussion: Comprehensive Planning and Architectural Design

Speaker: Douglas Webster, Alexandra Vogl, Zhang Juan
1145-1300 Lunch
1300-1400Lecture and Q&A: Current Trends in International Planning
Moderator: Alexandra Vogl

Planning practice is becoming increasingly globalized, with a core of “best practice” emerging, catalyzed by professional organizations and international development banks, although individual countries, including the PRC, retain discernible individual planning styles within this framework. This widespread rapid diffusion of knowledge is generally positive, but the risk is that diversity in planning thought may be threatened.

Professor Webster’s presentation focuses critically on key themes that are increasingly at the forefront of urban planning worldwide. The themes to be discussed will include: (i) smart cities, (ii) new urbanism, (iii) transit-oriented development, (iv) amenity based development, (v) urban sustainability, encompassing conventional pollution, green house gas emissions, and alternative energy, (vi) heritage planning, and (vii) new forms of land use guidance, particularly form-based planning.

Speaker: Douglas Webster
1400-1730 Site Visits:

  • Xishan New District

  • Dongshan New District

  • Tengchong Planning Area

Newly developed urban districts in the city of Tengchong to redirect urban growth and industrial development. Demonstration of the city’s effort in building municipal infrastructure.

Speaker: Zhao Guochuang, Cun Shoucheng
Session 3: Urban Development Approaches
0900-1000Lecture and Q&A: Smart and resilient urban development for green, inclusive and competitive cities
Moderator: Douglas Webster

Asia is on the move, with economic growth attracting more than 120,000 new urbanites each day to its cities, urbanization is happening at an unprecedented scale and speed. By 2050 around 65% of the Region’s population will live in urban areas. The quality and efficiency of Asian cities will determine the region’s long-term productivity and overall stability. Maintaining vital economic growth, while creating livable cities for all, is the biggest challenge in the Asia-Pacific Region.

The Region’s success in attracting financing to urban areas for developing competitive, inclusive, and green cities will hold the key for continued and shared prosperity in the Region. The need to strengthen urban resilience, in particular, is likely to require knowledge, investment and collaboration among development partners. The lecture will discuss challenges and opportunities to build sustainable, resilient and livable cities and how the Asian Development Bank can support such. The concept of building urban climate change resilience, approaches towards smarter cities will be discussed.

Speaker: Alexandra Vogl
1000-1100 Lecture and Q&A: A framework to facilitate compact spatial planning and transitoriented development policies for climate change mitigation in the PRC
Moderator: Douglas Webster

Compact spatial planning and TOD are policies to manage urban growth and shape urban densities (population and jobs) for delivering economic growth and social inclusiveness while mitigating climate change. They integrate spatial and transportation planning and concentrate densities along transit lines and around transit nodes.

The presentation will address the following questions:

  • Which spatial development patterns best contribute to climate change mitigation and efficient resource use?

  • How to define and articulate densities (FAR, residents and jobs) and how to shape transit networks in order to achieve compact development through scales?

  • What impact of compact spatial planning and TOD on transportation energy?

  • What impact of compact development on economic growth?

  • How to address challenges of urban quality of life, housing affordability, and urban competitiveness?

The presentation will introduce a comprehensive framework (the 3V Framework) to prioritize TOD investment with indicators addressing connectivity and accessibility, urban design and planning (street patterns, high quality urban fabric, mix use), and economic levers to create market value.

Speaker: Serge Salat
1100-1115Tea/Coffee Break
1115-1145 Group Discussion: Urban development approaches-green cities and/or disaster resilience

Speaker: Douglas Webster, Alexandra Vogl, Serge Salat
1300-1730 Site Visits:

  • Beihai Wetland

  • Qushi Ecological Tourism District

Qushi Town, located in northern Tengchong with an area size of 1.7 square kilometers, is a unique area that demonstrates the city’s effort in developing ecological tourism and a regional sub-center for the city.

