Conference & Forum

Asia Pacific Forum on Low Carbon Development Sharing Low Carbon Technology for a Blue and Beautiful Sky

24 Oct 2018 - 26 Oct 2018 Changsha, The People's Republic of China

With the theme, “Sharing Low Carbon Technology for a Blue and Beautiful Sky”, the Third Asia Pacific Forum on Low Carbon Technology takes a broad look at the various policies that promote effective deployment and development of technologies that reduce carbon emissions across multiple sectors. Organized by ADB and the Government of Hunan, the forum will showcase global, regional, and country success stories and experience in promoting the development of and investment in low carbon technologies (LCTs), and boost both North-South and South-South technology transfer.

During the forum, participants will:

  • Learn more about the PRC’s clean air policies and how these are implemented at large scale;
  • Meet policymakers and leading experts in low carbon technologies;
  • Participate in World Cafe-style sessions;
  • Connect with international participants from different sectors;
  • Find out how the integration of policy, implementation, industry, and innovation fast track responses to environmental issues; and
  • Meet the special batch of New Energy Leaders.


08:00 – 9:00Registration
09:00 ~ 11:00Opening Plenary
09:00 ~ 9:30Part 1: Welcome Remarks

  • Representative from Hunan Province, the PRC

  • WooChong Um, Director General, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, ADB

  • Representative from Ministry of Finance, the PRC

  • Representative from Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the PRC

  • Yue ZHANG, Founder and Chairman, BROAD Group, the PRC

09:30 ~ 10:50Part 2: Keynote Speeches

  • Lin XU, Chairman, US-China Green Fund

  • Charlotte Roule, Chief Executive Officer, ENGIE China

  • Representative from Environmental Protection Department of Hunan

  • Dadi ZHOU, Former Director General, Energy Research Institute, National Development and Reform Commission

  • Changming LI, Director of Institute for Clean Energy & Advanced Materials (ICEAM), Southwest University, Chongqing University

10:50 ~ 11:00Part 3:Awarding of the New Energy Leaders 2018 special batch and showcase of the ADB-TusStar China Cleantech Competition 2018

Chair: Jia YU, Director of International Development Cooperation, Centre for New Structural Economics, Peking University

Award Presenters:

  • WooChong Um, Director General, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, ADB

  • Yongping ZHAI, Chief of Energy Sector Group, ADB

  • Dipal Barua, Founder & Chairman, Bright Green Energy Foundation (Bangladesh)

  • Representative from Hunan Province

New Energy Leaders 2018 special batch

  • Diyaz Baiseitov, Founder, Kuntech (Kazakhstan)

  • Xia LI, Founder, Shenzhen Power Solution (the PRC)

  • Nabeel Siddiqui, Founder, ModulusTech (Pakistan)

  • Amit Singh, General Manager/Director, CBS Power Solutions (Fiji)

Showcase of the ADB-TusStar China Cleantech Competition 2018

  • Edward ZHANG, Co-Founder, Shenzhen Shenqing New Material (the PRC)

  • Rong XU, Founder & CEO, Umore Consulting Ltd. (the PRC)

  • Yongping LIU, Chairman, Zhonghai Runda New Material Technology (the PRC)

  • Mark LIANG, CTO, Beijing Warmland Energy Service Co. Ltd. (the PRC)

11:00 ~ 11:10Morning Break
11:10 ~ 12:30Plenary 2
This session will set the scene for the Forum, taking into consideration recent developments, dynamics, future trends in clean and low carbon energy technologies, and share insights, knowledge, and views on strategy and policies for clean and low carbon energy development. It will explore how high-technology can support to meeting Asia’s universal energy access, energy security, affordable clean and low carbon energy demands. It will also discuss how international collaboration in empowering the region to deploy and invest clean and low carbon energy technologies.