Speaker: Zhao Guochuang
Time Program
Session 4: Sectoral Planning
0830-0930Lecture and Q&A: Civil Engineering Planning
Moderator: Douglas Webster

The situation of water, electricity, gas and heat supply is the fundamental condition for the normal operation for the city. As the population and property in the city increase quickly, urban disaster prevention and environmental protection has exerted great influence on the function and quality of the city, as the result, these kinds of plan have become the important parts of the city plan in the PRC. This lecture will include: traditional civil engineering plan, environmental protection plan, and comprehensive disaster prevention plan.

Speaker: Hao Tianwen
0930-1030Lecture and Q&A: Urban Housing Development Plan
Moderator: Douglas Webster

We are facing new trends of urban housing development, including housing market shifts from rapid growth to stable development, housing demand tends to be more complex, and need for affordable housing keeps growing. The lecture will have three components: history of urban housing development in the PRC; purpose, content and current trends of housing development; and housing issues in the PRC’s fast urbanization process.

Speaker: Jiao Yixue
1030-1045Tea/Coffee Break
1045-1145Lecture and Q&A: Historical and Cultural Preservation Planning
Moderator: Douglas Webster

  • Evolvement of planning and management system related to historic and cultural preservation

  • Values, key-points, and effective methods that Chinese planners have identified in preservation planning

  • Case studies

Speaker: Zhang Guanghan
1145-1215Group Discussion: Sectoral Planning

Speaker: Douglas Webster, Alexandra Vogl, Jiao Yixue
1215-1315 Lunch
1315-1800Site Visits:

  • Heshun Historic Town

  • Rehai Scenic Area

The visit to Heshun Historic Town is for the purpose of studying historical preservation and cultural conservation and how they can be well incorporated with the area’s modern need for growth and tourism development.

The visit to Rehai Scenic Area is for the purpose of studying how characteristic natural elements are being incorporated in a multi-stage process in the planning and design of a national-level scenic area.

Speakers: Zhao Guochuang, Li Qingzhong
1800Back to hotel and dinner
Session 5: Special Planning: Economic Zones and New Districts
0900-1000Lecture and Q&A: New Town, New District Planning, Developmental Zones (including Border Economic Cooperation Zone) Planning and Management
Moderator: Douglas Webster

New town and new district planning has been an important and essential part of the PRC’s city building process. This lecture will aim to answer questions including: How and why did we build and are still building those new towns, districts and development areas? How do the central and local governments lead this process? What are the evolving stories in terms of planning and management? What will be the crucial aspects in the near future? Can they provide experience or lessons for the GMS member states?

Speaker: Liang Hao
1000-1100Lecture and Q&A: Experience and Lessons of City Development in Shenzhen
Moderator: Douglas Webster

The Shenzhen Special Economic Zone is a vanguard during the PRC’s reform and opening up. From a border town to one of the PRC’s most significant megacity, Shenzhen’s growth is a miracle in urban development history. The construction of Shenzhen SEZ is a demonstrative and revelatory case of the PRC’s city building experience.

The Shenzhen branch of CAUPD has witnessed the SEZ’s history and directly involved in a number of important urban planning projects. This presentation aims to discuss some of the gained lessons and experience of Shenzhen and inspire its future growth.

Speaker: Wang Zejian
1100-1115 Tea/Coffee Break
1115-1145Lecture and Q&A: Chinese Emerging Planning Practice
Moderator: Alexandra Vogl

This presentation focuses on both key challenges facing Chinese cities in the context of rapid demographic and economic change, and emerging trends as the PRC’s city building moves from an emphasis on quantity (i.e., providing sufficient infrastructure and housing) to delivering more livable urban environments.

Key drivers of change are examined such as the saturation rapid transit, highspeed rail, the transition to a service economy, and post-modernism. The role of changing consumer preferences is examined as well as the the PRC’s New Urbanization policy.

Speaker: Douglas Webster
1145-1200Training Evaluation
1200-1300 Lunch
1300-1400Group Presentation
Country representatives give 10 minutes presentation to discuss relevant experience and comments

Speaker: Douglas Webster, Alexandra Vogl, Liang Hao
1400-1600Site Visits: Tengchong Economic Development District
Tengchong Economic Development District is one of Yunnan’s provincial level economic development zones and Tengchong’s first high-tech and industrial park.

Speaker: Li Xilin
1600Back to hotel and dinner

South-South City Leaders Forum

Hosted by ADB, the South-South City Leaders Forum has been formulated on the premise that solutions to the multiple and interconnected problems cities face must come from cities themselves. The objective of the South-South City Leaders Forum is to spread good ideas and experiences among cities, and to help build a strong network amongst city leaders, especially in developing Asia and the Pacific. Organized by ADB’s South Asia Department (SARD), in partnership with the Regional and Sustainable Development Department (RSDD), East Asia Department (EARD) and Cities Initiative for Asia (CDIA), the inaugural South-South City Leaders Forum will take place on 2-3 December 2014 in Manila, Philippines.

Cities are engines of economic growth, generating over 80% of gross domestic product (GDP) in many countries of the Asia and the Pacific. Asia’s cities will become home to another 1.1 billion people in the next two decades. Over 200 million now live in urban slums, and this figure is predicted to soar to 692 million by 2015. South Asia for instance, accounts for almost half of the world’s urban poor. Many cities are struggling with environmental degradation, traffic congestion, inadequate urban infrastructure, and a lack of basic services, such as water supply, sanitation and waste management. Maintaining economic competitiveness, while creating sustainable and inclusive livable cities is the biggest urban challenge facing Asia. Solutions for increasingly complex urban environments require bold action guided by knowledge.

The South-South City Leaders Forum will gather about 50 city leaders and city managers, senior government officials, policy makers and sector experts from Asia and the Pacific and other regions, to spur new ideas and share best practices and successful innovations in building livable, sustainable, competitive and inclusive cities. The forum will emphasize knowledge sharing of innovative urban solutions and practices, with a clear orientation on results and outcomes, and encourage regional cooperation by building a strong network among city leaders in Asia and the Pacific. The forum will also provide an opportunity for city leaders to engage with ADB project officers.

ADB’s support for sustainable urban development is guided by its long-term strategic framework, Strategy 2020. ADB’s New Urban Operational Plan covers clean water, sustainable transport, energy, solid waste management, urban planning and financing. The plan fosters Competitive, Inclusive, and Green Cities to improve the performance of cities on the Economic, Equity, and Environment (3Es) spectrums. The South-South City Leaders Forum thus supports ADB’s Strategy 2020 and its Urban Operational Plan.

0830 – 0900Registration
0900 – 0915Welcome Speech – Setting the Scene
Dr. Bindu N. Lohani, Vice President, Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development, ADB
0915 – 0930 Keynote Speech
Neeraj Mandloi Joint Secretary, Urban Development, Government of India, India
0930 – 0940 Setting the house rules

Forum Facilitator: Mary R. Clarke, Senior Human Resource Specialist, HR Policy and Programs Division, ADB
0940 – 1000Ice-breaker activity
1000 – 1010 Group photo-taking (Podium, Third Atrium)
1010 – 1130Focus Session 1: Inclusive Cities – Expanding Possibilities for People

Introduction by Session

Moderator: Arnaud Heckmann Urban Development Specialist, Urban and Social Sectors Division, East Asia Department, ADB

Edgardo Pamintuan, Mayor of Angeles City, Philippines
Kinlay Dorjee Thrompon, Mayor of Thimphu Bhutan
C. Hari Kiran, Municipal Commissioner, Vijayawad Municipal Corporation India

Q&A / Small Group Discussions
1130 – 1145Tea Break
1145 – 1300Focus Session 2: Green & Resilient Cities – Urban Regeneration

Introduction by Session Moderator: Jingmin Huang Senior Urban Development Specialist, Sustainable Infrastructure Division, Regional and Sustainable Development Department (RSID), ADB

Arief Wismansyah, Mayor of Tangerang Indonesia
Bulelwa Makalima-Ngewana CEO, Cape Town Partnership South Africa
Dr. Myounggu Kang, Professor of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Seoul Rep