Part 1: High Level Panel Discussion

Chair: Sujata Gupta, Director, East Asia Department, ADB

Keynote Speakers:
Yongping Zhai, Chief of Energy Sector Group, ADB
Jin Wang, Director, Institute of International Energy, International Cooperation Center, National Development and Reform Commission

Panel Discussion:

  • Ji Zou, President, Energy Foundation China

  • Sandra Retzer, Head of Cluster Sustainable Urbanization Transportation and Energy, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) the PRC

  • Yong Chen, Programme Officer – Sustainable Urban Energy, Innovation and Technology Center, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

  • Rongchun BAI, Former Counsel, the PRC’s National Energy Administration

  • Hu Gao, Director, Center for Energy Economy and Strategy Development, National Development and Reform Commission

Part 2: New Energy Leaders/Startups Discussion


  • Yongping ZHAI, Chief of Energy Sector Group, ADB

  • Jin WANG, Director, Institute of International Energy, International Cooperation Center, National Development and Reform Commission


  • Daniel ZHANG, Managing Director, BROAD Core Building Company (the PRC)

  • Diyaz Baiseitov, Founder, Kuntech (Kazakhstan)

  • Xia LI, Founder, Shenzhen Power Solution (the PRC)

  • Nabeel Siddiqui, Founder, ModulusTech (Pakistan)

  • Amit Singh, General Manager/Director, CBS Power Solutions (Fiji)

  • Rong XU, Founder & CEO, Umore Consulting Ltd. (the PRC)

  • Som Narayan, Co-founder, Carbonlites (India)

12:30 ~ 14:00Lunch Break
14:00 ~ 15:45Parallel Session 1: Opportunities and Challenges of Innovative Technologies in Green Urban Mobility
Organizer: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

The session will present cases wherein sustainable, economically viable, low-carbon urban transportation development has been encouraged, accelerated and facilitated, either by national and local policies and strategies, or by support from international and multilateral agencies. Speakers will discuss technologies, policies, strategies, approaches, experiences and challenges in promoting low carbon transportation adoption and investment in cities, to help them transition into urban environments that provide their residents a better quality of living, with lower GHG footprint.

Chair: Christoph Nedopil, Project Director Sino-German Cooperation on Low-carbon Transport, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Shenzhen Transport Emission Model based on Big Data
Yuting HUANG, Project Manager, Shenzhen Urban Transport Planning Commission (SUTCP)
Jiandong Qiu, Head of Transport Information and Model Division, Shenzhen Urban Transport Planning Commission (SUTCP)

Low Carbon Buses in the PRC and E-mobility Options for Developing-Member Countries of ADB
Ki-Joon Kim, Principal Transport Specialist, ADB
Robin Hughes, Founder, Clean Vehicles Solutions Asia

Intelligent and Connected Vehicles (ICVs) in the PRC
Sandra Retzer, Head of Cluster Sustainable Urbanization Transportation and Energy, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) the PRC
14:00 ~ 15:45Parallel Session 2: Green Buildings
Organizer:Hunan University

The session will highlight challenges and opportunities for mainstreaming of green building development, especially in the urban context of developing Asia. Presentations will cover construction methods, financing, and case studies, with a view toward establishing a level playing field and making green buildings the rule rather than the exception.

Chair: Guoqiang ZHANG (George), Dean, Institute for Sustainable Urbanization and Construction Innovation, Hunan University

Green Buildings and the Achievement of Global Low-Carbon Goals
Mark Lister, Director, Asia Clean Energy Partners
Green Buildings: Building a Climate Resilient Urban Future
Anupma Jain, Senior Urban Development Specialist, ADB
Yue ZHANG, Founder and Chairman, BROAD Group
Raymond Hoe, Architect, Scott Brownrigg
Nabeel Siddiqui, Founder, ModulusTech

14:00 ~ 15:45Parallel Session 3:Circular Cities: Creating Low Carbon Urban Environments
Organizer: ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability

This session will highlight best practices and challenges in shifting to a circular economy in cities in Asia. Speakers will present innovative solutions, technology advancements, and successful strategies that may be replicated or scaled-up. The session will also investigate how policies or government commitments support private sector led initiatives.