Q&A / Small Group Discussions
1300 – 1415Networking Lunch
1415 – 1435Peer-to-Peer Session Kick-Off

Introduction by Lead Facilitator: Anand Chiplunkar, Director, Urban Development and Water Division, Central and West Asia Department (CWUW), and Chair of Urban Community of Practice (CoP), ADB
1435 – 1545 Focus Session 3: Urban Financing – Developing New City Investment Strategies

Introduction by Panel Moderator: Joris van Etten, GIZ Deputy Program Coordinator, Cities Development Initiative for Asia (CDIA)


  • Eleazar Ricote Deputy Executive Director of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Center Philippines

  • Yumiko Noda Partner, Head of PPP and Infrastructure (Asia Pacific), PwC Japan Japan

  • Tep Makathy Project Team Leader, Green Goal Ltd (ADBCDTA-8121: Capacity Development for Urban Management in Cambodia) Cambodia

Q&A / Small Group Discussions
1545 – 1600Tea Break
1600 – 1720Focus Session 4: Competitive Cities – Exploring New Models for Growth

Introduction by Session Moderator: Alexandra Vogl, Urban Development Specialist, RSID ADB

Edward Leman, President of Chreod Ltd Canada
Alfonso Vegara, President of Fundacion Metropoli Spain
Yeonsik Yoo, Director General of International Relations Division, Seoul Metropolitan Government and Republic of Korea

Q&A / Small Group Discussions
1720 – 1730Day 1 Wrap-Up & Preparation for Day 2

Forum Facilitator: Mary R. Clarke, Senior Human Resource Specialist, HR Policy and Programs Division, ADB
1730 – 1830Refreshment
1830 – 2030Networking Cocktails & Dinner
(Level 5, Oakwood Premier JoyNostalg Center)

Hosted by Hun Kim, Director General, South Asia Department, ADB
0900 – 0915Recap of Day 1

Forum Facilitator: Mary R. Clarke, Senior Human Resource Specialist, HR Policy and Programs Division, ADB
0915 – 0930Keynote Speech
Mrs. Erna Witoelar, Indonesian Former Minister of Human, Settlements and Regional Development, Indonesia
0930 – 1100Peer-to-Peer Session (Break-Out Group Discussions)

Introduction by Lead Facilitator: Anand Chiplunkar, Director, CWUW and Chair of Urban CoP ADB

Break-Out Group Facilitators
1100 – 1200 Conclusion of Peer-to-Peer session – Interview Panel with Peers

Panel moderated by Lead Facilitator: Anand Chiplunkar, Director, CWUW and Chair of Urban CoP ADB
1200 – 1215Closing of Forum

Closing by Lead Facilitator: Anand Chiplunkar, Director, CWUW and Chair of Urban CoP ADB
1215 – 1315Lunch
(Level 5, Oakwood Premier JoyNostalg Center)
1315 – 1330Refreshment
1330 – 1800 Thematic site visits
Delegates to participate in 1 of 2 site visit:
1. Competitive Cities; Urban Financing: Makati CDB/Ayala Center
2. Inclusive Cities; Green & Resilient Cities: Paco de Estero Rehabilitation Project

Return to hotel after site visits

International Workshop on Establishment of Carbon Market: Learning From International Experience, Planning for the Future

This emissions trading workshop was jointly organized by ADB and the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) of the PRC. The forum aimed to: (i) update and share knowledge and expertise on developments with the emissions trading scheme (ETS); (ii) discuss possible approaches to building a national system based on the practical experiences and lessons from pilot schemes in the PRC and other countries; and (iii) discuss the feasibility of linking systems between ADB’s developing member countries (DMCs).  

More than 90 representatives from the PRC and DMCs attended the workshop. Policy makers and personnel from the seven pilot ETS in the PRC, the European Union, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Thailand, and Viet Nam, as well as representatives of the World Bank and other international organizations shared their experiences in policy and regulatory development, and methodologies and guidance for establishing or planning to establish a national ETS.