Chair: Stephen Peters, Senior Energy Specialist (Waste-to-Energy), ADB

Moving into the Industrial Revolution and Circular Economy
Lerwen LIU, Senior Advisor, King Mongut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), Thailand

ICLEI: Local Governments for Sustainability
Merlin LAO, Programme Manager, ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability

Demonstration Projects of Near-Zero Carbon Emission Zones
Junxia LIU, Director, Strategic Planning Department, China Association of Circular Economy

Som Narayan, Co-founder and Director, Carbonlites

Circular Economy Because Nature Knows No Waste
Wilma Rodrigues, Founder and CEO, Saahas Zero Waste

Carbon Footprint of Water
Jan Maurer, Managing Director and CEO, WISY AG

Alternative Fuels for Greener Mobility
Vincent Choy, Director, Biogas Asia Pacific Forum

Wei-Guo PAN, Chairman and Deputy Dean of Mechanical Engineering College, Shanghai University of Electric Power
13:45 ~ 15:45Parallel Session 4: Coordinated Control and Management of Urban Carbon Emission Reduction and Air Pollution Prevention
Organizer: Energy Foundation China & Institute for Sustainable Communities

The session will highlight the importance of implementing strategies which will both consider air pollution control and GHG emission reduction. Speakers from pilot cities with commitments for both air pollution control and emission-peaking will share their experiences and insights on the crucial elements needed to set-up the appropriate institutional arrangements and applicable mechanisms.

Chair: Xuedu LU, Lead Climate Change Specialist, ADB

Keynote speakers:
Ji ZOU, President, Energy Foundation China

Xiangtan 2028 City Emission Peaking Roadmap and Action Plan
Pan TAO, Technical Director, Institute for Sustainable Communities

Qiang ZHANG, Professor, Tsinghua University

Co-Control of Air Pollutants and GHGs: Review, Methodology and Case Studies
Tao HU, Director, China Program, World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

He CAI, Director, Zhejiang Center for Climate Change and Low-carbon Development Cooperation

Progress and Challenges of the PRC’s Low-Carbon Cities
Xiu YANG, Head of Policy and Regulation Department, National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation

Xiangzhao FENG, Deputy Director & Associate Professor, Climate Change Policy Research Division, Policy Research Center for Environment and Economy, Ministry of Environment and Ecology

Zhiyu TIAN, Deputy Director of Energy Efficiency Division, Energy Research Institute, National Development and Reform Commission

Supporting the Mainstreaming of Co-benefits into Development Policies and Projects in Asia
So-Young Lee, Research Manager, Sustainability Governance Centre, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
15:45 ~ 16:15Afternoon Break
16:15 ~ 17:45“Hot Pot” with Low-Carbon Technology Providers (World Café Style)
Organizer: ADB and Umore Consulting Ltd

A fast-paced and dynamic networking session offering a unique opportunity to meet and learn more about various low-carbon technology providers who are breaking into the Asian market with innovative technologies and business models in the PRC and around the world.


  • Peter duPont, Consultant, ADB

  • Rong XU, Founder & CEO, Umore Consulting Ltd.

Table Hosts:

  • Sietse Agema, Chief Technology Officer, Amsterdam Waste Environmental Consultancy & Technology (Netherlands) and Harvey LUO, Kangda (the PRC)

  • Robin Hughes, Founder, Clean Vehicles Solutions Asia (Thailand)

  • Som Narayan, Co-founder and CEO, Carbon Masters (India)

  • Wilma Rodrigues, Founder and CEO, Saahas Zero Waste (India)

  • Thida Kheav, Co-founder and CEO, Solar Green Energy (Cambodia)

  • Min Chan Win, Managing Director, Myanmar Eco Solutions (Myanmar)

  • Chunguang WANG, Founder and CEO, EQuota Energy (the PRC)

  • Dan Millison, Consultant, Reephrock

  • Weihong ZHAO, America Regional General Manager, BROAD Group

  • Xia LI, Founder, Shenzhen Power Solution (the PRC)

  • Mark LIANG, CTO, Beijing Warmland Energy Service Co. Ltd.

  • Jianbin WU, CEO and Yuebo SHI, Senior Economist/Partner, Tahoe Electric

  • Tianyue HE, Vice President, Eversource Science and Technology

  • Amit Singh, General Manager/Director, CBS Power Solutions (Fiji)

  • Yongping LIU, Chairman, Zhonghai Runda New Material Technology

  • Edward ZHANG, Co-Founder, Shenzhen Shenqing New Material

  • Will ZHANG, Director, GM of Oversea Division of Willfar Information Technology Co. Ltd. (subsidiary of Waison Group)

  • Jing REN, Investment Director of Investment and Financing Department, Sinocom-Wanke (the PRC)

  • Jan Maurer, Managing Director and CEO, WISY AG

  • Nabeel Siddiqui, Founder, ModulusTech (Pakistan)

  • Diyaz Baiseitov, Founder, Kuntech (Kazakhstan)

  • Wenfeng Wang, Assistant President and Central China General Manager of ENN Energy (the PRC)

18:15 ~ 20:15Welcome Banquet (Buffet)
08:00 ~ 08:45Registration
07:30 ~ 08:30New Energy Leaders Breakfast Meeting (by invitation only)
08:45 ~ 10:30Parallel Session 5: Regional Technology Cooperation
Organizer: Administrative Centre for China’s Agenda 21 (ACCA21)

The session will present cases wherein economically viable regional low-carbon technology cooperation, both at government level and private sector led, has been successfully facilitated and accelerated, either by the right national and local policies and strategies, or by support from international and multi-lateral agencies. Speakers will discuss policies, strategies, ongoing initiatives, experiences and challenges, for promoting regional technology cooperation that results in sustainable mutual economic benefits and better quality-of-living, along with lower GHG footprint.

Chair: Sasank Goli, Principal Consultant, Ecogy Cleantech

Jing HUANG, Director General, Administrative Centre for China’s Agenda 21 (ACCA21)

New Energy and Renewable Energy Technology Transfer Demonstration and Mechanism in South and Southeast Asian Countries
Minxiang MA, Deputy Director, China-ASEAN Innovation Centre

Low Carbon Technology South-South Cooperation
Jiutian ZHANG, Professor, Beijing Normal University

Promote International Green Technology through Green Finance
Yiyang SHEN, Managing Director, Green Route Capital

Renewable Technology Transfer Demo Projects- A Case Study of Small Hydropower
Guofeng DONG, Division Director, International Center on Small Hydro (ICSHP)

Commercializing IP, Trip Advisor for Entrepreneurs
Yehuda Yarmut, Program Director, Strategic and Industry Collaboration, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)

Challenges & Opportunities in Technology Transfer to Developing Countries of South Asia
Shoaib Ahmad, Deputy Director (Coord), SAARC Regional Energy Center (Pakistan)
08:45 ~ 10:30Parallel Session 6:Clean Heating and Cooking
Organizer:Building Energy Research Center, Tsinghua University (PRC)

The session will highlight challenges and opportunities for mainstreaming clean heating and cooking systems, based on experience in the PRC and other developing countries. Presentations will cover case studies from Mongolia, the PRC, as well as from ADB project experience, renewable resources and technologies for space heating and process heat, and potential synergies for heating and cooking systems.

Chair: Dan Millison, Clean Energy Investment Advisor (Consultant), ADB

Clean Cooking and Heating with Densified Biomass Fuel
Ming SHAN, Assistant Professor, Department of Building Science, Tsinghua University

Geothermal District Heating Building on the Icelandic Experience
Einar Runar Magnusson, VP Business Development, Arctic Green Energy

Radiant Heating System in Cold-Winter and High-humidity Area
Guangcai GONG, Professor, College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University

Innovative Heating and Green Building Technologies in Ulaanbaatar
Pil-Bae Song, Consultant, ADB

Tong LU, President, Jiashu Consulting

Batbaatar Batkhuu, Officer, Department of Green Development Policy & Planning, Ministry of Environment and Tourism (Mongolia)

Boost Urban Green Development Through Clean Energy
Anjie TIAN, Deputy Party Secretary/General Manager, Changsha Urban Construction Investment Development Group Co., Ltd.
08:45 ~ 10:30Parallel Session 7:Low Carbon Industry Parks
Organizer:Green Development League of National Economic & Technological Development Zone and Hunan International LCT Exchange Center

This session will highlight best practices, and emerging technologies for the development of low carbon industrial parks. At the end of the session, the audience will learn about successful strategies, and challenges in developing and operating low carbon industrial parks. Key enabling government policies and regulations that drive low carbon industrial parks developments will also be discussed.