Session I. Welcome Address
Moderator:Jiang Zhaoli, Director, NDRC
9:00-9:15Welcome Remarks by Su Wei, Director General, NDRC
9:15-9:25Remarks from World Economic Forum
9:25-9:35Opening remarks by representative of ADB
Session II. National and international ETS development
Moderator:Li Ting, Executive Director of SLCA
9:35-9:55Updates of ETS operations and future development in the PRC
Wang Shu, Deputy Director, Climate Change Department, NDRC
9:55-10:15Updates of PMR
Huang Dafei, Team Leader, World Bank PMR Program
10:15-10:35Experience on ETS development and recommendations
Lingshui Mo, ADB
10:35-10:50Tea break
10:50-11:50Development of Thailand Voluntary Emission Trading Scheme (Thailand V-ETS)
Carbon Business Office

Experience on ETS development and Recommendations
Vicky Pollard, Environment & Climate Counsellor, EU Delegation, Beijing
11:50-12:00Group Photo
Session III. Panel discussion on future national ETS development
Moderator: Tang Renhu, GM, Sino Carbon Innovation & Investment Co., Ltd.
14:00-15:10Panel 1. Roadmap of national ETS development
Xuedu LU, ADB

Discussants: Representative of 3 pilots and 3 other DMCs
15:10-15:30Tea break
15:30-16:40Panel 2. International Perspectives on Next Steps in the PRC’s ETS Development
Josh Margolis, Environmental Defense Fund

Discussants: Representative of 4 pilots and 2 other DMCs
Session IV. Summary
Moderator:Zhang Jianyu, Director of China Program
16:40-16:50Dan J. Dudek, Vice President, EDF
16:50-17:00Jiang Zhaoli, Director, Department of Climate Change, NDRC
17:00End of Session

International Workshop on Urban Adaptation to Climate Change

The workshop was one of the activities under the climate change memorandum of understanding signed between the PRC’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and ADB in January 2014. Over 160 experts and decision makers from the PRC, international organizations, developing member countries, and development partners participated. Minister Xie Zhenhua, Vice Chairman of NDRC, Vice Minister Wang Ning of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD), and Country Director Hamid Sharif of the ADB PRC Resident Mission, addressed the workshop. 

The workshop’s objective was to explore smart approaches to enhancing urban resilience to climate change, share knowledge and experience about urban-adaptation practices, and initiate concrete actions for urban adaptation. The workshop achieved its objective by initiating development of the PRC’s national urban adaptation plan in line with climate change, and by enhancing knowledge sharing on urban adaptation to climate change with other regional nations, including Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Thailand. 

Plenary Session
Moderator: Su Wei, Director General of Department of Climate Change, NDRC
09:00-09:40Opening Speech

  • Xie Zhenhua, Vice Chairman of NDRC

  • Liu Kun, Vice Minister of Ministry of Finance (MOF)

  • Wang Ning, Vice minister of MOHURD

  • Hamid L. Sharif, Country Director, ADB Resident Mission in the PRC

09:40-10:00Group photo, tea break
10:00-10:20Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis
Qin Dahe, Academician, Co-Chair of IPCC AR5 WG CN
10:20-10:40The PRC’s New Urbanization Under Climate Change
Kai Wang, Deputy Dean, China Academy of Urban Planning and Design (CAUPD) CN
10:40-11:00National Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change: Implementation
Sun Zhen, Deputy Director General of NDRC
11:00-11:20Tendency and Strategy for Urban Adaption to Climate Change
Rong Yang,Department of Building Energy Efficiency and Science and Technology, MOHURD
11:20-11:40Water Security Issues and Adaptation to Climate Change in the PRC
Wang Yi, Director of the Institute of Science and Technology Policy and Management Science of CAS
11:40-12:00Adaptation Policies and the Application to Urban Development in South Asia
Norio Saito, Principle Urban Development Specialist, ADB
Forum 1: Urban Development and Climate Monitoring and Weather Warning
13:30-13:50Impacts of Climate Change and Adaptation Strategies for Cities
Sizhen Peng, Deputy Director, The Administrative Center for China’s Agenda 21 CN
13:50-14:10Climate Change and the Challenges for Chinese Urbanization and Its Adaptation
Yu Li, Sino-UK Eco-City and Sustainable Development Institute of Cardiff university
14:10-14:30Finance Policy on Adaption to Climate Change
Su Ming, Fiscal Science Institute of MOF
14:30-14:50Implementing Low-carbon Development towards International Livability: Zhuhai’s Responses to Climate Change
Chaohui Wang, Director, Urban Plan Bureau of Zhu Hai city
14:50-15:05Coffee Break
15:05-15:25Enhance Urban Capacity in the Prevention and Reduction of Meteorological Disasters
Yuan Jiashuang, Director of CMA
15:25-15:45Practice sharing: Climate Monitoring and Weather Warning in the PRC
Yaodong Du, Chief Expert, Guangdong Meteorological Service CN
15:45-16:05Development and Assessment of National Policies for Urban Climate Adaptation and Responses to Extreme Events
Dr Xiaoming Wang, Senior Principal Scientist and Adjunct Professor, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
16:05-16:25Urban Climate Change Risk
Dr Rebecca Nadin, Adjunct Lecturer, CEPH, Griffith University CN
16:25-16:30Concluding Remarks
16:45-18:00Internal Meeting for Climate Change Work Arrangement by Department of Climate Change, NDRC
Forum 2: Building and Urban Environment
13:30-13:50Urban Eco-Adaption to Climate Change
Liu Jian, UNEP
13:50-14:10Spatial Planning Principles and Assessment Framework for Climate Adaptive and Resilient Cities in the PRC
Serge Salat, President of Urban Morphology Institute in France
14:10-14:30Design for A Water Resilient City
Yu Kongjian, Architecture and Landscape Design College of Beijing University
14:30-14:50Case and Strategy Study of the Influences of Abnormal Weather and Natural Disasters on Transportation
Lu Huapu, Institute of Transportation Studies, Tsinghua University
15:05-15:25Adaptation to Climate Change – Development Practice of Yunlong New Ecological Town
Director, Management Committee of Yun Long Demonstration Area in Zhu Zhou City
15:25-15:45Climate Change and Architecture
Youguo Qin, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University CN
15:45-16:05Passive House in the PRC
Chen Shuo, CEO of Center of Zero Carbon in the PRC
16:05-16:25Build with Wood, Buid to be Adaptable to Climate Change
Fred Spoke Bio, Managing Director of Canada Wood Ltd.
16:25-16:30Concluding Remarks
16:45-18:00Internal Meeting for Climate Change Work Arrangement by Department of BEE and Science and Technology, MOHURD
Forum 3: Resilient City: Resilient Infrastructure Solutions
13:30-13:50Sustainable and Low Carbon Development of Urban Water System
Zhang Yue, Director General of Department of Urban Construction, MOHURD
13:50-14:10Climate Change Impact on Future Urban Water Environment
Dai Xiaohu, Dean of Environment Science and Engineering of Tongji University CN
14:10-14:30Future Sewage Treatment in the PRC for Adaption to Climate Change
Qu Jiuhui, Academician of Ecological Environment Institute of CAS
14:30-14:50Source Control Technology Development of Urban Sewage Treatment
Li Zifu, Professor of University of Science and Technology Beijing CN
14:50-15:05Coffee Break
15:05-15:25LID and Climate Change
Che Wu, Professor, Beijing University of Architecture CN
15:25-15:45Urban Water Security in the Climate Change and Extreme Weather
Wang Jianbin, Water Sensitive Institute, Australia
15:45-16:05Typical Case: Metropolis Flood Prevention And Drainage in Extreme Weather
Zhou Qiang, Secretary General of DRC in Shanghai City
16:05-16:25ADB current approach of considering CC adaptation into loan project, Cases and experience, Satoshi Ishii, Senior Urban Development Specialist, ADB
16:25-16:30Concluding Remarks

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