Chair: Xinyi LIU, Deputy Director, TEDA Eco Center

“Industrial Parks + Solar PV” in Developing Countries: Market Potential From New Structural Economics Perspective
Jia YU, Director of International Development Cooperation, Centre for New Structural Economics, Peking University

Putting Concept into Action: IND: Visakhapatnam–Chennai Industrial Corridor Development Program
Ninette Pajarillaga, Environment Specialist, ADB

Building a Green and Low-Carbon Park Industry Ecology
Zhiguo JIN, Deputy Director, Industrial Development Bureau, Xiangtan High Tech Industrial Development Zone

Shiwei GENG, Environmental Protection Bureau, Tianjin Economic Technological Development Zone

Liuyang National Economic and Technical Development Zone
Wei DU, Bureau Assistant, Economic Development Bureau of Liuyang Economic Technological Development Zone

SUS’s Model: Waste to Energy in Eco-Industrial Park
Jun LUO, Deputy General Manager, SUS Environment

The Application of Micro-grid Technology in Industrial Parks
Shufeng DONG, General Manager, R&D Center, Sinocome-Wanke, Zhejiang University – Wanke New Energy Joint Research Center

Disruptive Technology For Large-Scale, Micro and Off-Grid Energy Storages
Jianbin WU, CEO, Tahoe Electric
08:45 ~ 10:30Parallel Session 8:Role of Carbon Markets in Promoting Energy Conservation and Low Carbon Technology Development
Organizer: Alliance of Carbon Emissions Trading (ACET-CECA)

This session will look at what role carbon markets have played and will be playing in driving the promotion of low carbon technologies in the region. Cases wherein carbon finance and carbon market initiatives have successfully encouraged and accelerated the installation of low-carbon technologies will be highlighted.

Chair: Renhu TANG, General Manager SinoCarbon Innovation & Investment Co., Ltd

Opening Remarks: Juntao ZHANG, Deputy Secretary General, Alliance of Carbon Emissions Trading (ACET-CECA)

Keynote Speech: Zhiqiang XU, Former Deputy Director, National Energy Conservation Center

Zhongkui SONG, Secretary General, China Energy Conservation Association

Fighting Climate Change – Industrial Energy Efficiency Upgrading
Sheng ZHOU, Chief Executive Officer, International Copper Association China

Mongolia: Upscaling Renewable Energy Sector Project
Ongonsar Purev, Senior Environment Officer, ADB

Carbon Pricing and Sustainable Energy Transition
Cyril Cassisa, Coordinator of China ETS Project, Environment and Climate Change Unit, International Energy Agency (IEA)

Role of Carbon Markets in Promoting Energy Conservation and Low Carbon Technology Development
Renato Roldao, Consulting Director, ICF Incorporated (the PRC)

10:30 ~ 11:00Morning Break
11:00 ~ 12:30“Hot Pot” with Low-Carbon Technology Enablers/Platforms (World Café Style)
Organizer: ADB and Umore Consulting Ltd

A fast-paced and dynamic networking session offering a unique opportunity to meet and learn more about various low-carbon-focused service providers, think tanks and other organizations who are supporting the growth of the low-carbon economy in PRC and around the world.


  • Peter duPont, Consultant, ADB

  • Rong XU, Founder & CEO, Umore Consulting Ltd.

Table Hosts:

  • Xiaoli WANG, China-ASEAN Innovation Centre

  • Zhicheng XU, New Energy Business Unit, Changsha Chengtou Energy Development Co., Ltd.

  • Xian ZHANG, Bingxing YI and Xiaoyu LIU, Administrative Centre for China’s Agenda 21 (ACCA21) Xian ZHANG, Bingxing YI and Xiaoyu LIU, Administrative Centre for China’s Agenda 21 (ACCA21)

  • Geraint FENG, Deputy Head, Clean-tech Transfer Division, TEDA Eco Center

  • Megan YU, External Relations Manager, Institute of Sustainable Communities China

  • Yonghai CHEN, Partner & Designer, Umore Consulting Ltd.

  • Junkai ZHOU, Project Manager, Export-Import Bank of China (Hunan Branch)

  • Yunyun PENG, International Cooperation Department, China Development Bank (Hunan Branch)

  • Jana Corrina Gorski, Cluster Portfolio Manager for Sustainable Urbanisation, Transportation, Energy, GIZ

  • Raymond Hoe, Director, Scott Brownrigg

  • Lerwen LIU, Senior Advisor, King Mongut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), Thailand

  • Tarun Tayal, Additional General Manager, Energy Efficiency Services

  • Juntao ZHANG, Deputy Secretary General, Alliance of Carbon Emissions Trading (ACET-CECA) and Michelle WANG, Program Manager, International Copper Association Asia

  • Renato Roldao, Consulting Director, ICF Incorporated

  • Ki-Joon Kim, Principal Transport Specialist, SDCC-TRA, ADB

  • Na Won Kim, Senior Enviromental Specliast, ADB

  • Susumu Yoneoka, Energy Specialist (Smart Grids), and Dan Millison, Consultant, ADB

  • Anupma Jain, Senior Urban Development Specialist, ADB

  • Biao HUANG, Senior Investment Specialist, Private Sector Operations Department, ADB

  • Walter GE, Founder, Green Startups Accelerator

  • Yang LI, Director of Strategy and Consultation, Hunan International LCT Exchange Center

  • Can ZENG, COO, and Kefei LU, Deputy General Manager, Guizhou Tellhow-Treasurecarbon Smart Energy Exchange

  • Yong XU, Director, Innovative Low Carbon Development Center, Hunan (HILCC)

12:30 ~ 14:00Lunch Break
14:00 ~ 16:00Plenary 3: Green Finance: Delivering Projects

This session will invite both public and private financial institutions including multilateral development banks and development finance agencies, commercial banks, and equity funds to share their experience on identifying green projects, and addressing the additional green cost through green finance. Speakers will also discuss key challenges and solutions to balance sustainability and bankability in delivering green projects.

Chair: Andreas Honcamp, Principal Project Manager, Sector Division Urban Development and Mobility East Asia, KfW Development Bank

Green Financing : The Experience of Bangladesh
Dipal Barua, Founder & Chairman, Bright Green Energy Foundation (Bangladesh)

Green Bond Opportunities
Peter Ling-Vannerus, Chief Representative, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (Sweden)

Financing Clean Energy Projects in Malaysia
Ernest Navaratnam, Chief Executive Officer, CENERGI Malaysia

Green Finance by ADB
Biao HUANG, Senior Investment Specialist, Private Sector Operations Department, ADB

Michael WANG, Director, Sustainable investment, Alternatives, Deutsche Asset Management (Hongkong) Limited, DWS
16:00 ~ 16:30Afternoon Break
16:30 ~ 17:30Closing Plenary

Chair: Fan Zhang, Chairman, Innovative Low Carbon Development Center, Hunan

Part 1: Closing Keynote
Shi WANG, Founder and Honorary Chairman of the Board, China Vanke Co., Ltd.

Part 2: Summary and Closing remarks

  • Xiuhong GUO, Deputy Director General, Hunan Provincial Department of Finance

  • Zi TANG, Deputy Director, Development and Reform Commission of Hunan Province

  • Yongping ZHAI, Chief of Energy Sector Group, ADB

18:00 ~ 20:00Dinner
09:00 ~ 12:30Site visit to Sany Group Smart Factory
12:30 ~ 14:00Lunch
14:00 ~ 18:00Site visit to BROAD Group Organic Farm and Mini Sky City (J-57)
18:00 ~ 20:00 Dinner

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